Before Emperor Trump got your support, who were you planning on voting for? Were you even planning on voting in the first place?
Who were you going to vote for before Trump happened?
Rand. After Rand spastically attacked Trump over the fucking border control stuff, I lost all my fondness for Rand and went to Trump. Seriously, why must libertarians repeatedly destroy my faith in them?
Seriously, why must libertarian shits ruin everything?
voted for rubio before he became a robot because I didn't want to see iYeb! vs yet another Clinton
I voted for Reagan.
Paul Ryan, but he didn't run.
I was always going to vote for Hillary Clinton. I couldn't miss the chance to vote for the first female Presidentress.
Because you realize that libertarian freedom philosophies don't work in aworld with crappy third world shit holes. They would work great in a all educated freedom loving world.
Rand, then I stopped being a retarded lolbertarian and I went for Carson, now no one.
I'm voting for the candidate with the highest level of victim based virtuosity.
I was pulling for Cruz . I will vote for trump not with my conscience. Ted lost me after his speech.
I was going to vote for either Carson or Rand, but due to my states laws (KY), I have to be registered to the republican or democratic party to vote in a primary even though I've been a registered voter for 4 years and voted in the last presidential cycle, so I didn't vote for anyone then. Trump won me over after Rubio melted down and after yeb! became a spaz.
Trump caught my attention in June/July of 2015, although I didn't really take him seriously until maybe September or October. Before that, I was trying to make up my mind between the democrats. Dare I say, Martin O'Malley?
Prob would have voted for Lubio desu
I voted for Obama in his primary because of Clinton and I was going to vote for anyone over Clinton this time, in both the primary and general.
Rand was my choice as well. I was anticipating his bid since 2014, but when I saw how Trump was sweeping the party early on in august, I switched to Trump because I knew with him in the race, there was no way Rand could gain popular support, and he couldn't win the election via the delegates at the convention like his dad was going to, because of course, they enacted a last minute rule denying Ron Paul his victory.
But, I picked Trump for 2 reasons.
1.) Jeb was going to win otherwise, so the election becomes another "one party" election. Because, everybody knew even that early on that Hillary was going to be declared the nominee.
2.) I knew right away that he was really an independent populist, and somewhat of a paleo-conservative using the republican banner as a vehicle to reach the masses more effectively. He's not a republican, he's an independent, with proposals that republicans are willing to accept. Better to have Trump than the others, because he may actually carry out the will of the people, or at least try his hardest to support the wishes of the American people.
>uses the phrase "emperor trump"
>supported Rand
Lmao, no you didn't
....ever see anyone say Jeb was their guy?
Paul Ryan is such a slimeball career politician. There's just something completely untrustworthy about him.
Trump is a Rothschild agent, just like the Clintons.
Rand Paul was derailed.
Unironically Jeb when he first announced he was running. Just for the lolz of the first American dynasty. then like a day after Trump announced and I inst-switched. I have always loved Donald Trump and wanted him to run for president.
Only retards that are uniformed about politics were surprised that Trump decided to run. the only reason the media acted surprised is because they were genuinely shocked he was running as a "alt-right" Republican and not the good little Dem they thought he would be.
Though of course we all know the irony of Trump being far more Dem than Hillary will ever be. and vice-versa.
Rand Paul was the only other worthy candidate.
But that's literally me.
Jim Webb. Now I am voting American Solidarity Party.
Hm? I call him Emperor Trump occasionally too, and I voted Ron Paul originally and was initially rooting for Rand Paul.
Probably Carson, but he didnt last long due to taking a nap.
The truth desu senpai
I would've been a #CruzMissile. Ted is the ultimate villain and very intelligent. Ted would destroy #MentallyHill in a debate.
Rand. If Rand was currently running he would be up 10 points.
Rand Paul can't fucking argue well and he can hardly deliver a powerful speech. No excitement, no hype, no nothing.
Rand Paul
Back during the Republican primary in 2012 the Ron Paul campaign was pushing for people to get involved in their local Republican party even though they were losing because it would pave the way for Rand in 2016. So it was in the planning stages in some form for years.
He got bulldozed but I'm glad that he went back to the senate and looks safe there. He can be the libertarian-ish conscience which is fine, it would have sucked for him if his career was destroyed like some of the other challengers.
I was going to remove myself from the Republican party and not vote.
I was feeling the Johnson
I wasn't going to vote. I voted Bush twice and he was shit. Then the GOP ran McCancer cheek and got Obama elected. Then they decided they like Obomber as president and ran the only person they could think of that would guarantee him another term. Then they were fronting Jeb Bush pretty hard, and I decided there was no point in voting any more as the Gop just wanted the dems in office forever. Thank God for Trump