Why did the white walkers bother to steal living wildling babies if they can just turn dead things into white walkers...

Why did the white walkers bother to steal living wildling babies if they can just turn dead things into white walkers as well? This eye clearly doesn't belong to a wight. Bravo dabids

Also why can they turn babies but not adults, especially considering the first White Walker was an adult man.
In the books I assumed they were sacrificing Craster's boys since he could technically be considered a King, making him their own personal Kingsblood farm.

Every wight has blue eyes you mong.

The whole episode was a big fucking mess

Does a baby become a standard zombie or some special white guy?

they have but wight eyes look different from white walker eyes

because turning babies in more evil

Wights have blue eyes with no irises.
This is mentioned in the book, in the show at some point they stopped having them because I guess there were a ton of extras and was a pain.

they become special baddies
this is what wight eyes look for comparison

Wighs have blue eyes too, genius.

And that's different form walker eyes too
That's like saying "if humans are born babies, why is adam always depicted adult?". The conditions are not the same. We saw the children turn an adult into a walker

it's a lizard eye, other than that it's identical

It only looks different because you can't see his sclera.

This thread is giving me the feeling that literally nobody understands how the White Walkers work lmao. Bravo Dabid

Why are there always 4 other ice niggas with the Night King? Weve seen them be killed yet whenever he rolls out hes always got a full posse.

The babies turn into white walkers, the dead are just regular zombies. You kill the white walker that raised some zombies and said zombies will also fall.

It was. IGN and even Gamespot really tore this episode apart for its inconsistencies.

Why are the Walkers not capturing wildlings and forcing them to make babies to turn?

if it's a wight then how can it breathe fire next episode without burning itself, especially with that giant hole in its neck?

but the dragon is clearly a walker, not a wight

>if it's a wight then how can it breathe fire next episode without burning itself, especially with that giant hole in its neck?
it will breath ice. and then it and the other dragon will "sing" of ice and fire! clever huh?

it does
becoming a wight just makes the sclera blue, and the dragon's eye is all sclera apart from the slit pupils


As if these are credible review sites. AV Club is superior to both of these manchild gamer websites producing the most elementary drivel. This fucking place sometimes.

I guess the Night King is not very smart.


I don't buy it, looks too different

i-imagine youre taking a piss in the woods then this wight corners you

Do the babies still grow? Aren't they technically dead? They could use them to infiltrate castles through air vents.

the walker babies should supposedly grow since they aren't zombies

I imagine getting an erection mid-pee to be pretty painful.

I had been assuming adults would retain too much of their personalities and not really be into the whole 'dead destroying the living' thing, whereas babies never knew anything else. But if that were the case, the dragon should still be loyal to Dany.