>still no legal marijuana
>even 'murricans are beating us to legalization
What the hell? Legal weed is literally the only reason I voted for that faggot Trudeau
>still no legal marijuana
>even 'murricans are beating us to legalization
What the hell? Legal weed is literally the only reason I voted for that faggot Trudeau
Potheads have the common sense of women.
Enjoy your Pride Minister, faggot.
You make a stupid vote, you get stupid things
Fuck off to America with the rest of the degenerates.
Faggot I voted Harper and pothead faggots like you got this homo to represent our already liberally cucked country. Moving to the states thanks
Must be nice that your country has no REAL issues to worry about. Canadians are so weird.
wow so insightful! we clearly should have elected the CPC again!
weed ban is not even enforced, why the fuck would you vote for weed legalization?
>extremely easy to obtain high grade marijuana
>vote is based upon legalizing marijuana
Why? Do you really need to be able to smoke a joint going down the street to show everyone how fucking cool you are? Fags.
Because I'm too beta to have a connection...
Also, why the fuck would something like weed legalization be a tipping point im your choice anyways lmao.
have you ever tried weed? it's the most overrated shit on this planet
>not enforced
Tell that to the compassion clubs in Toronto that got raided
Holy shit you're unironacly one of the DUDE WEEEEEDDD LMAO voter? Kys.
>Legal weed is literally the only reason I voted for that faggot Trudeau
Sad part is this is probably true.
lmao how old are you?
like 90% of lib voters under 30 in October were dude weed lmaos
I want a fucking cigarette.
You ruined your entire country for a promise of legal weed. All so you could get high. What the hell is the matter with you?
Get high illegally like everyone else.
Now watch as we take this extraordinary journey into the life of the leaf as it jumps from thread to thread. Only leaving a few comments mostly inane and meaningless. As it reaches maturity, it begins to create it's own threads and thus, completing its parasitic relationship with it's host Sup Forums. Occasionally it's lust for bandwidth with get noticed by predators, such as janitors and mods. But like most fish in this pond, it lives to see another day.
Really? Based on what? From what I see they were mostly 3 types, weeds lmaos being a close fourth.
>But but harper
>loyal libtard voter even if the the pm is lucifer himself
>Lol he's so hot! he makes my vagina tingle
Don't be too mad
Do you know how little a vote actually counts in this "country"
it's a combination of all three + dudeweedlmaoism
who'd you vote for? harper was a right cunt I'm glad he's out but Trudeau is just the same old shit dressed up in rainbow colors
>people on Sup Forums still unironically defend Harper
does Rebel Media pay that well? I need a new job
He smoked it all and gave it to the somali firefighters. Come Leaf it's 2015
>ruined your entire country
The sky is falling the sky is falling
that was beautiful
>he voted for trudeau for weed
My god. I'm fucking glad you don't get it. You're as bad as the people who voted Harper because of Israel. Worse, prolly.
i went to Trudeau's high school and personally know people close to his family
ask me whatever
Why are you shitposting in my thread? We are trying to discuss pertinent political issues plaguing our increasingly global society and you feel the need to chime in with that "gem".
Harper was far better. It will take for fucking ever to fix things with hundreds of thousand of refugees by the end of his term. What the fuck will we do? Deport them? That should be standard practice once the conflict is over but with the >current year's attitude I doubt that will be doable.
Under Harper nothing fucking happened. Well, save a handful of non-scandals that had no real impact on the country.
How many persona's does Dude weed have?
Why are you so aggressive. I didn't realise it was breeding season in Northern Narnia yet.
Fuck it. Next election I am voting for the farthest right/most nationalist party available, even if it's ultimately pointless.
>easier to get marijuana on the black market than it would if it was legalized.
>easier to get marijuana on the black market than it would if it was decriminalized and regulated.
South African actually. Did you know they were only paid $15.00 a day?
>only $15
Top Kek, they got mad at going to a first world country and getting paid.
the refugees that are in Canada are fucking fine get your sensitive right wing panties out of a bunch
I've met like 10 of em here, all very civilized and educated individuals, if anything the fuckin Morrocan and Algerian families that come here through regular immigration are worse
I was in Europe this summer, and boy let me tell you the refugees over there are the bottom of the barrel. Canada really got a sweet deal out of the fact that a huge ocean exists between us and them.
Harper was wrecking science, the environment, and prepped the fall of the dollar with the fucking petrostate he let us become
why the fuck would we want an evangelical religious retard run the country
>Harper was far better.
are you Filipino or Chinese?
Australia is a top tier shit poster. Respect it.
I got $1250.00 just for being forced to evacuate and my insurance wrote me a $2000.00 check on the spot at the evac center. Feels good man.
>votes Trudeau to get pot legalized
>instead opens flood gates to Muslim immigrant savages
Almost forgot about the $300.00 from the red cross. Chump change tb h
So fucking what? The left think they can build a dollar on fucking green energy! Oh an bailing out bombardier once again.
We already had incidents with adult male refugees going in schools harrasing the girls and beating the boys.
I have seen with my own eyes assholes waving the ISIS flag.
If we have less problems than europe is because we aren't france with a 10%+ population of muslims. Also yes the pond acts as a great moat. But it will get worse.
Liberals wont fix the environment, they focus too much on solutions that don't work. Sure the conservatives are retarded enough not to believe in the problems in the first place, but neither fix anything and yet one cost money.
We only accept highly educated Muslim savages thank you very much.
Muslim cabbies are bro tier, one of them even spotted my friend a mickey once.
Un calisse de francophone.
>accepting 25 000 (less than .1% of the population) heavily vetted refugees that included no single men and were spread across the entire country is "opening the floodgates"
wew lad
First post best post.
where the fuck have you seen people wave ISIS flags? ffs man report that shit
all I'm saying is the refugees themselves have passed a truly stringent vetting process, and it's a way to distract you from the real shit the CPC and the LPC both agree on, the real fucking shit we should be outraged at
in any case, I didn't vote for Trudeau either. I'm one of those weird fucks that thinks deep structural change can only come from deep structural reform... you know the kind that will never ever come from dropping your opinion into the suggestion box of federal elections
t'es Quebecois? ou est ce que t'as vu un refugie avec un drapeau ÉI? a Montreal? lmao
Toronto region
Of course we need deep change. It's more than just our government, it's deep rooted in our culture.
But for now fuck it I wont vote for either next election. I will vote though.
Oh kek didn't even realize it was he same id. Je suis pas Quebecois mais ma famille vien du Quebec.
ok, I guess I can see your POV
I just have no idea who to vote for... they're all fuckin puppets
Hey worst case scenario vote for a joke party like rhinoceros. Although I think they are no longer running.
x2 better than alcohol imho
I can't even stand alcohol anymore, makes me feel gross.
Legal weed would be nice so I can buy some nice quality edibles desu.
>Legal weed is literally the only reason I voted for that faggot Trudeau
Fucking kill yourself degenerate
I would love there to be legal weed, but I wasn't stupid enough to vote for that faggot just for that. All the retards out east voted for him and now we have the worst PM since his asshole father.
Scotch and oak aged beer are far better then shitty weed.
Why not give degeneracy a try? Surtely a little taste won't hurt?