I had an argument with my father today about the existence of Palestine...

I had an argument with my father today about the existence of Palestine. I said that what should be done is set up the borders between the two countries as they were in 1967, and set up a wall on the border. My father thinks that all the land should be given to Israel no questions asked as they are the "holy land".

Your thoughts Sup Forums?

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If they couldn't even defend their own holy land is it really theirs?

Israel should have permanently annexed everything they took in 1967 and deported all the Palestinians to Egypt and Jordan, then it would have both defendable and aesthetic borders.

Fuck palestine.
Ceaseless drama.
Always on the brink.

Land isn't holy, its a bunch of faggots with an invisible sky-best-friend reading 5000 year old shepherd stories to justify killing each other over fucking dirt.

At this point who even fucking cares anymore

I say just give the whole Holy Land to North Korea so none of the shitheads over there get what they want

At this point Israel should just get everything, not even a point anymore really. Palestinians are fighting a lost cause.

This is why you christians are cancer you are literal the slaves of jews.

>rewarding bad behavior
By that logic we should give illegals citizenship if they can evade the police for X amount of years.

I have yet to see any evidence that the Palestinians can into civilization. Israel has an actual economy where it creates goods & services which it consumes locally and trades on the world market. What does Palestine produce, other than attacks on Israel? It'd be easier to be sympathetic to the Palestinian 'cause', if their cause wasn't just typical mindless Muslim savagery.

To the victor go the spoils.

>Israel gets all

This image never fall to make me cringe and I'm not even Zionist.

spoils of war.. Palestine can fuck itself.

this pretty much

Best thing for the average person on both sides would be someone invading and enforcing order under threat of extreme violent retaliation for breaching the peace. About 500 years of that should sort them out.

>caring about a piece of desert surrounded by sandniggers with a like saltier than an american on Sup Forums where some stuff happened 2000 years ago

It should be given to the Romans, which I guess is Italy now. Both the Israeli's and Palestinians should be moved into Gaza and carefully guarded. You can't trust semites.

The "hole-ey" land and Hel are both the same place

Helsinki, Finland

If it's gods land why does Israel need it?

If the bible tells them not to have a country, and they have a country, why hasn't God smitten them?

All land should be given to the Israelis.

I don't give a shit about Muslims anymore. Palestine should be carpet bombed before their numbers over run Israel.

Lmao funny how that mao conveniently starts in 1946.
Its like showing Mexican loss of land starting in 1820

israel has no right to exist

Fuck the whole 67 borders bullshit. The muzzie's attacked israel in 67. If they wanted the borders at the 67 location they shouldn't have started a war and then gotten their asses kicked.

I don't care either way but why does the efficient production of goods and services factor into your determination for whether a country has the right to exist or not?

Don't you think that this attitude robs humanity of all virtue?


Nation states won't be around for 500 years

I like the effort here, ahmed. Certainly more than I put into my banter.

Why is Sup Forums suddenly pro Israel?

Losing our pragmatism for 'principles' like Cuckservatives? Where our principles are inevitably exploitable and negotiable?

Cool image user, it's actually libshit Arab propaganda.

"Palestinians" (not a real identity) are a joke, just a bunch of backwards sandniggers. They've lost many times over the last hundred years and it's time for them to be relocated to the other Arab nations. Israel should destroy the Dome of the Rock so them Temple can be rebuilt and then we can see if Jesus will return already.

You're too obviously a Zionist shill lol



THIS is good b8

Seriously this. I'm so over the whole debate that isael should just take it all over and send those slimes elsewhere. I mean are you Jew hating fags really advocating for 8 million more Jews living in the west? It makes no sense. If Israel didn't exist they would move to the west .

I say let them do what they want. Fuck the sand nigs


human existence is necessary for human virtue. Production of goods in cervices is necessary for human existence. Those who do not produce things take away from human virtue because there are less things to support human existence.

tell him boomers destroyed western civilization and it's precisely because he's such a good goy

isn't that what people are asking for?

I say deport the Jews to surrounding countries, aren't they both Semitic?

Are are the Jews not Semitic?

Well lets say 50 years then and we cram in 500 worth of oppression in while we've got the chance.

Jews have to build the third temple under the guidance of the Antichrist to have Jesus return.

Supporting Palestinians just makes us wait longer for the Messiah.

This is a bad faith argument

Complete efficiency is not necessary for human life and you know it. Demanding of everyone maximum efficiency is literally slavery

Palestine never existed in the first place. it is merely province for empires to conquer. Romans, Ottomans, and now the jews.

Remind your father that if they are the indeed the holy land, and if we support them, we are blessed, then why has this country only gone down hill since the reestablishment of Israel and our unconditional support of them.




