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Emma Stone - 2017's highest paid actress - is paid less than 14 actors
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its pretty simple user, we live in a capitalist world where all companies and corporations care about is making money, if women were paid less for the same work then that would mean companies sacrificed their profit.
the actresses simply aren't worth it.
No one goes to the movies for lead actresses except cat ladies and SJW's, which (despite all the shilling around here) are a tiny minority of the population. It's called box office pull, and she doesn't have it.
Also she isn't a good actress so IDGAF.
So Emma Stone only made like $25 million?
What a shitty patriarchal society
This board is childish believing forbes. Stone cannot act and isn't a draw.
Stone is a better actress than almost every actor on that list.
>This board is childish believing forbes
Enlighten us oh wise stockbroker (posting on Sup Forums)
Mark Wahlberg being #1 is the biggest mystery here.
Emma Stone's name doesn't sell movies.
Most of these people aren't even real actors.
Does she draw the box office to warrant a higher pay? No? OK.
That's nice, but what matters is how much profit you bring. I'm sure there are great actors in B-movies, but I don't expect them to get paid as much as Dwayne just because they can act.
>being better means you get paid more
>those three bollywood guys
total earnings? perhaps they did more movies.
It's a weird list.
>Jennifer Aniston
I haven't seen her in films for years.
just like everyone else in the top 5
Mark Wahlberg got paid more than Dwayne Johnson?
What the actual fuck? He hasn't been in anything?
And if you say it's his producer credits than this is even more bullshit because you've got people like Jessica Alba who's making billions in her non-acting work
supply and demand
14 women also get more messages than the guy who gets the most message on any dating site
Mark Wahlberg did more movies, and was in Transformers.
Dwayne is the biggest action actor in the world.
Diesel heads and produces a billion dollar franchise
Sandler produces a ton of stupid shit
Chan = China legend
RDJ important to the biggest movie franchise of all time
Tom Cruise action legend
A bunch of random poo in loos
Hemsworth is important to the MCU but not much ese
Transformers movies + Patriots day + Deep Sea Horizon
women are worth less than men
Most of those listed are predominantly apolitical. Really makes you think
What a bullshit graph. All it depicts are earnings, but does not break down from where they are derived. Plus, half the actors above her starred in blockbuster films that both cost and earned far more than the films in which she appeared.
But let's keep perpetrating the "wage gap" myth.
I want to see the list of the highest paid porn stars and split that by gender, I guarantee men wont break the top 50.
perfect answer
The whole Hollywood are hypocrites like Joss Whedon.
They shout SJW BS for public relations and in the end of the day they care only about profits and sex.
And they are very clever for that.
>Emma Stone has campaigned for equal pay, and said recently that her male co-stars have supported her.
>“In my career so far, I’ve needed my male co-stars to take a pay cut so that I may have parity with them. And that’s something they do for me because they feel it’s what’s right and fair.
>“That’s something that’s also not discussed, necessarily: that our getting equal pay is going to require people to selflessly say, ‘That’s what’s fair,’” she said.
>“It’s not about, ‘Women are this and men are that’. It is, ‘We are all the same, we are all equal, we all deserve the same respect and the same rights.’”
Which actors did this? Steve Carell definitely did.
See in that situation I'd tell her to cut her pay by half and I'll match that, then see how she bitches and moans to weasel out of it.
I wish my companies CEO was so gracious and took a pay cut so I could make millions.
>make over 20 million dollars in one year
>complain about pay inequality
No she isn't the bitch literally cannot act and plays herself the same role on every shitflick she is in. The absolute state of Sup Forums you are all gone.
>Adam Sandler
He's been reduced to making fucking Netflix exclusive with his same ragtag buddies. The fuck
How the FUCK is Mark Wahlberg on top?
I'd tell her to take minimum allowed by SAG so that all our costars could be paid "fairly"
The jews are pushing her as Jlaw 2.0. She didn't even make 10 mil last year. Enjoy being a dumbass, ((((((((forbes))))))))
The list really needs to be "pay per role" and deduct things like payments for producing or directing. BUT HEY THAT'D BE JUST A BIT TOO SENSIBLE AND FAIR.
I can't think of a single movie any of these fuckers have been in in 2016.
Emma Stone isn't a self-entitled cunt bag like JLaw.
Also she still gives decent performances and in general whines a lot less
Fast and Furious
Are you retarded user?
You can tell they only included those to make it look worse for the women, what they get paid in Bollywood is a totally separate issue to Hollywood.
The reason the men are paid more is simple business - they're a bigger box office draw. Movies with a female lead character probably aren't going to make as much money as ones with a male lead character.
But obviously women can still earn a fuckload - Jennifer Lawrence earned more than Matt Damon.
Quit your fucking moaning and whinging and bitching and work harder if you want to make the big money.
>Sup Forums actually believes a literal who with a busted face is the highest paid actress
Can't make this shit up
what really blows my mind is that apehoop players make 100m a year
shit like this is why we need communism
stop being unlikable one dimensional cunts with political bias and a victim complex and maybe you can have box office draw
communism is same shit, except money is taken by force and given to ruling class.
So did she suck their cocks or blackmail them? How did she convince them
basically this.
And hey, if you want more money fuck directors and producers.
Both 2017 movies. Both you and the user you're replying to a retards
Women are too dumb to pull off a proper blackmail
It's 100% sex and nepotism
Did anyone notice there's not one strong black woman in that list either? The top 10 highest-paid actresses are all white girls who hate spices on their food.
