Age of consent should be 35 and you literally can't refute this
Age of consent should be 35 and you literally can't refute this
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Why cant people not fuck until married? Fucking sinful cunts.
M-marriage? Y-yea, sure, I'll wait until t-his happens!
Sorry you fucks are virgins
Age of consent should be puberty like nature intended.
A fucking leaf
A fucking Asian leaf
A fucking Quebec leaf
A rational person
hello there roasties. how are your flaps?
I have 3 kids
The AoC shouldn't exist. A girl should be married when and to who her father says. Bureaucrats in Tallahassee or Washington should not be able to tell a man when he can have his daughter married.
Sex outside of marriage should be considered rape.
and how many wives?
4 with 68 concubines
Is one of them a cute girl? Do you do sex stuff with your cute daughter?
Wow you must make a lot of money. Are you a Wendy's chef?
Age of consent should vary person to person and require a test. Passing the test means you have a license to consent. The minimum age should be 12 to take this test.
fuck off jew
>Sex outside of marriage should be considered rape.
muslim detected
Your wife's sons don't count.
fucking germanics and their degeneracy
>and you literally can't refute this
35 is where women become a pregnancy risk group.
Everything before that would be considered rape.
You'd have a lot of rape babies (raised in single mother homes, since the father is in prison for rape) and defectives running around in your scenario, thus having a dysgenic effect on your population.
But since this is just another
>1 post by this ID
thread, it's not like you care.
I want leafs to go away.
daily reminder I was going to say 55 but i mistyped
>Age of consent should vary person to person and require a test
Yes, what we need is more State control.
>You want girls to be good and loyal and there to be familial responsibility?
It's rape because she belongs to someone else. You can't just fuck another man's girl.
t. slightly better haiti
That's a funny way to write 15.
Which means you're even more retarded.
Age of consent in USA should be 14.
FLAWLESS, UNASSAILABLE LOGIC: It's buttfucking retarded and completely unrealistic to expect high schoolers not to sex each other.
Perhaps you could add in a clause that you can't fuck 14-17 year olds past a certain age, but still, it should be 14 with or without such a clause because high schoolers will always fuck each other.
Worst bait ever
>to expect high schoolers not to sex each other
>implying girls should be in school
Ha, what a dumbass.
Why should the State be able to say when a girl can do sex stuff?
i had sex
This. When a male can ejaculate and a female starts menstruating is the only logical and scientific point at which a person should be legally able to have sex.
Arbitrary lines in the sand based on age are ridiculously antiquated and nonsensical.
>at 15 years and 364 days, a girl is considered a child
>a day later she can have an orgy with a dozen 50 year old men
Certainly makes a lot of sense.
I don't want to.
I actually kind of like the idea of making bitches wait until they turn batshit fucking insane before allowing them to be fucked.
It would root out a lot of evil in this world.
Ditch the right to vote until then and you've got a winner.
The fuck is wrong with you twats?
Why do we need an age at all? Fuking agists
Age of consent should be in a 5 year radius of your current age.
You literally can not refute this
Did you misclick quoting my post?
>You literally can not refute this
Yes, I can.
That idea is stupid. What is it going to solve?
Why should a 40 year old man who decided to wait until he is financially secure before breeding be forced to settle for a barren 35 year old cock carousel instead of a 16 year old virgin?
Risk of birth defects[edit]
The risk of having a Down syndrome pregnancy in relation to a mother's age.
A woman's risk of having a baby with chromosomal abnormalities increases with her age. Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal birth defect, and a woman's risk of having a baby with Down syndrome is:[5]
At age 20, 1 in 1,441
At age 25, 1 in 1,383
At age 30, 1 in 959
At age 35, 1 in 338
At age 40, 1 in 84
At age 45, 1 in 32
At age 50, 1 in 44
Yeah, femanons, that biological clock is ticking. Find a neckbeard and get busy.
t. germanic
If you're waiting until 40 to become financially secure you're doing something very wrong.
>tfw my mom was 39 when I was born
It is terrible having such old parents.
Kill yourself pedo scum
At that age you would be able to send your children to private schools or even have an in-home tutor. You're committing child abuse if you send your child to public school.
I think it should be 18, if you go under you're a rapist and are jailed, pregnant or not. Less nigger bastards. Plus under 35 is better health of both spermatozoa and eggs.
We should just start killing people who aren't virgins.
>oh no, someone has opinions contrary to the ones I've been taught to have
What's wrong with little girls? Nothing is what; they're cute and just the right size and they smell good.
Our current system leads to most of our children attending schools where students aged 14-18 are grouped together in one school with one another. Put teenagers all in one school together with their raging hormones and at some point one of the 18 year olds is naturally going to fuck one of the 14 year olds. This isn't wrong and it shouldn't lead to the 18 year old going on a sex offender list for life.
I'm just being realistic.
This is now a KEK worship thread. Praise him!
>Our current system leads to most of our children attending schools where students aged 14-18 are grouped together in one school with one another.
Yes, and that's bad. Girls should not be in school.
>This isn't wrong
Yes, it is. She isn't his to fuck, she belongs to her father until he gives her to her husband.
I only praise the One True Goddess, thank you.
Exactly. This kind of shit is what dried up feminist hitting the wall really want though. They wish they could legislate that Men must only fuck fatties, and aged used up sluts.
A woman's 20's are her intended breeding years. It's not Men's problem that Women are out trying to start a career instead of finding a decent husband an making a family which is their whole purpose.
He's right in a sense. There should be aoc just not what it is now. When a father or parents choose who a girl marries, then the family becomes stronger for it. It's actually jews who forced weak, broken families as the norm.
How about no, and the first guy through the door will get filled with lead, and probably the second, third, fourth and so on until I run out of ammo, which is something I dont recommend counting on.
Wrong thread psycho.
This is a really jewy tactic to further the decline of white birth rates.
18/19 is best.
calm down Muhammad
35 is the age of consent.
Any time before that is RAPE!
It is only after 35 that a women decides it was consensual as it help their child support case.
But most blacks are teen moms fathered by teens that leave them because they are teens and want to experience other pussies then the one they knocked up.
The AoC is a great way to remove agency from those below it, because you are forced to wait till someone else (the government) says you can do something with your own body, which make you more likely to be okay with having someone else tell you want you can do or can't do in other aspect of your life.
Government should have no say in things involving what someone does with their own bodies.
Go back to Tumblr, fag.