Israel shouldn't even exist. who the fuck gave the UN the right to invade Palestine in 1948. Absolute bullshit. And the kikes are THE major offender when it comes to war crimes.

stupid burger. This is why everyone thinks your country is full of tards

They lost their land. Its like giving Texas and California to the Mexicans

>majority Arab country gets Han'd by G-ds chosen peoples
>muh Diaspora and Shoah

How many times did the God in the Bible remove the jews because they were massive pieces of shit? 2, maybe 3 times? I remember even Jesus pretty much told the jews their end was near, and didn't Martin Luther write a book "On the Jews and Their Lies"?
Didn't the jews crucify Christ, and wasn't it usually the jews stirring up people against Paul and plotting his death? Didn't Paul even say following the law and circumcision were worthless?

which people?
Israel never accepted the partition plan, EVER!

>My father thinks that all the land should be given to Mexico no questions asked as they are the "Atzlan".

I think we shouldn't be involved because who gives a shit about a foreign border dispute?

There is nothing 'Holy' in Israel. Show him a picture of the map and Israel and explain to him that it is nothing but a front for the 5 head UN nations to exploit resources and have them cross into Israel. Seriously, look at the borders, it is a nexus of borders between europe, asia and africa. Explain to him how much tax money goes to Israel to control that land.

Was Isreal founded in 1946 because of the holocaust? Is this why they lied about it? get their own nation?

whats that

cry more faggot.

Everything south of the black sea, between the Mediterranean and India should be nuked flat.

Then the world will know peace. Semites are the spawn of satan, sent to test the nations of the world.

>this one sliver of Israel is going to beat Islam
>when the entire world is becoming more and more Muslim

It's a classic bluepill signal to believe the West is actually going to beat Islam. Hope your kids enjoy jizya and the Caliphate.

Google is owned by a Jew, Sergey Brin, and has been operated by numerous jews. They even were exposed by wikileaks as fomenting the Arab Spring.

Honestly I don't think it matters, as long at it's considered muh holy by a bunch of delusional zealots there will always be violence there.

Leave them be and watch the shitshow.


Palestine should be given away to other middle eastern nations systematically and as organized as possible. No families will be broken up. Israel will give each country who participates in this plan 1 million dollars per family. The land will be slowly seized until it is all Israel.

Palestinians who apply for citizenship will be simultaneously considered but if it will delay the movement of bodies, then no matter what the people will be moved. They can still come back in a later time.

Illegal immigration is a felony and results in 20 years prison, hard labor, helping to rebuild Israeli roads and homes.

Anyone who doesn't want to be moved will be shot with gas until they submit. Later, if we still need more room, Palestinians will be sold to European nations who want more laborers. Eventually, if all else fails, African slavers will be given Palestinians for 100 bucks a head through Egypt.

This will lead to greatest happiness for Israel and end conflict forever.

So Jews are satanic? That explains why they said so much bad shit about Jesus in the Talmund. Are Muslims satanic too?

>no questions asked as they are the "holy land".
Holy shit your father is an obedient goy.

>a fucking leaf

Not even surprised.



>a fucking bluepilled frog

Who would have guessed?

Go get hit by a truck. But only after you pay your dues to G-ds chosen and receive your good goy points.

That's pretty good, frogbro.

You're supporting mudslimes scums, why are you talking about the "blue-pill" exactly, you cucked leaf?

Stay mad, uncivilized shitskin piece of trash.


>My father thinks that all the land should be given to Israel no questions asked as they are the "holy land".
The rebuttal to that would be "Why would you want to give the holy land to a people whose faith and culture prides itself on murdering Jesus?

>ok jews, we give you free land to make a country
>no un, we rather conquer the whole palestine. We are the victims right?
>well, we dont....
>fine, you're right

The Jews accepted the division of the old Israeli Land in two: 3/4 for a future Arab state (current Jordan), 1/4 for a future Jewish state (Eretz Israel) far before the Holocaust, actually.

In 1947, they accepted to reduce Eretz Israel again, by half of its size.

Arabs always declined everything. They are just savages.

no one is falling for that shit

Are you moving to Israel ever? I see lot's of kosher Frogs doing that over the last few years.

Israel can have the country if the semite faggots will stop being an annual drain of billions on the first world's taxpayers.

The bible belt can pay for their fucking rabbi friends by themselves, nobody outside the AIPAC or the fucking media gives a fuck about that shithole in the desert.

>a country that the US has given over 100 billion to is successful

Wow shocking and enlightening information! Thanks for educating us goyim we will exist only to serve you master.

You want more refugees from the middle east?
Israel should annex the entire thing for aesthetic purposes and force themselves to out breed the slimes.

Yes, we are the first country in the world for the emigration to Israel.
And no, I didn't planned to move, as I'm not Jewish myself and I like my country. I'm just interested about this conflict and annoyed by the "palestinian"fags retards, the entire cause is based on the lie that Arabs are indigenous to Palestine and the Jews aren't.

>pic related this is what you can see everywhere in France each time Israel decides to destroy terrorists once again

Neither Jews nor Muslims have any claim to the land. It is Greek land.


Being open to the fact that Islam is better at dominating culture than 21st century nu-male cucks isn't supporting Islam.

It's called living in reality.

