Could this be more of a friends thread?
Could this be more of a friends thread?
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Friends general? Who was your favorite friend? J/k I know it was Joey.
what is there to talk about Friends? Seriously?
there's so many more cozy sitcoms from the period anyway
oh em gee you're SUCH a Ross
>Friends didnt have any black friends
why was this allowed?
Seinfeld was better
Uuuh, Ross dated a black woman and she was a fox.
>not a /GoT/ thread
Wow I guess we can't enjoy Friends now because Seinfeld was better, guys. Make a list of things Seinfeld was better than so we can promptly stop enjoying them please thank you.
fuck off russ
Does Rebbit enjoy Friends? I don't want to enjoy it unless they do. Anybody here from r/Friends?
So unrealistic
because nobody has one
It was mostly Jews and an Italian they didn't need a black
>what is there to talk about Friends?
Friends threads usually are about:
1. "But they were on a breakup".
2. Which is Friends girl is best?
Friends was must-see-tv you retard
Ross > Chandler > Joey > Monica > literal shit > Phoebe > Rachel
1. Rachel let that guy Ross was jealous of come over as soon as they started the "break". Ross did literally nothing wrong.
2. Monica, obviously.
I sensed it was you.
Childhood is idolizing Chandler.
Adulthood is knowing Ross is boss.
>"But they were on a breakup".
I am such a misanthrope and normally have only contempt for happy couples but damnit If I wasn't rooting for those two
Ross is the worst friend and a shitty character
The KKK and lynching was still a thing during the 90s.
nobody give him a (You)
He is pretty shitty, Joey is best friend as long as you keep your hands off his hot meal.
Childhood is rooting for Ross + Rachel
Adulthood is realizing Rachel + Joey makes more sense.
They wanted people to actually watch the show
Look, Ross is doing his 'watching TV' bit.
Remember how fat guy used to live there? Good times.
Do you think any of the friends hooked up in real life? Im guessing they all did all the time.
No I think he's actually watching TV
Do Americans really wear their shoes inside their apartments/houses all the time?
Uhh fellas.
They also believe they're going to be millionaires one day
Ross > Russ