why didn't the night king throw the spear at drogon who was stationary killing all the important characters and winning the war right then and there?
The dumb king
Why didn't daeny just blow fire at all of them ? They were standing like 50 feet away.
Their only important to you because you watch a television show senpai, to him they're just some more meat bags.
literally /ourguy/
you have to go back
Also how did she fly from Dragonstone to North of the wall in less than an hour? Should have taken at least 6 hours flying at air plane speed.
Also how did renly make it back to east watch in less than an hour when it took them at least a day to get where they were in the first place? Because hes "Fast" ?
Why didnt the retarded cock sucking faggot op post this in one of the other threads?
Also how did a raven make it to daeny almost instantly? A bird flight from East Watch to Dragonstone should have at least a day.
>rushed season
>only 7 episodes
>D and D are shit without GRRM's source
Because the flying dragon was an immediate danger to his army.
OP is a retard.
here's the way I saw it
>they reach the frozen pond in the early afternoon
>Gendry gets to the wall just after sunset
>ravens fly out relatively immediately
>reaches Dragonstone by the next day before noon
>Dany flies Dragons and gets there before sundown
>we have to defend the north from the walkers that'll be here anytime now
>walk 10 minutes north of the wall
>we're just chillin here lol
Because he knew the standing dragon was an extraction vehicle and won't attack him as it flies away. However the flying dragon could easily attack him.
>baka brainlets
Because the Night King is actually just a puppet for future Bran and he knew all the important characters are necessary for his master plan to unite the world.
He's the bad guy, right now the most evil thing he could do is not kill the main characters so this shit show can go on for another season.
he did do that but he missed
Everyone would have seen the spear if you missed. If he missed the shot he took its less likely and he might get a second shot. Also he landed the fuck in the lake to drown it.
Why didn't he throw a barrage of spears at the guys at the lake.
He had hours to kill them and just watched.
4d chess
umm wtf he looks alot like bran in this pic.
bran warged into each of the 3 dragons to make them go faster
The only explanations are
>4D chess and his divination powers knew the dragons were coming
>Ice spears are expensive and these guys aren't worth it, despite standing there for a week looking at them
>Honest mistake :^)
>virgin logic
You will never understand "Chad's faith" kid
i hear that not all drasgons can be zombifie, so he have to kill one that he can rise later
Good guys didn't attack directly him, he returned the favor not attacking directly the good guys
Because they could have burned him as soon as he died.
>4D chess and his divination powers knew the dragons were coming
4D chess in a far simpler way :
>can warg
>captured screams
>NK wargs to see waddup
>sees dude running away
>knows more will probably show up
>lake freezes anyway so why not wait for more bodies to add to my army
the dragon coming was just a bonus
as to why he didn't shoot the one with danny on :
>shoot dany's
>have 2 dragons rip army apart meanwhile
>they get away anyway
by shooting the one dany wasn't on he scared them to gtfo quicker thus saving more of his army and getting basically the same result : a dragon
minus a few (to him ordinary) dudes
who said
just a friend that is a fan, but cannot say if it was true, but it make sense, at least in the books dragons have diferent colors and all, black dragons seem to be always bigger too.
He didn't run, he strode
>Was waiting for perfect shot at the dragon's underside to penetrate its combustion chamber while the thing's breathing fire. Causing combustion chamber to explode, rupturing main artery resulting in instakill.
If he had tried to go for the main dragon it would have been as effective as the big crossbow Bronn shot earlier since he didn't have a clear shot at Drogon's underside which has lighter armoring than anywhere else on the dragon and contains the combustion chamber. Not to mention he would have been target locked by all three dragons and they wouldn't run off scared because he didn't kill one yet. That's why he takes a shot at Drogon once he takes off and barely exposes his underside.
>Sidenote: the so called "Dragon Queen" doesn't have the common sense to put armor on atleast the underside of her dragons because >muh invincible war machines
Dumbass prideful bitch.