I'm into 4 eps into s1, someone spoiler me pls. Will there be an epiphany where all these pieces fall into their place, or will it remain this pseudo intellectual shit fest? I had high expectations and all I got so far is baiting that some sinister motives are lurking in the shadows.
Watch the fucking show you autist.
Mcpoyle is ed harris. This is what you get for coming on here instead of continuing to watch kino.
MiB's name was McPoyle?
show me incentives to do so
don't understand, please elaborate
Unreliable narrator
Everything will make sense when they explain the shrink ray
Dude. Leave now.
Ep 5, 6 7 will continue in the same way. Last 3 eps are great. The 1hr 30min finale explains evertyhing.
This is still the best and most underappreciated Sup Forums meme.
Why do so many fucking people act like Google doesn't exist?
I'd say things come together satisfactorily, you might see a few things coming and no one likes Maeve's storyline but it's worth watching.
>using google
The negress actually has a reason for being so overpowered. It's a dumb reason and there's no way it makes up for some of the shit she does, but there is a reason.
Did it every explain why all the prostitutes were ugly horse-faced fucks and weedy niggers that look like they were on meth?
There will be an epiphany.
Black lady's parts get boring but show picks up near the end.
Because those are the shit-tier hookers reversed for the betas who stay in Sweetwater
If you want the quality whores then you ride out to Pariah, you gotta earn it
the whores were the first bots they created and they wanted them to look autenthic
I prefer this theory.
Don't forget discount Diago Luna dual wielding p90s. Seriously though OP if you're still in this thread fuck you McPoyle is a young Ed Harris. Evan Rachel "FUCK YOU BEN AFFLECK REEEEEE" Wood is experiencing her "lifes" memories all at once or some shit. She is an unreliable narrator of sorts ala fight club or the mainstream media
There's a shitload of twists that will ruin the show if you know them.
This is all true but bernard and anthony hopkins give amazing and i mean AMAZING performances. All those talks about consciousness and bernards memories etc. So good.
coz you a pleb failing the filter, it is shallow low iq pandering
Rachel Evan Wood can't act.
The shrinkray is a meme maymay, this needs to stop
This show does not need a second season. It ended perfectly
This show was absolute trash, the finale was a fucking travesty, Hopkins has his character killed off because he could see this show was a sinking ship, and everyone who says otherwise is a fucking superpleb.
*shrinks your post*
>and everyone who says otherwise is a fucking superpleb.
I didn't doubt, even for a second, he would die during the season, he pops so many deathflags from the moment he starts talking about his last project.
The twist is they did major rewrites halfway through the season and the show is a massive waste of time. Fast forward through every scene that doesn't have Dolores or Snekfu in it.
>fastforward anything that doesn't have Delores or snek
So miss MIB and Hopkins? Fucking idiot
Black bitch ruins it, last few eps are lacklustre and the finale was so underwhelming, show discussion literally halted the day after it aired.
Not here it didn't, it was a bit annoying we predicted literally everything, a single unanticipated twist would've been nice, but eh it was still fun watching it play out
>he could see this show was a sinking ship
maybe you mean shrinking
Fuck off Carlos, keep your filthy mitts off shrink theorem
A glass dome the size of westworld would shatter under its own weight. Shrink ray is the only way.
>single unanticipated twist would've been nice
y u no shrinkray¿
Not much of a reveal when they showed us Ep 1 in the first ten minutes
It gets worse from there as in it slows down.
lol if you think its bad it gets worse the first 3-4 episodes was where its at.
Last ep explains everything fgt
It comes together the black chick has a boring story that might pick up in the second season. Everyone else is alright. Anthony Hopkins and Jeffery Wright are fucking gold. Get the fuck out of here before you get spoiled I dont know how you have not already.
The only hint I can give you is that if you're used to themes like the ones that are in the following movies (among others) then you're probably going to be underwhelmed by the show:
>The Matrix
>Ex Machina
>Ghost In The Shell (1995)
The twist at the end was nice though.