How do we fix feminist?
How do we fix feminist?
we can't let them burn themself by rapefugee or niggers
We need raiding parties to go around
Or a war
Put babies in them.
>free the nipple sticker
on her nipples
where's the logic?
>why am I even asking?
Give them husbands.
savage rape
that's what they want
and they're taking their tops off now because we haven't taken the hint
>How do we fix feminist?
That's like looking at someone who's just been beheaded and saying "How do we fix this".
It's like accidentally launching a rocket into the sun and thinking you can fix it.
They can't be fixed, they're a lost damn brainwashed Jew cause.
and I approve this message
in america women's nipples are considered as "obscene" as a vaginal closeup printed on a billboard with no accompanying text
Sharia law
Why the fuck even immigrate here any more. I bet your ass her parents worked their ass off to make it here from whatever rice field slum they came from only for their daughter to become a full fledged spolied cultural Marxist sjw feminist waste. Seriously Ive seen it numerous times with korean/japanese girls i grew up with.
whoa had no idea tay tay was redpilled!
My wife used to be a feminist, socialist that didn't want kids. She's still opinionated and tough, ten times the practical feminist than all these SJWs... But once she got properly dicked, married and impregnated, she learned that being a smug leftist shit was harmful to society and that other things mattered a lot more than perceptions of inequality.
Divide and conquer.
Shame the "bad" intolerant feminists and raise up the "good" feminists as examples of what women ought to be.
Start portraying anti-feminist affiliated women as ideal feminists, make conservative values synonymous with "good" feminism. As the lens shifts, women will see SJWs the same way the left sees Stalinists and Maoists.
In my experience most feminist, SJW gooks are the children of wealthy, aristocratic Asian immigrants, not illiterate rice-paddy peasants
By giving them what they want
we fucked up...we really did fuck up. she woken up to see that man is NOT GOD. She hate man and she hate that God would let MAN fuck her over in the ways WE DID TO HER
>marrying a feminist
I'm not sure how we fix feminism, but I know we can fix women by stopping it.
>muh asians are approved and are immune to sjws:^)
Close all sperm banks.
Repeal the following Amendments: 14th, 15th, 16th, and the 19th.
This would fix so many problems.
Provide concrete evidence that neo-liberal feminism is doing more harm to women because no man is going to want them?
Take back the government, strip the rights cucks (no need to kill them, they won't breed), strip the rights of women, make further egalitarian talk punishable by death. Problem solved.
Why is it always SE Asians that become the SJWs?
Western women are Western women, user. I make no distinction by race. Foreign women are pretty based.
This is what I did with my wife
>Met her last year of highschool
>She was a hardcore progressive, hated the oil sands, hated conservatives, hated white men although the whole "you're a white male!!!!" trend wasn't around yet
>Really beautiful in a traditional no makeup way and even when she wore makeup she still looked wholesome
>Big tits
>Argue with her all class about how stupid liberals were and how stupid renewable energy is
>Find out she's actually a lot more libertarian minded than I originally thought
>She's the only girl that ever challenged me and the only girl that ever looked me in the eyes
>Oh fug I love her
>Start dating somehow
>Slowly she starts being more and more rational
>She's goes full nazi Sup Forums for a year and hates jews
>Get married
>Get her pregnant
>Motherhood makes her mellow the fuck out and now shes a libertarian capitalist.
>Hates Muslims
>Is staying at home with our children and loves being a traditional wife
>Foreign women are pretty based.
And they are such because the culture is dominated by men. Forgot to declare that.
I want some of that pristine asian pussy
They're the niggers of asia
We let them rot and use their miserable ends as an exemplary warning.
That's not even a 5/10 Asian but I agree, I'd fuck her too kek.
because none of them have any culture whatsoever so they have to force other countries to have none as well.
Your story would be great if you didn't try to imply libertarian is any better than being a libcuck.
Damn, if she wasn't a feminist, she would ride my carousel all fucking day.
Literally giving them what they want
"Muh traditional Asian women!"
Came here to shitpost exactly this.
Proper Canadian dick game can do the world wonders. No cucks allowed.
Pic related - I will culturally enrich.
taming of the shrew
you take that bitch and freeblast her pussy while you fuck her into the ground
50% massive inferiority complexes/being jealous of white people and 50% childish rebellion against the highly conservative culture that they were raised in
It's better than being a crazy radfem and I'm not finished yet. I'll get her to an acceptable place.
