What did Zack Snyder mean by this?


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Based Snyder reminding us of the christian values

I never leave my basement. Incoming Stone SJW scum

What's the point of watching capeshit nowadays when every single capefaggotery is trash? Last good movie was the bane one.

he deleted the tweet after 1 min...strange

Nothing. Just Zack being a hack as usual.

Can someone share with me some DCEU kino memes. I wanna have a laugh right now.

Sloth is a sin

he really is jesus christ isn't he, its not a meme

Lel has this gotten to this stage already?

I hope Joss' career is ruined

Not in the Bible.

He wants Joss Whedon to be stoned for stealing his movie.

joss whedon passed judgment on people all the time, fuck him.

Wonder Woman was the best out of all of them.

>muh 7 deadly sins
you've been memed kid
probably watching too much anime

Lmao, fuck off Dante.

I love snyder but whedon is a complete cuck that would judge people based on hearsay alone. Fuck him

And you're judging Snyder on a tweet posted to Sup Forums that has since "been deleted." Why would you believe it's real?

Nah, the whole climax was absolutely embarrassing with Prof. Lupin in horrible CGI armour.

He raped his daughter




>be snyder
>sign a multiple movie deal with wb
>make the first one
>people hate it
>make the second one
>people hate it
>start the third one
>people hate it before it's even finished
>have a brilliant idea
>kill your own daughter
>make it look like suicide
>have an excuse to leave production
>have joss finish the movie and take all the blame for it
>convince his ex-wife to talk about his cheating
>that way no one will blame me for anything

bravo zack

It's a fake, morons.

Well the thing is those people believe they ARE without sin.


I'm surprised he came back from the Age of Ultron debacle

is this real?

Based Snyder

Cuckolds like Geoff Johns and Whedon are better fit for Marvel's quipshit garbage.

damn got a source on that false god poster

Wait, I thought the tweet was to show Snyder's solidarity with Joss, not condemn him.

It was. But Sup Forumstards can't be expected to understand basic things like words or sentences.


sold out but you can probs find on ebay


He indirectly condemns Joss' hateful and hypocritical rhetoric over the past decades while reaping all the benefits himself. Whedon is the class definition of a male feminist who does it to score easy pussy. And then he condemns people who are honest about it.

Ripe for a Bane/CIA edit. Drawn, not photoshopped.

He justifies Donald Trump's rapist behavior now? Why do we permit this man to be employable?

Don't worry, he's on his way out for good.

Or, Joss is humble and doesn't brag about being a Pusy Slayer.

So I don't get this myth of the 'humanist fiction author'. What, you just be a career writer and then style yourself to some demographic and that changes your soul into a kind and loving one? I'll write a few short stories now, shit.
>woman is in abusive relationship. Educates herself and learns life means more, leaves her awful husband and lives happily ever after independent.
Am I a feminist now?
>black youth feels pressure from his society to get into violence and drug abuse. At an important moment, feels something inside and remembers his hard working mother, decides to do the right thing and sticks to the straight and narrow with pride for his family.
Am I taking down racism now?
>housecat smartly uses cheese to lure out mice to catch them
Am I a fucking cat lover now?
It's a gig. It doesn't change who you are. Where does Joss get off calling himself a feminist because he made sure Black Widow kicked so much?

thanks user

Isn't this stone casting?


>muh Sup Forums

Snyder is without sin.

>wb hires this guy
>he rapes a bunch of women and children on set
>it ruins the pity points your third movie was gonna get


Honestly cheating isn't a big deal in Hollywood. 95% of relationships break up sooner or later. He'd have to sexually assault someone to be truly finished. Maybe he'll be more quiet about feminism bullshit.

does this get more explicit

Lmao good point

But that pic is still true, you cant expect an edgy atheist like joss whedon to show any Christian values like forgiveness like based Snyder.

If it was the other way around Whedon would keep virtue signaling against "sexism" and "rape"

He didn't rape and kids. The actresses were all over 18 and willing. Fuck, he was so beta he didn't even use the casting couch according to his wife, he only fucked them long AFTER hiring them.

Not really. That webm is the only worthwhile thing out of that shitshow.

>started off so good
>turns into another meh ecchi show



Why isn't Sup Forums side better?

Joss has been casting stones for years. Fuck him and fuck Zak Synder

It's become overwhelmingly clear Joss is still a Disney shill. He purposefully sabotaged his own career in an organized publicity stunt with his ex-wife to end his career, but, more importantly, tank Justice League
Based Joss


It is, you're just rotted by quipshit

didnt snyder drive his daughter to commit suicide?

Underated post.

Detective: We need to know what you did, Mr. Snyder. I'm sure you didnĂ™'t mean for your daughter to take her own life, but we still need to know what you did.
Zack Snyder (takes out toothpick and put it in his mouth): I drive.

DCEU are standard boring blockbusters. Except for Suicide Squid which is just a terrible movie.

But Sup Forums is a cuck board

And MCU isn't? LOL

I really hope wb fires his ass after this. We dont need this cuck shitting up more movies.

wtf my love for Snyder is growing even more

why do we have to be the shitty movie?

delet this

it has it's ups and downs.

> the casting couch according to his wife, he only fucked them long AFTER hiring them.

Why the fuck is he under fire then ?

zack must be aware that his homoerotic movies are a sin

Amy Adams is the only attractive woman in the DCEU

so does the DCEU. SS being the only down so far.

lol Amber Heard is hotter than any woman in capeshit

If DC is Sup Forums, Cyborg should be white and Wonder Woman should be black

bvs was not great. the extended cut was alright, but still only good in parts not as a whole movie.

mos was better than bvs and i haven't seen WW. but i heard positive things, so hald the movies for WB have sucked half are alright.

Amber Heard is not a real redhead
She also a stacy

It doesn't have Suicide Squad. Not that BvS is any good especially near the end. Honestly MCU has such a head start it's difficult to compare the two although I heard WW is actually good.

>Zack "Bros over hoes" Snyder


NuWave Feminism and Militant SJW who go crazy before finishing reading an article. Or are to dumb to understand it.


I don't get it

>She also a stacy
Does this mean she has a hot mom who got it going on?

It's a /r9k/ slang

What makes you think one side is DC and the other Marvel?

Snyder probably voted for Trump too. He doesn't strike me as a hillcuck like whedon or evans

Sup Forums is a white supremacist board. No shitskins allowed.

>wanting to be known more for your shitty politics than your own work
I'll never understand people like Joss.

So that's why he obssesed with Jews
>Snyder = Jew lover
>Raimi = Jew killer

Jesus Christ isn't this post the best example of memes going too far.

From vampire slayer to pusy slayer

I bet Joss voted trump too

You don't say.
The sky is blue.

*hucks a rock at Joss

Two toed masterrace, fuck outta here with your bullshit

I cringed harder at the homoerotic dialogue in TDKR.



Although I can't be bothered to check if the OP tweet is real or not anyway.

>forgetting the green screen cgi shitshow that has been the finale of every DCEU film

>forgetting Ben Affleck's libshit comments on Islam