I'll start.
Traditionalist / Alt Right
>mediterranean white
>Fedora 24/MacBook
>78k / annually
>four plate bench press
>only three real friends
I'll start.
Traditionalist / Alt Right
>mediterranean white
>Fedora 24/MacBook
>78k / annually
>four plate bench press
>only three real friends
Other urls found in this thread:
Globalist/ neo-liberal
>All grey at 30/ Thinkpad
>130K salary for work, multi-million trust fund
>Wife and 2 sons
I'll bite
>Filipino (I have a white skin...)
>Samsung computer?
>0$ per sec
>don't workout
>no real friends
Probably destined to die alone. I'm afraid to approach people because they are capable of humiliating me in public.
>Catholic Monarchist
>200 pounds
>Mixed Race
>Calisthenics three times a week, used to deadlift 290 pounds for 1RM
>Making shit money but I'm building a portfolio
>Living with parents
>Spend my time reading
>Have the opportunity to fuck some broads but want to stay celibate (not a virgin, though)
Esoteric National Socialist / Evola
white, half nordic half Italian
>Former military
>bachelor degree in world history
>engaged to an awesome lady
>my friends are all a bunch of stormfags
good job user. I'm former mil too... was only an average soldier though
pretty sure Evola would approve of your admixture
>implying they don't have your information already
join the military mang
Faggot thread
>I like Pepe so i guess Alt-right
>No friends
White nationalist
>regular white
>5'9 manlet master race
>college student
>five plate bench press
>one friend and he's voting for Hillary Clinton and thinks Trump is broke and running for president because he owes money to the Russians. He actually watches msnbc. I don't know if I'll be able to remain friends with him much longer
Libertarian/muh market
>"white" mestizo/Jewish Iberian surname
>7000 dollars annually by doing nothing
>Electrical engineer diploma
>Don't work out
>one drinking friend
why do people care about these threads?
>heritage threads
>23 and me threads
this isnt your personal blog gtfo off my board
Traditionalist/Christian (Lutheran)
>White (Germanic heritage)
>Green Eyes
>Shitty life style
>350 pounds (I know)
>Live alone
>Security guard
>32,000 a year
found the shitskin
What are you guarding? Cheese bread?
>Alt right
Stopped reading right there. You kids need to find your own board. We're nationalists here.
Nah, they wouldn't trust me.
I guard a supermarket on the shitty side of town. Christmas time I regularly stop muggings.
Nationalist Socialist
>kissless virgin
*wife's two sons
There, fixed that sentence for you, friend.
lose weight you piece of shit. It's honestly not hard to do.
7 foot tall chef at Wendy's making 400k per year and a 12" cock(girth)
Is this nigger hour on Sup Forums?
Riff Raff is a filthy fucking kike tare mongrel. Fucking serpent.
>350lb bp 1rm
>mechE degree
>programs in Java and C
>has experience in carpentry, ironwork and electrical work
>submissive, sweet wife
The alt right is white nationalism. Anyone who tells you different is a retard
Down from 375. I'm glad you're concerned about me faggot.
lol fuck you for being fat. Lose the lard, lad.
>23 white male
>got a couple girls to bang, mainly my bottom bitch
Can't complain
>mediterranean white
>can poop less than 3 times a week if required
you're going to have serious heart problems. and your obesity is permanent. have fun
One is adopted. Judging by the one that isn't, it's probably for the best. As a condition of our marriage I made damn sure the boy's dad had zero rights.
>Alt right is white nationalism
>Jews,homos,and e-celebs make up this meme
Keep trying.
Hey fellas, alt-right shitlord here (check these dubs, you homosexual!)
Can you guys be a little more specific with your stats, desu pepe?
Maybe post some 1337 assassination plans or something for the LULZ
That would be pretty choice and definitely top keks,
You should link some right-wing facebook pages too
I am.
You really adopted a kid? Why? Is it white?
That's not the alt right.
135 lbs
White Hispanic
42k yearly
Lecherous dog
>mixed black /asian
>open relationship
>do hot yoga three times a week
>oviporous vegetarian
Marxist/radical leftist
>Fedora Lenovo gaming laptop
>20k annually but I'm in school
>Three plate bench press
>Newly single
>Gaelic Celt
>185 lbs
>carpentery and home remodeling
>watch way to much anime
>once squatted 260+ lb friend on shoulders ATG for reps
>kiss less hand holdless virgin
Wait. Are you trying to trigger me?
>6'3 180lbs
>Christian (Lutheran)
>5 year old toaster pc
>balding but can still hide it, kind of
>I love Asuka
>spend all my money on Japanese collectables
>my prized possessions are my Satsuki, Ryuuko, and Asuka figmas.
>1 serious gf ever, now single
>Sometimes game on a PS4
>I actually bought Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
>I hope I just don't wake up one of these days.
everyone is seriously interested in your dick size for various reasons, user
Isolationist/Liberal (as in the european kind) nationalist
>White, blond hair and blue-eyed
>DUDE WEED LMAO 23/Gaymer desktop pc
>44k anually working a comfy job for the finance ministry
>Playing soccer and reading
Democrat (Hill Shill), militarist, globalist, tax and spend
>bachelor liberal arts (kek)
>no friends
>crippled and in a wheelchair
Which 4 plates, fatass?
To be clear, he is my wife's biological son.
