>when a girl says "you need to watch this its so funny!"
What was it bros?
>when a girl says "you need to watch this its so funny!"
What was it bros?
Faces of death 3.mpeg
Really weird Sex after that
>ever having an actual girl say anything to you
y-yeah, that happens all the time h-heh
I don't know any girls.
Idiocracy, turned out to be one of my favorite movies!
The Heathers. She was right.
a youtube video of some guy narrating satirically about octopuses
>a gay black comedian/cabriteurâ„¢
>shitty jokes
Eh hehee~ yeah that's funny
That black woman who comments on game of thrones.
>links to Sup Forums img
thanks irc girl
>tfw a girl once invited me over to watch Sex and the City
>tfw I didn't pick up on the signal
Never happened to me
>gf wanted to watch sex and the city
>i watched like half an episode and said this is fucking retarded and we had a nice big fight over it
it was fucking retarded
why would i wanna watch a show about cheating drunken sluts? i was 18 and she was a cheating drunken slut
Old hardly working and Jake and amir are GOAT
fuck off paige i dont wanna fuck you anymore
fuck off normie
Sausage party.
>user, Bo Burnham is soooooooooooo funny. Listen to this song! haha xD
Every comedy ever.
I don't watch comedies.
Fuck the girl and fuck the movie.
Not physically or literally, just in a derogatory meaning.
>What was it bros?
It's usually something that I seen about 2-3 years ago, that I maybe had a slight smirk at, at the time.
>a girl says "you need to watch this its so funny!"
>next day explain why this is stupid and pleb-tier shit
>newer talks to me again
I am so fucking autistic
This. everytime i think a girl is cool she sends me an asston of filthy frank and h3h3 videos and quotes them constantly and then i cant get hard
>date night
>I asked if she knew lynch
>she didn't
>dropped the ho
I don't fuck around with pleb thots tbqh squad
Things the gf has said this about, off the top of my head
-epic meal time
-how to basic
-Rick and morty
she's a bit of a pleb but also has pretty decent taste in movies and music so I keep her around
My penis
Things that never happened.
I'd did happen, the twist is she's cute and I'm autistic and still alone
Girl was singing this when I first met her. She was cute and had big tits so I racked my brains for quotes from this terrible video from six years ago
Get out normie.
Swiss Army Man
>charlie bit my finger
Rick and Morty, it's shit.
send me your girls, bro
Some TV show with the fat faggot who hosts what used to be the Craig Ferguson show or whatever.
Fucking god I had to sit through that shit multiple times just so I could bang the life out of her afterwards.
My girlfriend once told me that I should watch New Girl since it's really fun.
She was right, especially if you want to watch a live action show about a cute girl doing cute stuff.
>millions of people laughed at charlie bit my finger
true, only time I watched shit for girls and enjoyed it personally. watching new girl also gets you massive lady points. it's the only
>do feminine thing so women like you
that actually works
Some shitty comedian like Dave Chapelle
>>What was it bros?
I don't know, she showed the guy instead of telling him
I don't remember. I made her watch My Little Pony instead.
Sounds like a keeper desu
Salad Fingers. Why do weird girls always have a shit sense of humor while weird guys have a refined one?
movie 43
White Chicks.
Archer for me. It's alright I guess but gets repetitive real quick
James Corden? I fucking hate that spineless, smarmy fat hack
when society tells me men and women are the same i will show them this video and remind them of their hubris against god
>Why do weird girls always have a shit sense of humor while weird guys have a refined one?
Most "weird" girls are vain, histrionic fools largely just putting on an act which they think is cool or unique. Weird guys tend to be literally weird due to autism and other mental characteristics - making them cut off from society which in turn festers internal, focused and specific solitary interests
People don't recommend me movies because the fear the judgment of my superior taste. But once I made my dad watch Guardians of the Galaxy and he cringed hard.
girls don't talk to me, you fucking normalfag
People perceive you have superior taste despite you going around recommending Redditors of the Galaxy?
>any girl other than my mom talking to me
get OUT
>Weird guys tend to be literally weird due to autism and other mental characteristics - making them cut off from society which in turn festers internal, focused and specific solitary interests
My hobby is making stupid jokes on the internet. I've been doing it for like 15 years now, going back to somethingawful.