>hurrr defeatist u mad

Yeah we get the same marches and protesters - I mentioned this another thread earlier. That's why we've set up private security, emergency and health companies for our own communities here. Police and them are useless and we have to protect ourselves.

Actually its rightful Egyptian clay

Problem is in post 1950s world that is a very hard thing to do,

Had Israel existed in 1850s instead of 1950s you would have a stable country and most likely the people who called themselves palestenians would be driving around bmws and protesting their persecution in front of los angeles consulate.

It is hard to mass exile-mass murder people for the last few decades.

Sure if you want to be a filthy goatfucker where the free speech is banned and you have to follow useless and dumb restrictions everyday to worship a pedo prophet who drink his own camel's urine, feel free to do so and move to one of the ABSOLUTE TRASH mudslimes shit-holes on this planet, you will certainly be very welcomed.

Egyptians are extinct. They were replaced by Arabs, much like the native Levantines were.

I think I've already met you here before, actually. You post on Sup Forums as well? If not there are two SA Jews who want to move to Israel, which would be quite unusual.

I've seen pro-palestinian demonstrations in your country, but pro-israel as well. These are less important?

>2nd Largest religion is Islam

You're fucking DONE bud. Doner than done. Like past done. Like, holy shit we're fucked done.

Literal worms like you with no sense of reality IS THE REASON why the West is cuck'd n fuck'd.

Get ready for the future, and try not to have kids right now. It'll be easier to fight and die without them.

Some of us Phoenicians are still alive

All land to israel, Arabs should be send to any of the other 20 muslim arab countries.

I'm not moving to Israel any time soon, I'm involved in what I mentioned in previous post. Got to help them out here. When it comes time for marriage and children I'll go over there most probably. We've spoken before (not sure if you the one that shared pic related with me couple months back), but not on Sup Forums I don't think. There are a lot of South Africans on this board and that one. The pro-Palestine got about 2000 sandniggers marching through our streets crying (during protective edge) they were also angry that some of us went to volunteer and help IDF, they wanted us arrested. They're not too important as it has no actual influence on Israel - as don't most countries bitching. But that's when we need to protect our community with security and personnel.

We are certainly being invaded by these mudslime scums at the moment, though they are uneducated and quite ghettoized, and not that dangerous if you think about it. We still have the military power in our side, as well as the technology and progress, while they're backward subhumans still believing in their false God.

Did all the palestinians move to gaza or are they all just dead

your dad grow up in a time where brain washing was at it highest/most effective leevel,
>ignore all ideologies/world views he has
i once watched an interview dated in the 1970-80 of ex russian KGB high ranking office who escape russia and seek asylum in america, literally called liberalism a brain washing technique that will be so effective they the people wont let it go untill its to late

>millions of Muslims in a country of cucks who don't have babies

France I don't quite think you've grasped the severity of the situation. This is something that shouldn't have happened to begin with. This sets us ALL back decades in terms of advancement with the reality of increased terror attacks and eventual wars and civil wars to form.

Think of it this way: you post on Sup Forums the majority of the day while these people blows themselves up and cut the heads of Priests off.

What do you think about Lieberman's idea - Arab territories in Israel belong to an Arab state while Jewish territories in Judea-Samaria belong to Israel? I think it's quite underrated and pretty realistic actually.

Yea, that was me. I don't see South Africans posters very often so I was wondering. The Sup Forums conversation happened just a few days ago, so it was probably not you. And right, I understand your situation - quite special considering the major commie pro-Palestine niggers influence in your country. Same here with the Arabs, they were burning the streets and destroying random shops without being worried, also waving terrorists flag like Hamas, ISIS, etc. So disgusting.


Fuck Israel Zion shit...

What they could do, to be useful to the world, is build up the walls surrounding what's currently left of palestine, well marked and seen, fairly thick walls.

Then when they finally act worse than even North Korea where the US either can't or doesn't have time to rush in and "protect" these fucks... then Iran, Russia, or even France if they want can go in and bomb "Israel" to hell leaving no trace of that plague left.

The Walls however, protect the Palestinian people so they can tear down the walls and reclaim their land.

Then we might have a chance for peace out there.

What's a holy land? Fuck these sci-fi cunts

It's a shame about France, but goes to show how Muslims will chimp-out anywhere you take them. But alot of the Muslims here, and blacks, attack Israel because it was one of the only countriy that used to trade with Apartheid South Africa and with Rhodesia. South Africa is a lost cause with that, but you guys have to sort them out before its too late. Also, isn't there like JDL groups over there - when I was in Israel once I met a few Froggos that talked alot about them, they seem like fearless warriros. They won't let us start something like that here.


He is correct for the wrong reasons.

The right reasons would be that Palestinians are too much retarded to do anything even close to what the Israeli to today. They export high tech products and services. No Arab nation does that today and given the chance these Palestinian goatfuckers wouldn't do that either because they are low-IQ dumbfucks.

>In 1947, they accepted to reduce Eretz Israel again, by half of its size.
absolute lie