No point spoilering edition!
HOH: xmas
Veto: jason
Nominations: mark, matt
previously on /bb/
No point spoilering edition!
HOH: xmas
Veto: jason
Nominations: mark, matt
previously on /bb/
Post feet and dicks!
What do I do now that the season is basically over?
I don't think you know what that word means boo boo.
natural beauty
Watch game of thrones
The word you're looking for is bump honey boo boo.
no it's not
More like this
I can't wait for Shelby to wake up!
>tfw melissa is a lawyer just like Shelby
>shes cute just like Shelby
they should meet and become friends
are there any smokers this season. I haven't noticed any.
dumb showfag
but is she a slut just like Shelby?
I want to cuck Mark
ramses is a pole smoker
Damn these threads are dead now. I stopped watching the show after Cody left, funny thing is they are still talking about that dude. Show is boring now Xmas thinks getting rid of Mark is a "big move" this shit is autistic at its finest.
Mam shut the fuck up. This season has been garbage. Only Cody has made big moves and now that Xmas is ready to make big moves herself you shit on her? Why do you people like these big risky moves?
because it makes the series entertaining you retard
Lol what big move? If she isn't getting rid of Paul, there is no "big move" voting out Mark is a big move? Lol have you been watching the show or live feeds? All that house does is bully someone. They have been fucking with Mark for the past 3 weeks. That isn't a big move. Keep telling yourself that. Dude literally has no one in the house.
Paul is safe for the week. Also he has the votes to stay.
Try to keep up IDIOT.
>when you put a do instead of a dont in your ironic post so it's a retarded mess
So beautiful
>xmas thinking paul is okay with 2nd
>xmas thinking she was that important in the game.
These people have no self-awareness
she's high
What does 2nd get? Is there a runner up prize?
Why are you so angry?
We are just trying to have a conversation here.
We are all adults here.
We are all human beans homie. You don't have to get mad.
josh is unironically second best player of the season
xmas gets to leave the house again today
They're not letting be back in. The doctor will suddenly recommend that she leave the game. Can't have her ruining the final week format.
Holy quads.
Fellas, are we gonna make it?
cody jury segments and panda's eviction are the only things worth watching in next few weeks
You are now aware that ass lips and Cody are going to taint the jury pool and Paul won't win.
When will marijuana be in the big brother house? I thought it was legalized in California recently.
Cody is the best bet for a non-paulfag winning AFP, as Cody still has jury segments ahead of him. Don't bother voting for Jessica.
shes almost annoying me with her campaigning for herself instead of for Cody, even in an interview video i saw her do she was saying how shes campaigning for herself, and the dude interviewing her was like "Hmm you know you might split the votes doing that? Maybe you should......." and she finished his sentence saying "Ill keep it up to the fans to decide"...which, she genuinely should stick to.
She nominated ramses
she's authentically stupid
I am almost sure that Cody would split the money with her if he won anyways
when Kevin or Mark wins she won't have anybody to blame but herself
voting means you kept your account and are supporting grodners sorry shit
Let's be honest here, Kevin is going to win that AFP prize money. But it will still be nice having Cody and Jessica make the top three and none of the major paulfags even being mentioned.
how many days total has she left the house this season?
i got free month discount til september 24th
Jessica is all about herself and will date Cody until he becomes irrelevant.
so the paid sub doesnt really do much for cbs. watching the feeds and nothing else is a drain on there network and doesnt cover it. the hope is that you watch other shows and clips so you watch ads. they still profit from your "free" sub.
also you are showing support by contributing. you are basically telling cbs and grodner that you are ok with how this season has gone
Let's make it so Kevin wins AFP.
you clearly dont know what samefag means. allow me to spoonfeed you.
It's when you respond to your own comment to make it look like someone else actually cares about what you're saying.
For instance, pandafag does it every day
"Backdooring" someone who ALREADY expected to be put on the block is not an actual backdoor, Xmas.