I just enjoy talking shit. In real life I'm an intelligent lawyer, but it's only fun watching people lose. Being a lawyer is so boring and whitebread...
Why did I get the worst autism hobby? Shitposting can't be a real hobby
these hit a little too close to home
gf loves h3h3 and female friend love bo burnham
I feel you shitposting is a better hobby than being another asshole who plays golf or surfs. And if your shitposts are truly funny then you are bringing a small amount of joy to other people
>never even talked to a girl that wasn't a relative
how fucking weird are you anons?
They only perceive me. I mostly throw contrarian comments at the movies they like and rec obscure kinos that I know they won't watch (me neither).
30 year old virgin
What the fuck was that bitch insinuating?
You shut your god damn mouth, nigger.
modern girly social media comedy seems to consist completely of a half-cute girls doing "unattractive" things. Like that jenna marbles whatever that has made a living putting on make up... THAT LOOKS UGLY xD
or girls wearing clothes.... THAT ARE UGLY xD
pic related, this chick has 93k instagram followers and all she does is post shit like this.
obviously a girl has talked to me at some point in the past
not in the past year or so though you fucking normal SCUM
i shitpost in real life too, just saying things that i know will annoy people
this works best on SJW types cause you can just figure out what they care about and then say something generic that they consider ignorant and watch them fly off the handle
but i do enjoy making people laugh, i guess my parents shouldve given me attention cause ive been a clown for as long as i can remember. i had to learn to be quiet and not make jokes at law school. at least as a lawyer you can banter sometimes which these autists consider to be "networking".
Are you an Armond White acolyte by any chance?
+10 year old youtube memes
I haven't talked to anyone who was not a relative in over a year so I know what you mean, but when I was still around people I had friends, some of them girls.
Big bang theory
Big bang theory
I never even bothered thanks to all the bazingo memes here
>any youtube personality
Blazing Saddles.
Fucking broad city
Your 'tism probably reminded them of Sheldon
Oh God. Fucking this.
Also it's worse for southamericans because the youtube personalities are mostly unfunny spanish speaking carbon copies from even equally unfunny english speaking youtube celebs
Rick and Morty season 3.
Miranda Sings
Fucking awful.
Rick and Morty
>they start showing you "funny" videos on their phone
>you have to choose to pretend to find it funny or to look like a no fun allowed autist
I know. I want to introduce girls to the Marx Brothers, but I'd look like an even bigger autist.
I tell them it's not something i'm interested in seeing and it's not my cup of tea.
My gf wanted me to watch Orange is the New Black and other stupid women shows with her. I just kinda tell her no or suggest something that we'd both like to watch.
Which is weird because I'm autistic in a completely different way
I don't hang around with teenagers so I don't know this feel
Daddy daycare. Tried making moves on her but she insisted on waiting for the movie to finish. Why are they all such plebs?
some of the old stuff is kino
they used to make a lot of decent stuff
>his girlfriend doesnt have good humor
sucks to be you
just started studying psychology at a university (yes yes, meme degree, i know) and there are tons of female students
you'd be surprised how many grills aged 18-24 are really into YouTube people
some youtube video that was a compilation of Vines of some nig making pranks in 3s except the whole video was a least an hour
I thought youtube/twitch celebrity was bad but somehow that was worse
most women don't have a really good sense of humor. I mean a sense of humor is important, but women overall tend to like "Silly" thing while men liked more structured and witty jokes.
Oh yeah she outright told me that, I always got it from normies throughout highschool
>haha dude have you ever seen the big bang theory, omg it's so funny, you remind me of sheldon XD LMAO
> "The" Heathers
It's still pretty good. A girl I know told me to watch it too after I was talking about the musical version. She hates that version but it's got some bangers on the soundtrack.
>meme degree
it's not meme you retard it's for women
holy shit be a man and get a real degree
>it's a girl links you to an obviously fake video she believes to be real episode
>not negging her and saying her sense of humour sucks
user... I don't think you understand this yet... you don't become a not-autist by agreeing with girls bullshit
a video of my life