Drogon gets hit in the wing by a 8ft barbed iron bolt that can shatter dragon skulls with ease...

>drogon gets hit in the wing by a 8ft barbed iron bolt that can shatter dragon skulls with ease, fired by a purpose-built machine that needed to be cranked
>is able to fly after that as if nothing happened

>viserion gets hit by a lousy ice javelin thrown by a guy whos just standing there
>bleeds like a popped balloon and dies in 5 seconds


dont give me the "its magic" excuse, thats a big stretch

Other urls found in this thread:


bad writing is the strongest character in the show

Compare the stats yourself, noob.

Questioning ANYTHING in this show always devolves into
Which is true. Its a cop out and a poor excuse for lazy writing....yet true.

>After 4 shitty season he still searching for logic in GOT

Jokes are on you user, you cant blame anyone but yourself

Common dude even producers dont defend the show anymore, they are like:

>Meh as long as it make money we are okay with it


>a lousy ice javelin thrown by a guy whos just standing there
But is actually cleverly disguised 9K37 AA Missile build by Almaz Antey.

> throwing polearms

>white walkers weapon destroy steel weapons on contact
>they should work exactly like a standard bolt
I don't know what's worse. That you feel like putting logic in a show this dumb or that in a sea of retarded plot holes, you're capable of complaining about something that isn't one.


top tier

that spear was so based

Normies like that shit, thats all that matters, after all they are the target audience, nobody gives a fuck about free thinkers, society even tries to smother them

>They seemed to be very concerned about how fast a raven can fly but there’s a thing called plausible impossibilities, which is what you try to achieve, rather than impossible plausibilities. So I think we were straining plausibility a little bit, but I hope the story’s momentum carries over some of that stuff.”
What did he mean by this?

i laughed when viserion got hit, the blood spray looked like the blood sprey in GTA san andreas when you cut off heads with a katana

they all look like subhuman shits
what is this condition called?

why do they have to put that BOOOOAAAAARRRR down in front?

fat ameriblobs with cheap hair dye going to an overexpensive shitty bar to drink organic fruit juice cocktails and IPA beer

ballistae bolts have more penetrating power against stationary targets 50ft away than a moving target hundreds of feet away, especially firing at an upward angle like that, it's frankly amazing the bolt made it that fucking far.

Also, living tissue is tougher than ancient bone, why do you think archaeologists have to be so delicate?

Its called entertainment, thats why people watch television, if you want a good story grab a book.

It's simple

Not defending GoT but old skills are fragile as shit. I could destroy a 50 years old bear skull with five or six punches tops

They're registered democrats

that wasn't my question

also GoT looks like its the Sanic of the TV show world, the crowd who watches it looks like a bunch of autists.

What are these idiot normies going to do once the show is over? Put on their resume that they can "react good"?

The government always needs more crisis actors.

It was actually fired by Radmure

Like I said.

When Qyburn demonstrated the scorpion I was like
>uh... that bolt barely made it through a skull that's like 1000 years old, didn't even exit

Ser Gregor could have thrown that thing harder at that range.

Continue to eat and drink and find other show to drool about

>All that over acting
>Acting 'suprised' when dragons show up even though it was spoiled a week earlier
>Bush pig front and centre every episode because beta wait staff thinks he has a chance

disgusting thing, sure there is no man who thinks this ugly blob is attractive?
why is this allowed?

>sure there is no man who thinks this ugly blob is attractive?
haha yeah no of course not
yuck man I mean gross

seems pretty fun
wish i ever left the hosue

Oh fuck... Mommy
I want to go to bed naked with mommy and suck her babylons

I would bareback that whale and provide her with her own bastard free of charge

she probably smells like feet

Jon Snow would have died of hypothermia after 2 minutes the show is completely unrealistic

That's okay because I smell like verruca cream

>TV show is completely unrealistic

Okay now read this slowly and tell me whats wrong with it?

Game of thrones was someting in season 1 and 2, now its just a regular TV show with tits and fighting, just deal with it.

Think. To be that bastard growing up, getting to suck on those colossal baps every day and nibble sweet nectar out of them. She would have to change my nappy every half hour because my minute dick would be bursting through the fabric

>Two slices of pizza folded over to consume as much pizza as possible in a single bite
>Drinking literal who beer
>Keeping that beer cosey in a little pouch container thing?
>Too much visible gum when smiling
>Too poor for any jewelry, probably spends all her money on pizza
>Joke tier hair do

It struck Drogon's wing, why are none of you fags mentioning this?

its magic bro just turn your brain off and enjoy

There is no nudity in game of thrones anymore, I don't know why

They're going to enjoy other shows and have happy normal lives with their many friends, unlike the people on this board

I'm not anymore retarded than OP.

