> conservashits
> conservashits
Reminder that The Don got Obama to actually reveal his birth certificate
Didn't it take hi two years after he was elected to present them? Also, Obama is a faggot who pays money to keep his communist writings locked away from the public.
I'm convinced HE will release them in the weeks before the election, and that he is letting suspense build and waiting for more breaking news about her
Yet he still never provided.
>1st debate
>$hillary asks for The Don's tax returns
>The Don smirks
>"at this point what difference does it make"
>wins presidency
>physically removes leftist
>white race restored
is when Democrats tried for two elections in a row to bring up the Republican nominee's health and use it against them
but call the right conspiracy theorists for doing the same to a clearly unhealthy Hillary
Taxation is theft
Why do retarded faggots have trouble understanding that you need an American birth certificate to run for president, not a tax return.
Because Conservashits are dumb enough to question anyone who isn't white about their birth certificate
>1 post by this ID
>etc., etc.,
>you know what to do
The well is dry. He's a racist who won't release his tax returns.
>tfw it was a demoshit that started the birther bullshit
You certainly failed to correct the record.
The birther movement was started by Hillary's campaign, caught on with Trump, he ran with it, and made himself look like a fucking idiot.
Just like how Hillary's people tried claiming Bernie was antisemitic.
reminder that is was Hillary who was the first one to bring up Obama's true birthplace stuff
is your life that boring only way you can get attention is to be a shill
I've heard about this many times, but I thought he released it months ago. What did he release?
too bad it was shooped
i don't get why people want to see it though
if he were cheating taxes the irs would be after him
I don't have a dog in this fight BUT a birth certificate is a prerequisite for being president. If you don't have that you can't be president.
Tax returns are irrelevant.
why'd he look like an idiot? oboma is a kenyan muslim communist, and most of the country knows that already.
Birth certificate is mandatory in applying to be POTUS, a tax return is not.
I just like to point out right wing Hipocrisy on a conservashits anime hive mind board . Conservashits are trying to elect the most dangerous and unqualified person to office in history at this moment
I read about the inconsistencies surrounding it, but my main point was that Don was already getting someone as powerful as they President to do as he says
Srsly. Clinton is a criminal, warmongering fanatic.
What is so hard to comprehend?
A retarded plant would be a better choice than her.
Ha ha hypocrisy. Hill Dogg and other Dems in fact started the rumors of Barry being a Muslim and a foreign national.
You should just turn 360 degrees and walk the other way out of here.
He looked like an idiot because of how the media played it up as a gigantic joke, most likley why him and the Clinton's had a massive falling out to begin with, she made him into a tool, like she does everybody else.
Someone running a large company is more qualified to run a country than any representative or senator.
kek. Either they listen to their party head, or do what their constituents want. It's not hard at all.
This, go home everyone.
You actually need a birth certificate to be President, not your taxes
Hillary Clinton started the birth certificate stuff
hmmm really makes me think
>occupy democrats
fucking lol. the worst propaganda in the country and you try to use these 3rd grade mental gymnastics to prove a point? You're either trolling or honestly have the IQ of a mushroom.