Fuck no
Cody for AFP
like 4 to 6 days
These are the same people that unironically believe:
>they are making big game moves
>they are all super popular and will be mobbed by fans afterward
>that anyone but Paul will win the (rigged) AFP
>that harassing someone to try and provoke a physical response so the other person gets DQ'd is a solid game strategy
>that they will all be busy touring and doing appearances after the show
Etc etc etc
Listen retard the point is getting someone likeable enough to win to counteract this shitty season. Cody has the personality of Lincoln logs. Stop.
first season watching? HGs always sit around and talk shit about evicted HGs after they are gone
you guys have put cody on a pedestal for some bizarre reason
paul still talks about meech and its been a year
I just want Cody to win because he hates Paul and I hate Paul too. Anything to make that Armenian manlet REEEE
Why do you have to be so mean? The user is a human bean. You don't have to get mad. It's just a game homie.
Give me more reaction images. Dump them.
i am not voting for that old tryhard poser, he was paul's lapdog the entire time doing shady stuff on Paul's request that now catches up with him and already got 25k for nothing
hate Cody and Jessica? vote for Mark, he is a nice guy and a comp beast
or Jason, he is an idiot but needs the money for a second kid
or even Paul, f-bomb controls the house and the only way he may not win is by losing final 3 crapshoot HOH
No way homie. you stink.
paul has been giving 4 weeks of safety. its pretty easy to not be a target when you cant be one. voting for paul is sending a message to grodner that you are ok with her planting pets and manipulating the game to their advantage.
YOU are the reason bb sucks now
>letting Paul win it all
>standing by for such a rigged season
Who needs to be replaced, Robyn Kass or Allison Grodner?
>morgan last
Julie. Shes the reason Paul is back.
why are you making this personal? its just a game we're just playing a game
>Season 6 gave us future Big Brother All-Stars Janelle and Kaysar, but it was Nerd Herder Maggie who walked away with the half-million dollar prize, facing-off and defeating fellow (pre-Paul) Friendship alliance member Ivette Corredero. Yes, there was a Big Brother alliance called “the Friendship.” I swear, I am not making this up. Seriously, go Google it! You’ll see.
jfc, just kill me
how is your reddit black ? i dont browse reddit at all is there like an extension you have or something
>Paul: Terror attacks put a damper on the mood
He's a paulfag
>page 9
last time i save this general. whatever happens next, happens
>tfw 4 of the top 5 aren't even in the house
>passed on 50k summer contract to go on Big Brother
>going to get cut at F8-F6 because he teamed up with retarded gooklet
Dan handed him the 500k
Stopped watching the live feeds after Friday when I found out Xmas won HOH?
Who is the house going to bully and isolate next week?
Matt, Kevin or Jason?
>jokers gets a season where people are strategically in an alliance and are playing the numbers
welp pandafag just got here and he's still a whiny bitch
next eviction will be a matt/jason blindside so I doubt any bullying will happen
kevin is going to be the house target
jason/alex is the backup target
I was thinking of this
>not liking one of the best players in the house
why do you even watch this show?
you guys are a bunch of showmance fags that dont care about people actually playing the game
>targeted by everybody except jason
>going to target only other person that wouldn't put her otb next week
sad thing she is still probably in top 5 players of this season
stop replying to it
Alex is a worthless cunt who deserves misery
>implying anyone in the house can beat her at HoH and VETO
are you new here?
Well, it's official. Tiff is going to be vet on OTT2 and it's starting in late October.
Is Alex the dumbest player in BB history? She thinks the jury is stacked with people who'll vote for Paul, but still wants to go to the final 3 with him.
Jason just sits there nodding and agreeing like a moron. This is quite easily the worst cast ever.
shes basically an asian britney
youre just another hivemind redditor
>caught in tigers mist
It would be for the best. It's awful they let her stay. Production put themselves in a bad place by trying to keep first half good. She was as meaningful to the show as Dominique
>It's awful they let her stay.
she literally just won hoh