>We need a guy to play the evil German Na-
>say no more senpai
We need a guy to play the evil German Na-
How many times he played a nazi?
>say no more Fraulein
Is that Gul Dukat
Just level with me: he was supposed to be sympathetic in Inglourious Basterds, right?
yeah. the scenes prior to his beatdown are graceful and he has a quiet dignity. when he says the medal was for bravery he means it. but then the violence happens because tarantino loves violence and the idea of it happening to everybody
Literally chews up the scenery when he shows up, I'm going to miss him.
Yes, and he's somewhat sympathetic in the Strain as well at least in the beginning of his time in the 3rd Reich
>Literally chews up the scenery
alright maybe that's an exaggeration, sorry.
Literally the most cucked character in The Strain
>never once been selected to host the master
>his love interest was a Jew who got hung
>was about to slay some dutchpucci then gets interrupted
And it's so odd how he so desperately wants to be a host for the master but I always figured it suppressed the original personality, though I guess it would actually bring him closer to the whole host collective. He has more freedom than any other strigoi but wants to be tied down.
not sure if that's a commentary on fascism, I'm probably just reaching.
Why do they always pick Germans with the roughest facial features to play Nazis?
Yes. He comes off as the only one with dignity.
>baby faced germans
Too busy in gay porn, believe you me
I'm not saying they should cast babyfaces but at least they could cast one of us who doesn't look like a skeleton. They could just cast more fat Germans.
At least 3 more times outside The Strain
poor man's Ed Harris
>They could just cast more fat Germans.
As if that ain't a sterotype too, moreso than the skeleNazis.
Un-fucking-fair comparison and I think you know that, both are very good
He wasn't playing
>We need a villain
>I know! Make him German/Russian
Göring was a fat fuck so at least that has some origin in real life. Skeleton Nazis are rare especially in the upper ranks.
>"We need someone to play an old wise guy"
>"I got you"