Are black people too narcissistic, materialistic, and simple minded to commit suicide?
Are black people too narcissistic, materialistic, and simple minded to commit suicide?
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they commit suicide by nigger all the tim,e what're you talking about famm
Their entire culture is suicidal
yes. black people are not conscious like a white or asian individual. they don't have the mental paths to look at things from anything else than a primitive view. they don't feel shame, guilt, or empathy. they survive strictly on instinct.
Im black and have been in tears all day since my girlfriend left me. Fuck off.
pepper spray hurts doesn't it?
they do it all the time wtf are you on about
He buys his underwear at Walmart.
high iq black people aren't black
Honestly I wonder why Indians are even higher than Whites when it comes to suicide. Is that because of the alcohol and bleak environments they live in?
I think Whites do it because we're rather emotional compared to most other races. Kind of a mixed blessing I suppose. We're the most altruistic.
>high iq black people aren't niggers
Also OP fucked up you don't write black people when you actually mean niggers.
Certain black tribes in West Africa were notorious for committing suicide when captured, rather than be shipped to the West and enslaved for the rest of their lives.
The descendants of those who did not are the ones that exist in America.
Probably do all the time due to painful addiction withdrawals.
>or Asian individual
Fucking weeb
That's where the term "nigger rich" comes from
As soon as they get some money in their pocket, they spend it like they're rich
Eventually they end up broke and asking for more gibs
this song proves black men are redpilled they just need more facts beyond personal experience.
They are literally too stupid to realize they should be miserable. Possibly the one single upside to being a nigger.
that's why they kill each other
those are niggers you're thinking of, not black people
Go to bed Nicole
No he didn't you nigger loving cucks. All black people are worthless niggers stop pushing this meme.
i think its pretty weird blacks dont really commit suicide
blacks are to shallow to self reflect in that same way
The white man and the Asian man kills himself due to existentialist nihilism. Or he kills himself because he is unhappy with the standard of living. The black man is too degenerate for philosophy, for he is impoverished and uneducated. His degeneracy knows no bounds and the average shitskin lives in such subhuman degeneracy that they are used to it. Never in their thousands of years of history have niggers ever experiences prosperity, so the lack of it does not drive them to suicide. it's a shame really, if the negro purged himself then there would be no need for the genocide.
Remember this, the KKK were freedom fighters.
>simple minded
it's this one (pic related)
> all black people are worthless niggers
> all canadians are worthless shitposters
t. Nigger
t. a fucking leaf
> I could stand naked in a blizzard and you'd never find me you yellow fuck
i need some z-ro in my life.
Like z ro but his whole fuck the police shit is retarded. Dude is a great rapper though.
Where did you hide her body?
Oh wait you're black. You probably posted it on twitter.
Niggers have no conscience whatsoever. All the single mothers with uncontrollable misfit kids running around destroying shit, are single because they wanted dick at one point. They could give a shit less when there kid grows up to sell drugs, murder someone, end up in prison and spend the rest of their life there. They're just happy they finally got rid of that mistake they made 18 years ago. Niggers don't commit suicide because they're impervious to lifes woes. They literally can have a family member die, mourn about it for a day and then have a party and gamble all their money away on craps games the next day.
It's not that they're dumb. They're blinded by the hope that they will get fame to such a degree that they can't see the futility in life.
thats pretty retarded.
>also not dead.
Oh noes mah fat stacks *blam*
Oh noes imma be a daddy *blam*
They are the most likley to commit suicide because lack of impulse control.
Isnt Soulja Goy broke now?
heres a protip for you
Richness DOES NOT equate to wealth
>You can be broke but own land and people and goods.
>tfw you get told to get a job as an employer
Nigger or has a chimp gf. There's no way a regular white guy would be this triggered.
>in other words Even if you have a mansion and millions of dollars and lots of gold bling.
I will consider you a peasant.
>cumskins getting cucked by life itself
>black live like shit and still have the resolve to tough it out
I know you hate me. I get it. Im sorry for being born. Just let me be okay? Ill probably overdose tonight anyway. No reason to live now.
Whatever. Just saying we feel too. I dont expect you to care though.
they are reffering to your psychos and racists I doubt they have ever actually had the chance to meet a civilized black person.
Most of Sup Forums disagrees. I dont really care. Without her nothing matters.
>Implying asians are sentient
They're more like ants. They think in terms of what's best for the colony. If they aren't benefiting the cause they die off.
Things will work out either way , Trust in God.
>I am le bleck
So am I
>My gf broke up with me wah I kms
Suck it up normalfag
And they never will. I dont hang around whites that feel the need to clump me in a group 24/7. Who I literally have to tell my IQ in order for them to respect me.
the same folks around here that make Trump into Nazi memes.
