What are some films dealing with isolation and depression?
What are some films dealing with isolation and depression?
everytime I see this image it fills me with sadness
Buffalo '66
Taxi Driver
both protagonists are /ourguy/s
It makes me laugh when I notice the socks with sandals
>me on the left
I wonder if that kid posts on /r9k/ now
>sandals with socks
>shirt squeezed into pants
kid you are better then this
The Man Who Sleeps
Manchester by the Sea
The Pawnbroker
Synecdoche, New York
Taxi Driver
Melancholia is one of my favourite films about depression. She isn't literally isolated but she's cut off from the people around her.
This is the gayest shit I've ever posted, but I can't stand looking at this pic. Not in an angry way, though. My lil bro has autism, and he's the kindest kid I've ever met. The thought of him ending up alone, awkward and sad in the back of a room like that makes me cry like a hormonal woman, and I don't even give a shit admitting it.
Hug your siblings, guys.
/r9k/ sucks
I'm one of the kind of posters you would assume posted there but it's really forced and full of memes.
It's like ironic virgin larping
>my feet hurt
>this party sucks
>I wish I was at home playing Minecraft
How old is this photo now? You'd never see this now, the kid would just be looking at his smartphone and no one would notice him?
sandals with socks are good
They look Finnish or possibly Polish.
Years later
Paris, Texas
I Stand Alone
Synecdoche, New York
Chungking Express
If this image bothers you just remember the Jews did this.
I bet you think this is a funny meme or I must be crazy but really they did. In that boy's face and his body and his very destiny itself you can see birth control hormones, BPAs and xeno-estrogens saturating the water supply (causing young men to develop later and young women to blossom as early as they ever have), genetically modified foodstuffs and high fructose corn syrup laden diets, the neglect of young males with over focus on female achievement, over saturation of female teachers, medicating boys into neutered little veggies... It's all there clear as day, and soon even the specter of white guilt will be intimately known by this boy, yet another thing to be brow beaten over.
If he doesn't become a tranny he'll become a fascist.
Is the blonde girl the same girl in both pics? I'm confused.
Prime Christina Ricci, dat tiddy
Its never good. too cold? Fucked up toes? Then wear shoes. The only time you can socks in sandles is when you are in the sports and need to wear something that isnt cleated real quick and you should be a girl as well. Any other time? KYS
>left: glasses on
>right: glasses off
>The Tenant by Polanski
>Repulsion by Polanski
This one. Nobody on set was allowed to speak with the lead actor outside of scenes, and he was introduced to the script as they progressed through the movie, so he had no idea on what to expect.
>tfw that was me
Good thing I ended up being a faggot
Yeah, that is the worst fucking feeling. Wanting to leave and knowing you're unwanted but having to stay for whatever fucking reason.
me when on Sup Forums