Fundamentalist / Islamist
>Lubuntu & Windows 7 dual boot / Toshiba Sattelite laptop
> ~60k / annually
>Runs 8 km 6 days per week
>Married & kids. Have many acquaintances, no close friends
how much in student loans, user
45s or as we call them twenties
No. Why, are you? Don't say its because I'm mixed race either.
black / asian is an uncommon mix
wtf you're everything I hate.
U mad my Philippino mom got BLACKED?
A bad amount.
4 plates bench?
On each side?
ctrl+f "chef at wendy's"
thank you australia, you never let me down
Stop playing videogames and watching anime shit, you useless retard. The media you consume shapes you.
If it makes you feel better I'm not a super strict vegetarian. I can't help myself when my mom makes lumpia
yeah 405lb 1rm
(barrel chested mediterranean genes)
>178 cm
>want to live in a sailboat
>run 10km every morning
>extremely cynical, try to act apolitical but is a closet anarchist/primitivist
>doing masters degree in psychobiology
>Ougi is best girl
Paleoconservative / Deist
>Half white half spic
>6'2" w/ 7.5 incher ladies
>Brown hair and beard at 29 / who gives a shit about laptop
>150K annually
>/fit/ -- lift and cardio 4 days a week
>7 people I'd consider close friends
Moderate, Leaning Conservative
>russian husband
>1 daughter
>works at jew bank, 120k
>most friends are asian women
>dislikes niggers, whites and spics
>cheats on dumb white husband with other asian men daily
>raised daughter to oblige to asian culture, speak fluent chinese and hang out with other smart asians, constantly reminding her being part white doesn't obligate her to the advantages of full whites and that she should marry a white man just to kill of their bloodstream since their are tons of chinks left
Ever heard of profiling and data collecting..
Don't give out your stats you fucking retards
British/Indian(feathernigger) mix
Balding 28/Toshiba
50k annually
Spinal Deformity
Forever alone
Catholic Raised/ Alt-Right
>6'3 lanky
> Mini ITX cube that I fit a lot of nice things so it goes fast
>live with qt chubs memeuzeulan gf and fat cat
>work as an independent tech for my pop's now 2 man business
>vape and drive a WRX (certified pussy wrecking ball)
>low energy guy
>like shooting guns
>watch chinese cartoons with said qt
>eat her bad cooking and regret that I was to lazy to cook
>hair: THICC
National Socialist
>Nordic White
>Windows 10/Tails
>50k / annually
>What the fuck is a bench press?
>Three real friends
Additional facts:
Avid shooter (hunter and sports-shooter)
Veteran Sup Forums shit poster.
data profiling usually means massive corporations digesting hundreds of gigabytes of your purchasing history, internet, and location history
not a shitty Sup Forums where half of the answers will be completely fake
riff raff is a king troll literally taking money from niggers by making fun of them
College dropout
Haven't fucked in 3-4mo but fingered a qt a few days ago
1 IRL friend, 3-5 old ones I text
325 bench (w/ pause)
405 squat (ass to grass nignog)
Race Realist, Libertarian
>Celtic-Mediterranean White
>Christian Agnostic / 28 / HP All-in-One
>24k / annually
>At least 10 good friends I can rely upon for tough shit, and several dozen more acquaintances
>four plate bench press
Unless you mean four TOTAL plates and not four on each side, you're so full of shit. Fucking leaf.
wop dago guinee lol
I've been going to the gym for 7 years straight
national capitalist
>french / dutch
>5'10", 210 lbs
>debian 8, thinkpad (t420)
>grocery bagger, ~$21k after taxes
>a couple good friends
ITT: everyone benches lmao 4pl8 and earns 300k starting
Proof or bullshit
>Mediterranean white (Greek)
>27, gay male
>Grad student (EEB)
>About 3 very close friends, and a 4-year LTR with current boyfriend.
Give me a break, leaf. Nobody can lift that at 70 something kg unless they're taking insane amount of roids.
>Lying to try to gain approval on a Vietnamese basket-weaving board.
Nativist Nationalist
>26 pseudo normie/ PC
>$80K EE
>some friends
Why am I not surprised?
Just following politics for memes / I don't care, I like chaos as long as I survive
>deist 24
>unemployed/leeching dad's estates
>no friends
Of course you aren't surprised, we're all products of our circumstances. Just by virtue of being gay, I was going to have a much higher likelihood of developing left-leaning politics. And it turns out I didn't end up an exception to that rule. It is what it is, I guess.
I'm also an atheist. Surprised? No? Didn't think so.
Mosleyite Fascist
>red hair
>uc berkeley
>finance/business admin
I think being a 27 year old grad student correlates with leftism better than faggotry user
Good one
Traditionalist / Isolationist
>6 ft
>Using custom PC
>about 110k annual
>Not sure what I bench I workout infrequently
>healthy amount of friends
all shit-tier other than that bench (and height), god damn you almost bench my squat
>Some HP thing I bought second hand and just fix when things break on it
>About $250 a month
>don't workout
>one friend
It might, but I think that's unfair to conservatives. You guys can be scientists too!
your taproot in eden has been cut.
how is living in Ukraine at the moment, is it hard?
it is always hard
>with fucking meat
Get outa here you trash. You deserve to be American. You're so trash.
Traditionalist / Alt Right
>Built Desktop, MacBook
>100k/ annually
>Balkan+Central European mutt
>studying full-time
>1.5 plate bench
>3 to 4 real friends, lot of drinking buddies, decent amount of hoes
generally content with my life
he meant 4 25lb plates