I hate em too bud and I am a pale white guy same way as black criminals do for civilized blacks the kkk and white criminals do for me.
they are relentless and refuse to accept they can ever be incorrect about anything.
No. He did this to me.
H town in da house. Souf souf side
Kevin Gates is also a redpilled rapper.
Money talks, bullshit walks fampie. Also, pic related:
>famous rapper
>still commits sucide
Isn't it funny that Sup Forums is supposedly the epicenter of white supremacy evildoers yet Sup Forums has such great taste in rap/hiphop?
Because we're not weak like there modern white male. You're ancestors built empires and you faggots kill yourselves over made-up shit like "depression". Having the 'ability to commit suicide' isn't a desirable trait.
If there's people to rob, people to kill, people to gang bang
There's reason to nigger on
redpilled as fuck
I was suicidal over a girl then I realized the whole Wolrd if your Oyster meme and now I am an employer and a Scientist working on Experimental weaponry for military.
Animals don't commit suicide, it require you overcome the most primal natural instinct. It's actually an amazing feat and testament to the HUMAN spirit, I'm not encouraging it, it's tragic but it's a pretty amazing thing. Only whites and asians can do it
Nice, this follows a similar theme:
>Because we're not weak like there modern white male.
No we are talking about people with average IQ of 70-80. Abstract thinking and future time orientation is non existent. You are basically a slightly more evoked animals. Remember when Europeans went into Africa, they were shocked to learn blacks didn't even have a written language.
So, like, you're creating a hybrid kangaroo-dropbear mutant soldier?
Arabs have an average IQ in the 80s and they commit suicide all the time, leaf.
They prefer suicide by cop.
Or suicide by fight, disease, drug.
They're really not that conscious.
Why are blacks so obsessed with fucking other peoples women, especially each others?
Most black songs involving sex nowadays are about IMMUH FUCK YO GIRL
Yeah but Arabs can pass the mirror test
Still wrong.
black fathers :(
>Tfw literally have an ivy league engineering degree and earning 100k at age 23.
Nice try though Mr.Leaf.
IQ tests results directly tell you how good you are at taking that particular test.
Extended cognition is the view that mental processes and mind extend beyond the body to include aspects of the environment in which an organism is embedded and the organism's interaction with that environment.[1] Cognition goes beyond the manipulation of symbols to include the emergence of order and structure evolving from active engagement with the world.[2] As described by Mark Rowlands, mental processes are:[3]
Embodied involving more than the brain, including a more general involvement of bodily structures and processes.
Embedded functioning only in a related external environment.
Enacted involving not only neural processes, but also things an organism does.
Extended into the organism's environment.
Come on m8, now you're just being edgy.
>i aint got no hole fa mah dikk no mo :'''(
real high IQ problems you got there, jamal
Get off Sup Forums nigger!
Why? Pol is the best way to learn about the enemy.
Nice janitorial ID kek
A bit of a tongue in cheek but my points still stands that blacks lack zero self awareness. They mostly operate on a instinctual level
Never had sex with her. Never had sex period.
Even Dr. Ben Carson and Sherriff Clarke?
let me guess you also think hillary would make a great president and think black people need your help?
I see caucasion, asian, and hispanic.
Are you 12 years old?
I'm pretty sure that stupid people are less likely to commit suicide than people of average or high intellect.
And since blacks are more likely to be stupid, they are probably less likely to commit suicide, statistically speaking.
Blacks lack ZERO self awareness, you say? I think we're in agreement here, leaf. Thanks for reiterating the obvious.
But seriously, what's with the vendetta against blacks? There are plenty of blacks who commit sucide -- maybe at a lower rate than Eurasians, but still. You're acting like they're robots and not highly evolved organisms that missed one milestone we didn't. Stop it.
Don't do it man. Killing yourself over a woman is just about as beta as it gets.
By milestone I'm refering the evolutionary one of migrating out of Africa -- not leaf's humorless shitpost.
They just support niggers like BLM and excuse their behavior.
No the cultural rot is so deep and the Jewish infestation so thorough that no man living or dead on fix the USA. It's headed for collapse (same with Canada and most of the west imo).
Fun Fact: Hillary and Bill Clinton's crime bill in the 1990s but millions of violent nigs in prison for decades for petty crimes. So they (the Clintons) are not all that bad imo. She said she would "bring them to heel" and the madwoman actually did it.
Those are all the women categories. The survey is entirely on black men.
Black men with
Killing yourself over the only person that made you happy day in and day out is beta? Over the person who made who feel special for once?
More than a girl to me. But Sup Forums thinks Im a sub iq animal that only chases ass all so what the fuck ever.