Because of Emma Stone asks for more money they'll just ask J. Law instead.
Women won't rally for higher wages.
Yes she is she is fake as fuck ans can't act. Look at her moonlight speech
How fucking DARE they only pay her 25 million, I'm so outraged I'm literally shaking.
Why Mark Welberg?
>she gave one speech that didn't agree with my conservative values so she's comparable to a narcissistic compulsive attention whore
Literally neck yourself
>Jennifer Lawrence: "Why Do I Make Less Than My Male Co‑Stars?"
Every one of those actors either produces their incredibly popular films or is simply a bigger draw than "that chick from Amazing Spider Man". Even the pakis you've never heard of.
Next up is her bullshit Battle of the Sexes. But there's no conspiracy, the men on that list are just worth more.
What are you talking about?
The speech was FAKE and proved she can't act. Someone post it. I'm not talking anything political. Her acting is fucking terrible, you must be a redditor if you put up with her, she and her films are shit.
What are YOU talking about?
I thought you were going on about her saying something about the film Moonlight, but I'm guessing not?
She 100% deserved her oscar for La La Land though
If J. Law doesn't take a job, Emma Stone will agree to do it.
Women are all eye candy. The characters are interchangeable. Marky Mark is iconic. RDJ is a character actor. Emma Stone and J. Law are just pretty faces.
>if women were paid less for the same work then that would mean companies sacrificed their profit.
Got off the computer, you're drunk Emma. Harry Potter is shit and Beauty and the Beast was embarrassing. No wonder you don't have any major awards
Except you said they'd ask Jennifer Lawrence instead when she's just as apt to be funny about the pay differences between her and her male counterparts.
Literally every woman in that list has moaned about pay gaps before, none are better than the others
She was shit in La La Land holy reddit. She won because she sucked off a jew. I'm glad this bastion of cinema thinks awards matter like thirteen yeat old girls think they have merit.
I'm just happy to see Jeremy Rener doing so well
Someone post Emma Stones post oscar speech it is hilariously bad
This, post the webm is everyone a newfag?
>millions of Americans willingly pay directly and indirectly to enjoy apehoop
>we need communism
no what you need is for you to grow up
The meme that if women are paid less and companies know the loopholes by which to exploit women like this they'd simply go full Walmart and exploit this to the fullest by firing most men and cutting money spent on employee salary by 25%. However Feminists are actually arguing women are paid less because they're undervalued in the work place, so they're being paid less because THE PATRIARCHY thinks they're shitty workers so they just pay less.
However many people argue the reality is really Men get paid more because on average they're working more hours and more days.
Yeah newfags, post the speech in webm format on Sup Forums, which also would mean it would be a mute webm rendering it fucking pointless.
nobody like black women, whens the last time you saw a black woman on the front page of a porn site, can you even name any current black pornstars? they're repulsive. Worthless.
Not that user but damn you sound salty as fuck hiding behind a jew award that Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Whorance, Anne Whoraway and Alicia Whorander have shared. Nobody will ever care about your waifu she consistently ruins everything not only with her face but her lack of acting.
I for one can't wait for the day when Emma Stone can make as much money as Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and Ashkay Kumar. Enough is enough and it is time already for this to end
Damn you got me. I keep forgetting this Sup Forums doesn't have sound webms. The film board has no sound support.
Post the youtube video then. Please.
hahhaha emma watson getting paid to """"""act""""""
now that's a good joke
Royalties from "Friends", maybe (as far as I remember it made a shit ton of money)
did you even read it? or did you just see marky mark and start freaking the funk out trying to figure out how he made more money than dwayne "potus 2020" "the rock" "long" johnson
nobody is going to the movies to see Emma Stone
>i'm pushing 30 and I deserve to be paid more than Julia Roberts
>literal whos make more money than emma "the frog" stone
>marvel bitchbois chris evans, pratt and mark buffalo at the bottom where they belong
Because she's willing to work for less.
That is a genuinely fucking surprising list..
Shah Rukh Khan? Come the fuck on.. How is he worth that much
Why does Mark Wahlberg get paid so much? I mean he's been in a lot of roles obviously but I didn't expect him to be at the top
20mil for sucking right dicks sounds rather excessive to me though
>Adam sandler that high
If that surprises you then you don't know anything about the movie world.
Emma Stone movies aren't a thing.
The Rock movies and Vin Diesel movies are a thing.
some fag who wanted to bang her, to bad feminist don't like cucks
Acts better than most on that list and is a draw, plus she doesnt so oscarbait. Way to be a pleb. 19th highest grossing actor of all time and 2 bil since hp.
Producer in a lot of stuff.
Royalties, my friends
Why doesn't Vin fund a real Riddick sequel?
>Jackie Chan paid more than Robert Downey Jr and Tom Cruise
The fuck? What's Jackie Chan getting paid so much money for? Haven't seen him in a big movie release in forever.
What´s the complain? The majority of her roles are secondary (as far as I remember), it´s a fair pay in my opinion
>Half of India can't afford to build a fucking toilet, but they can afford to pay more than $30mil to the person to act in the movie called """TOILET"""
How many toilets do you would be built in that budget?
does anyone know what's up with Hemsworth being there? I thought all of his non-MCU stuff lately had been failures