Missandei was naked in the second episode of this season

Tumblr flips out every time they treat women like sexual objects its 2017 user

>bearded, perma-spectacle wearing men
>doughy men with soft features
>balding men

the absolute state of GOT

didn't we get to see the ice weapons break steel swords in the last season? I think it's only Valyrian steel that surpasses those ice weapons.

>doesn't examine the whores

Pabst is the pseudo-hipster's choice of beer

Are the Tully's still in the series? I forget.

kek. maximum op.

Serious answer, the bolt appeared to only go in a few inches; the spear caused a bunch of fire to come out while Viserion was breathing fire, which I took to mean that it had penetrated his trachea, and that was near the base of his neck. That's the difference between a person getting hit with a dart and getting stabbed near the collarbone.

The rest of the show's still dumb though.

>get wounded in wing
>can still fly

it only took him like 5 mins to recover

>Drogon is bigger
>Ice weapons are shown to fuck up everything that they hit (shatters normal weapons)
>The "skull test" doesn't mean shit, skulls get much weaker when they dry out

Also it's magic, the big stretch is you somehow getting your head up your ass that far

It's more that he also hit it in the fire sack while in use, hence the explosion

That too. Also, maybe the idea that "super hot thing" hitting "super cold thing"

Same reason you don't throw hot glass under super cold running water

that's because of the properties of glass, you retard. it's not going to create a magical chemical explosion.

is that like a hipster hipster?

The properties of glass make it crack, but all substances that go from rapid hot to cold (or cold to hot rapidly) suffer more for it. Proteins denature. Tissue goes to shit. Gas goes through rapid pressure changes.

Source: Did a clerkship at a clinic in northern MN and also I've done the "crush a metal barrel with cold water" experiment

Their biggest mistake was to demonstrate how strong the ballista is. Everyone expected it to do what basically the ice spear did.

The dragon he hit was breathing fire when he hit it in the throat. Fire came out of his neck and caused the explosion. Are you fucking retarded?

I love her. I want to eat pizza off her body while watching shitty HBO shows.

No. It's someone who failed to be a hipster.


They should have had 20 or 40 of these. They should be making them now as fast as they can and putting them all over kings landing with trained crews to fire them.

I don't even watch this show but I'm enjoying these threads. It's like Bear Loli all over again.

Is that Robert Smith in the back?


It's a show with dragons ergo it can't have flaws. Just turn off your brain and enjoy!

Its literally magic you stupid nigger!

She probably comes to the pub 5 hours in advance just so she can be in the video

I would put a bastard on her belly just so I could suck the milk out of those tits.

its magic

I think theyre stupid too but do you do everything to put it on a resume?

why are there ice men? they dont exist in real life L.O.L.! and dont say magic!

its almost like their tested weapon wasn't as effective as they thought it'd be, that's never happened before though

>dont give me the "its magic" excuse
its literally magic

Seriously that's the one thing that bothered me. All that gold and you're only going to build one?

>literal who beer

What do these people do with their lives between seasons of Game of Thrones? What will they do when it's all over?

>its one slice folded you blind faggot
>pabst is not literally who in america at least
>its actually called a cozy
>no shit

you are more pathetic than she

I assume they have jobs, they enjoy other things, they enjoy having friends and hanging out, and when GoT finishes they'll still enjoy their other hobbies and they'll still go to hang out with our friends.
I can assure you that here on Sup Forums we will keep shitting on GoT long after they forgot about it.

The night king animates literal spooky skeletons, you dumb nigger.

go back to their families, jobs, whatever

why do you assume they have nothing else but this one hour activity

If I go to watch basketball at a bar with friends would you assume I have no life either?

It's clearly two slices you blind motherfucker.

if were having this discussion

its not clearly anything

and no its not its 1

King Sub Zero obviously has magic shit going on for him, while the dude in the picture has just physics.

>One gets hit in the shoulder, by a weapon designed made to wound/kill him
>One gets hit in the throat, right in the fire sac, by a javelin thrown by supernatural creatures known for their superhuman strength


Without looking it up, I'm going to guess and see if I remember correctly where these dropped.

Ice Barbed Spear from one of the bosses of RFD (the lich?).
Impaling Harpoon from the goblin boss added to Deadmines.

No they're two. They're clearly two different slices, you can see at the bottom how they both have the edge bread.

>all those lowbies shitting up muh AV so they could cruise through the 50s with an IBS

bad writing

>edge bread


>this is an American 10

I guess the simple answer is the dorgon was the alpha of the pack and viserion was the runt.

>its on television so it can't be good!

yes, exactly. now you've learned.

How can one man be so aesthetic?