How can a grown,otherwise intelligent man,think that any form of Anarchism could work?

How can a grown,otherwise intelligent man,think that any form of Anarchism could work?

He's already admitted that it can't work if you throw billions of shitskins into the system.

I can't work in any way,shape or form.
It is fundamentally inferior to government system.

It doesn't work even in a 100% white society.

Friendly reminder that there was no income tax in Canada until WWI.

Molyneux is very far out there.
His interpretation of AnCap is that believing in a state means that you want him shot and that circumcision is grounds to execute your entire family over..

molyneux meme is a Jew. Did you know that? He's also probably CIA. Wew.

Anarchists puzzle me. Communists at least have an idea, however retarded, of what they want their state to look like. Anarchists on the other hand, I have never gotten an answer as to what their society is going to look like.

I read an entire book called In defense of Anarchism by a respected professor when I was a teenager. It was just a bunch of theoretical posturing about morality and things.

What is the anarchist 'non-state' supposed to be, like structurally? Makes no sense to me

I have always thought that most of you do not interpret what he is saying correctly

For the system he discusses, it would directly out of redpilling enough people. The society he imagines is directly out of logic, which we could possibly obtain after generations of raising children correctly.

Anarchism as just a principle is retarded, its how you get there which is key to what he is saying

It completelly opposes every law of nature.
It opposes hierarchy and human nature.
It is utopian idea,but on a larger scale than communism is.

The free market creates those things retard

Why can't you see further away from your nose?
>Free market makes lots of companies
>Some companies dominate other companies
>Those companies grow
>those companies now have more money,power,and influence
>and so on,until you get some form of state,or the other.
the reason why every fucking group of people have state is because state is superior to a fractured,headless "communites".

>listening to stefan
>at any point

He probably jerks off to sleep listening to BLM protests and Trump ranting.

Crackin milf there user, who is that??

>doesn't know about Lady Sonia

Not an argument

read Jennifer Government or Snow Crash

those authors set an anarcho-capitalist setting pretty well

>otherwise intelligent


How is he wrong Canada?

their answer is literally "lol free market bruh"

I second Snow Crash.

ugh i can't bare looking at that nazi

yeah no

see what happened in mexico. cartels and the huge informal economy are what happens when the state steps out for a couple of decades and lets a "free market" econ drive itself

agreed, i'm just saying that's actually their position


Not really, your government actually aids and abets the cartels. mine too unfortunately. I'm by no means Ancap but making those drugs illegal is what created the 'illegal' cartels, fancy pants

having no understanding of the difference between political theory and governance in practice

>immediately tribes

Implying there is a dufference between the government and the cartels.
Implying that the word cartel did not originally refer to STATE-GRANTED MONOPOLIES.

thats in essence what anarcho-capitalism makes the government turn into

politics and law enforcement are an entrepreneurial activity here

>reading novels
m8 I can barely put myself reading the most absolutely essential fictional texts of Western civilization, I am not reading an entire novel to get an idea that could be summarized in a 10 page essay if it doesn't have some kind of enormous artistic merit

Surely there is a very simple answer here, if you've read the books what is the proposed structure of society?

You have to be completely retarded to believe in anarcho - anything, particularly anarcho capitalism.

Can any ancap retards explain how the following scenario is handled:

>the richest person the the FRESTATE purchases the services of 100 privately trained thugs and invades your private property

> as you are informing him that he is breaking the NAP, one of the thugs blows your head off

> rinse and repeat

How has nobody thought of this?

lol no. Your government allows drugs to be legal correct? Mine doesn't, although your government allows a cartel to run free, ultimately my government allows them to thrive and those drugs cross our borders and those cartels terrorize your people. In all honesty, if the mexican government cared about those cartels, and werent aiding them, chavez ouldn't have been free so many times and both of our countries would mutually agree on a border wall.

not chavez, I forget his name, but you know what I mean.

free market taken to an extreme means everything is privatized and is for legally for sale as a service, including the state and law enforcement themselves

drugs arent legal here, because that would not enrich the people in power. the existence of cartels serves to procure money for a few that control both the cartels, and the state, skirting all taxing and regulations.

violence is a a problem because there are several cartels/factions that compete with each other; and the way they compete is doing what he says chapo remains detained only because he agreed to make a deal with the current government. whenever he feels like leaving, he will. they cant keep him there when he can buy every single prison employee

>Not an argument
is not an argument.

>free market taken to an extreme means everything is privatized and is for legally for sale as a service, including the state and law enforcement themselves
we live in a free market in reality, its just the price to get control over law enforcement/the state is higher than what the average peon can afford. just look at shillary NOT being jailed as a primo example.

Who gets the nukes,btw?

whoever bids the highest

I was under the impression all drugs were legalized in your country. ALSO, you really, really don't have a grasp on what anarcho capitalism is.

She is the state, that single fact means she is not part of the 'free' anything. I hope this is just that famous australia shitposting i always hear about.