Why is she so perfect, bros?
Why is she so perfect, bros?
creepy gloves fer muh feet
She's not Cristin milloti could have been a recurring guest star
Her last name was a little bagely
she's italian
and she has a hot mouth
In the show her real last name was Grossman which Jenna said was a little bagely.
Liz Lemon hates women!!!
oh yeah
This show was so fucking good.
I remember in another episode Jenna called out Natalie Portmans real name of Hershlag.
She's a libcuck
mostly because of her enlightened political views. I mean, eating cake? Drumpf was totally btfo he didn't even know what to do with himself. He will probably have to resign
>I just think people should know
She's not bad looking even at her age, but pretends to have very little self-worth, so your brain actually believes that you would have a chance with her.
How does someone so intelligent and beautiful make it through four years of college still a virgin?
being a slut is easy
Because she's intelligent, duh. She knew saving herself for marriage was the smart choice.
>LARPing as a devout christian
>that episode where she goes to her high school reunion and learns nobody liked her not because she was a nerd but she was an asshole and just remembered it wrong.
Sup Forums in a nutshell
>my fully cucked lib friends hate her because she liberal but not liberal ENOUGH
boy I bet that cake message really ground their gears
>having friends
How many times a day do you write or say the words leftist and liberal?
Have you stopped beating your wife?
I absolutely love whenever this happens, because "nerds" are almost always treated as hapless victims even though we all knew that nerd in highschool who was a total condescending cunt to most people.
I did the same thing.
>implying you're beautiful or intelligent
because she was a virgin well into her 20s
It's the trifecta that makes perfect women
>Tina Fey is funny
The quintessential reddit opinion.
Her show family are from Pennsylvania
nigga pls, her father is german and her mother is greek
>le ebin contrarian
Yes, you do fit in already
>dissing Tina Fey
Leaks when? I want to se her saggy mommybelly
Her nose is normal, how can she be jewish?
would suck/10
I think she is alright. Amy Poehler though can go die in her feminist hole
Do you think this is "the good one"?
Repeat after me
what do you mean?
Backing your opinion up with a tumblr post agreeing with it really makes me respect it
It's a reference to a 30 Rock episode. Where her breast falls out of her dress at a date and she says "it's not even the good one".
A lot of things about that character were biographical so maybe we're not even seeing her best breast here.
I'd say her prime was around Mean Girls
great ep
Tina Fey is not Jewish; she's Greek.
like Boxxy
Are her feet cute?
she's really shy about her feet (both in the series and in RL)..maybe you can catch a glimpse of her feet on one of the award show pics
Truly pure.
This will never not make me laugh. 30 Rock is a gem. I wish Kimmy Schmidt was better.
That means she's hiding something, her feet must be extra slutty
When I was in high school, I hung out with a lot of the popular kids, but my main friend group was a group of sorta-losers that didn't fit any of the other cliques. The biggest asshole I knew was one of the nerdy kids, and it always freaked me out that no one else realized what a shitty person he was. He was a giant narcissist who would treat everyone like crap and would constantly ruin peoples' plans because of his own selfishness. Everyone seemed to think it was endearing because he was really quiet. I guess that's because quiet people are usually passive and they assumed his assholery was a joke.
The absolute worst person I've ever known was a fat theater nerd girl I worked with for a while. At least everyone else hated her, too.
>Good luck with that alopecia problem of yours Lemon.
>I don't have that. Very hairy
What did she mean by this?
Are theater kids a universally shit group of people? All the ones I knew were loud, histrionic faggots obsessed with "Bohemian Rhapsody".
I can think of 7 theater kids from my high school. Only 1 of them was weird. The rest were normal friendly people.
i guess it's just on a personal, anecdotal basis then
It's a really good song tho
She is like a furby that sheds a lot.
is she ?
Overrated and way overplayed. There's like a dozen Queen songs I'd rather hear. And I'm not even a huge fan, too camp for most of my moods
>Because she's intelligent, duh. She knew saving herself for marriage was the smart choice.
you just know she takes it up the ass even though she doesn't really like it but she has no self respect which makes it even hotter
>implying she isn't a sexually conservative woman who has never had sex with anyone but her husband
>implying she isn't a shameless size queen
honestly tina fey is funny.
yes but the husband fucks her in the butt
post best character
That's not Dr. Spaceman
she was frumpy and not at all the sexpot she became
"H-hey Liz, how's your telescope?"
"I don't know Chelsea, how's your mom's pill addiction?"
Every. fucking. time.
This. He deserved a spin off
it's without a doubt improving. Season 3 was pretty great
>meme laugh