Try saying that to her face.
Truth is, she's the only woman whoever gave you the time of day.
I'm so jealous of you guys, you have so many asian people while Austria on the other hand barely has any at all. Please dedicate one fuck to your austrian fellow from Sup Forums.
With my throbbing cock
This, people talk about how feminine and submissive Asian, Eastern European and Muslim women are but they don't realise that those women all usually turn to shit as soon as they leave their partriarchal homeland and move to Western countries
i have an enormous hard on
To be fair, she looks southeast Asian. Those people don't exactly have a good culture. Other Asians are alright.
Why always the ugly ones want to undress...
A perfectly valid reason to fuck a feminist girl but not really enough to justify making her the mother of your children
Sadly, Feminism will be defeat. I say sadly, because that's only going to happened once feminism (along with other forms of Social Marxism) has become norm and has already run society into the ground.
Hughmungus what?
I used to think of myself as a kind and loving person, but after years of working retail in the ghetto (I got out, don't worry) and having to deal with a 90% female workforce at my office I just can't fucking stand the bullshit anymore and have become full Sup Forumstard.
>These couple of women at work are living proof that women are just grown-up children
>Completely incapable of rational thought, everything has to be "muh children" or "but I's be's a wimminz"
>Example so I don't sound like that much of a faggot
>Couple weeks ago got into argument with woman A over immigration
>Explain that we need to stop letting immigrants send massive amounts of money to their families outside of the country
>As someone who does that she gets all pissy and says "well I don't care about this country, I care about my family"
>Fast forward to today
>Talking about how I laughed in someone's face for thinking we need free healthcare
>She says "well we do need free healthcare"
>I say it's a fool's effort, there's too many people in this country, it would be an even worse version of what Canada is going through and would cost an absurd amount that would just get abused by poor people and minorities
>"Yeah but it would be free though"
Looks chink to me.
But it goes back to what I said.
Ugly always compensates by being slutty
Give men control over women. Literally solves multiple problems.
dont be. Its really shitty see none of you faggots know that these asian fuckheads create huge conclaves that are basically little asian only cities. I used to live in LA right in Alhambra and that fucking place is all asian shit most signs and businesses are in some asian language and it just keeps growing because none of them want to integrate.
Is that Sexual harrasment?
Ask any Australian, New Zealander or Canadian and they'll all agree that most South East Asians are only one step above niggers, some of the women are cute but other than that you're better off not having any gooks in your country
Rape the more attractive ones repeatedly until they shut up and learn their place. Kill the uggos.
Wait it out. Decadent values can never remain stable for long.
I think louder proponents of MGTOW could do the trick. Of course there are many idiots, but there are far fewer than you would find among MRAs or PUAs. I've seen plenty of MGTOWs putting a lot of effort into analysing why society is falling apart the way it is, I only recently discovered the movement and I found what they had to say quite convincing.
Now of course, feminists aren't going to be convinced by what MGTOWs have to say, appeals to logic almost certainly fail with them, and they're likely to attack these men as woman-haters, to accuse them of having small dicks or being socially retarded and feeling justified in saying that, to them it will be a reaffirmation of the existence of the patriarchy and "this is why we still need feminism"... And everyone on the sidelines will see this knee-jerk reaction. More men will become MGTOW. More women will start thinking "maybe this isn't something we should let happen." If the refugee crisis and BLM continue to escalate, couldn't the white feminists start to see the light? Or at least notice how their movement is self-perpetuating to the detriment of the West?
It's a risky strategy though. There's every chance it could backfire.
>free the nipple
>covers her nipples in stickers
>Decadent values can never remain stable for long
morality has been on the decline since the 60's and 70's. it's only gotten worse
>free the nipple
fucking yes that would be awesome. why the fuck would you want to fix that? i have never even seen a girl naked irl and i am 19. plz free the nipple holy fuck
"Make Love not Warr"
Japs and South Koreans are what you should look for if you want wife material.
Southeast Asian women are degenerate as fuck (Note: Most Asian porn stars).
That's not long on a historical timescale. We were still decadents in the '60s. When things get really bad, survival values will kick back in.
It's already starting slowly, I think.
>How do we fix feminist?
