What are your opinions on the Big Bang theory?

What are your opinions on the Big Bang theory?


Is sheldon a sneed or a chuck

I unironically enjoyed the first few seasons. They were really comfy with a bunch of friends just hanging out and playing games. Stopped watching when they all started getting girlfriends and the show turned into drama. Same thing with That 70's Show.

>friends, careers, wives and girlfriends

They were normies all along


S1-S4 funnier than 99℅ of the sitcoms

watch more sitcoms before post again

Retarded shit for nomies, as almost every Sup Forums show.

I don't get this "first season of TBBT was good meme" apart from the pilot it was full of BAZOOPALS, NINTENU SIKTEE FUUR and DUM PEENI CAN'T SCIENCE


I'm vaguely aware it still exists.
I mostly miss the greentexts about it.
Nowadays it's too irrelevant to generate any.

Wolowitz used to be a fun character, but now he's simply a vessel for Bernadette's belittling and THE BABY.

In fact, the only character that has stayed true to themselves is the guy who owns the comic book store (don't remember his name, can't be bothered to look it up), everyone has changed; remember how Raj used to be a quiet dork with a pathological inability to speak around women? Sorry schlomo, he's now a suave effeminate ladies man that was forming a harem of white girls before it all came crashing down a couple episodes ago (there was, of course, the transition period when he was a hyper-feminine awkward mess.)

And don't even get me started on the characters of Leonard and Sheldon! The eponymous characters of this show have the lion's share of development which moved in some good directions, but many of them bad; Sheldon for example was flanderized following the success of the first couple seasons, going from "mildly off" to "completely detached from reality" which has only recently begun to change from the gentle ministrations of his girlfriend Amy, a woman that is basically a 3/10 three years away from becoming a Crazy Cat Lady. Gone are the days of Bazinga, now Sheldon merely exists to be Amy's project, existing in that purgatory between "total monster" and "kinda normal." In other words, Amy is trying to change Sheldon back into Season 1-2 Sheldon.

I like Bernadette

>Gone are the days of Bazinga

As we all know, Penny was the goal, the end-game, the woman that provided Leonard with a "way out," to become a Normie and finally fit in with the rest of the Normies watching the show. From the very beginning we could tell she was meant to be "yet another beautiful woman." She was a Midwestern farm-girl who moved to California on the hopes of "making it big," finding herself struggling to become an actress as she worked at a Cheesecake Factory. Her dreams were raw, her passion was undeniable, and it was because of this Leonard fell head over heels in love with her.

The early seasons were entirely about trying to get that mythical unicorn that was Penny, a pursuit that saw the gang encounter everything from manipulative whores to asshole boyfriends. Penny did not come out of this unchanged, of course; she was still an aspiring actress, but she began to take on Le Nerd mannerisms; she would come over to eat, display amusement at the wild antics of the gang (in fact, as you would note the camera often pans over to Penny laughing at the joke, breaking the 4th wall and allowing the Audience the knowledge that was a big funny.) She was turning into, in her own way, one of them.

And then it happened, the moment of truth. The Big Bang. Leonard asked Penny out, and she said yes. The show was entering the end-game, and as I stated before the producers realized they were losing their cash cow.

People say I'm like sheldon IRL so I hate it.

Good show. The people most triggered by it are those it's mocking

The producers realized they needed to give the cast girlfriends, a way to sustain the show and keep it going; Wolowitz was a testbed for Bernadette, and while it lasted a season the character arc was painfully short. Raj was an even bigger failure, dating the redheaded Voice of Reason for a season before becoming flanderized into a vapid lady's man. It was in Sheldon they found hope, it was in Sheldon they found Amy and the long climb to Normie.

And so the producers, safe with Sheldon's ability to continue the show, allowed the relationship to run it's course; Penny broke up with Leonard for one last fuck-fest with her bull Chad and then got back together with Leonard for good. This is, ironically the Nadir of her character; she had an identity crisis as her actress career was well and truly killed, and it took the desperate asspull of Bernadette "knowing a guy" that Penny got a hyper-successful career in Pharmaceutical Sales. She eloped with Leonard to Las Vegas, where they got married in an episode extravaganza that had the whole cast (and hanger-ons) visit. What a time! This had all the markings of a Series Finale, but it wasn't. The show continued, only now Penny (now the slut that settled) was married to Leonard and no longer important. She went from the focus to "yet another character", just another woman in the gang.

The Big Bang Theory was no longer about the Big Bang, the show had well and truly lost sight of what it was in exchange for the whacky antics of an autistic man-child and his frumpy girlfriend. Leonard had lost his position as the protagonist, Penny had lost her importance to the plot, and now Sheldon was the true and undisputed king of the series.

And that, my friends, is the greatest Bazinga of all.

Yeah, I agree with this.
The earlier season's episodes were all based around nerdy men doing nerdy things, and the show revolved around their hobbies and the pitfalls of the lifestyle.
The later season's episodes were all about typical relationship, sitcom TV drama, and they happened to be nerdy.

People that watch shows with laugh tracks should have their eyeballs removed with an ice cream scoop.


They became normies when women started getting antsy at the fact these funny men weren't getting girlfriends.

>No pocket sized blonde nasally MOMMY Jewess wife

It spawned this, so whether it is good/funny or not is irrelevant. It will forever be inexcusable.

Is this pasta or some Reddit essay?

"Being a smart nerd with degrees and such is just wrong. You just need to be a retarded normie!"
That's the show's motto, so normies can feel better about being ignorants. Of course, it's a show for normies, so I don't see anything wrong with it. They just pander their audience, it's just their job.

There was also friends doing fun things together. I liked the characters because they weren't typical sitcom friends, they had some major flaws that ostracized them and made them relatable.

It's pasta I wrote a year ago.

>they had some major flaws that ostracized them and made them relatable.



oh my god

The characters are boring apart from Sheldon who is cringe worthy and the jokes are fucking dreadful and character chemistry is not really note worthy. I get the feeling the actors who play Penny, The Jew and Indian mute don't want to be there

>I liked the characters because they weren't typical sitcom friends, they had some major flaws that ostracized them and made them relatable.

except that's LITERALLY the same gimmick as the show Friends -- they were all weirdos who embarrassed themselves in social situations, but persevered regardless.

>they were all weirdos

This pretty much.

What the fuck are you talking about, they ruined Stewart, he's unbearable now.
He used to be king of the nerds, r even went out with penny in one episode. in his comic store he would just insult his customers, now he's just another sad and lonely guy except he's sickly too

Everyone in Friend's was quirky or anal, that's normie weird

Not pocket sized

Bernadette >>>>>>>>>>>> Penny

Why did they insist Bernadette's actress put on that awful, high-pitched voice?

All the men in TBBT are turbolets so that doesn't count

>That episode where Howard meets Bernadette's ex-boyfriend
>mfw he's a 6'2 handsome, cultured professor with a big dick
>mfw Howard's anxiety towards being compared to that is played off as humorous

Yeah, how dare a man get stressed at knowing your fiance had an objectively "better man" in her past.


Jesus, is that photoshopped?

it's absolutely real, newfag

I think she's normally tit-to-face with most guys. She's a big girl

same reason leonard speaks nasally, because it's a quirk they added to make them seem geeky/nerdy

Amy > Raj > Howard > Bernadette > Leonard > Stuart > Penny > Sheldon
Dispute this.

that's a shitty ranking yo

None of the people in that picture are human prove me wrong.

Then what isn't?

Anything to distract from her actually being a cute little titcow

this. especially after Raj able to talk to girls

Actually, he's a 6'7" ex NBA player. Howard had no chance.