Tell them to drop the civilization destroying crap or put bullets in their leaders heads.
I'm seriously sick of western women. They are going to destroy us all.
If we do all lose, I at least feel good In knowing the Blacks and Muslims will absolutely dominate them and turn them in to cattle.
Only then will they realise they were in the wrong and just how good they had life when white males ruled the west.
rape her, but really give it to her good until she has an orgasm, then kiss her passionately to reinvigorate her innate femininity
not going to lie
I think its a shit test of epic proportions and they really want to fuck the most powerful people in really screwed up fetishes
they never got any attention in high school, the other girls made fun of them
if they get fucked by a chad they will be happy
the free the nipple campaign is a desperate ploy to get noticed
alos, lesbians are lesbians because they don't believe real men exist any more, and they will not settle for betas or Alpha negative, only alpha positive
Natural selection has given women lots of energy to take care of babies. Married women with children are almost never feminists because they're too busy taking care of their family to care about SJW nonsense, by contrast fat, ugly women are usually single and childless and thus have lots of energy and bitterness to put towards doing all sorts of stupid shit like browsing tumblr and protesting at Slutwalks
Turn women back into property.
I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but it's really your fault for not listening to every leader of every nation that's ever existed and been worth shit up until the past century.
>not long on a historical timescale
i'm aware. but obviously would like the turnaround to be within my lifetime.
day by day this seems more and more improbable though
It's been on the decline since 1945. The world was signed over to the (((establishment))) in this year.
Gas the kikes
and if they remain unmarried they realize their only way of reaffirming their femenity is to have children
so they change they strategy
because they don't want to become a tranny
otherwise they believe they have no place in the world because in a law of the jungle/ anarchy situation, men will physically domonate
>wants to be dominated by alpha plus
>is gamma (has nothing to offer)
>too much ego to work to become alpha
Such is life, constant dissatisfaction
Introducing a simple consept that they desperatly crave in regards to freedom: Skepticism.
Actually start questioning the method, idea, outcome, end results.
This is what pisses libfeminazis off when conservative fems pop up, cus they're so fucking tribal-binded.
It was handed over long before then. By the 1900's, pretty much all of the Western nations had (((centralized banks))), coincidentally, that's around the time Marxist principles started to emerge. Government no longer had fiscal responsibility due to fiat currency, therefore politicians were better able to buy votes.
Women would rather die alone than "marry down" for example 95% of female doctors marry male doctors whereas only 50% of male doctors marry female doctors. As more women are getting university educations and earning high salaries the pool of men that women consider to be "husband material" is shrinking rapidly, because of this if even a small number of highly desirable men(doctors, lawyers ect) become MGTOW and remove themselves from the pool of potential husbands it could potentially have a drastic effect on society
What is this plus minus bullshit for alphaness
>asian women enjoy a good status in america despite ugliness because of traditional values
>become crazed feminazis
all conflict on this planet in founded in what you at and who you fuck and alpha positives ability to legitimize his control over land where resources are found and women are allowed to exist and use those resource sin exchange for sex/ family which gives more human capitol to use
and then at some point the family grew large enough the settled down to farm, and then everything changed
everything else is a way to distribute women so betas don't rise up
western religion tries to do 1:1 ratio
Keep in mind Bonobos live in the jungle and yet they have a matriarchal society where females use psychological manipulation and sex to control the physically stronger males
give them what they claim they want: TOTAL equality.
...then watch them return to the kitchen with their tits between their legs.
the jungle is not ideal for growing strong
access to meat, solid farming allows men to grow
I think by "alpha negative" he is referring to degenerate douchebags that get laid a lot, but don't contribute anything to society than the spread of STD's and single motherhood.
A true alpha has greater human capital, natural leader. and has his discernment for what he chooses to dip his cock into because he can get any woman he wants.
also, they crossed the land bridge at one point
there was time where simply people ran away into the great world with their bitch/s and famliy to get away from alpha positive, thus becoming their own alpha positive
Hey OP someone should bash that stupid bitches head in untill she is in a coma
Hate Speech most certainly is free speech this gook needs her eyes widened.
If feminists got everything they wanted they'd be lined up against a wall and shot at the end.
Proper dickings.
Feminists secretly love to be put in their place. That's why the get so aggressive; they're desperate for cock.