Why are liberals so fucking anti art?
For decades we've been told that conservatives are against art yet liberal scum pull this shit left and right now
Why are liberals so fucking anti art?
For decades we've been told that conservatives are against art yet liberal scum pull this shit left and right now
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>muh librulls
Fuck off, Sup Forumstard, go defend monuments while shouting "Fuck the niggers and Jews", fucking art appreciator.
Hello, Levenstein.
>Why are liberals so fucking anti art?
Don't day that, I'd be happy to see your finger paintings.
Nothing really it's just the commies being commies.
>hollywood trash
Art is capitalistic or something
>muh pol
right after a reddit raid
like a clockwork
Friendly reminder that Trump destroyed countless pieces of art in the 80's and 90's while building his shitty hotels.
Meanwhile they'll defend government arts funding for a cross upside down in urine precisely because it pisses off religious people, and that's needed.
post your top 10 films of all time, Sup Forums coward
Because actual art makes people feel bad when they compare it to the finger paintings and """""personal"""""" art they're able to make after 4 wasted years at an art school, so they have to be removed
It's one of many paradoxes the left just ignores
>thread mysteriously dies
>3 hours later
>no list
Why do liberals from Sup Forums pretend they understand film?
>despise liberal scum
>"oh, you must love Donald J. Trump."
Most of these people that say this type of stuff are avowed Marxists rather than Liberals. The liberals will generally just be the useful idiots.
They think movies and other art should only exist to further their social causes. At no point do they acknowledge that no production company or indie filmmaker has any responsibility to please them. It all stems from their moral superiority complex.
>Old building gets sold
>Gets demolished
>Liberals have a problem with this
Pic related was done by BLM because Lincoln was a racist and false prophet. Can't wait until we tear down the Washington monument for being a symbol of white privilege and blow up mount Rushmore for being built on righftul Indian Land
>Only Sup Forumstards want to keep monuments up instead of be ISIS tier morons
Leddit has to go back
>he's seriously suggesting he's not a trumpfag
It truly is incomprehensible to you, isn't it? Wow. I mean, I suspected as much but to have this confirmation, just blows my fucking mind.
ISIS is destroying ancient art whenever they can, these assholes think of themselves as the opposite os ISIS, and still they are beginiing to destroy monuments and art. gigafacepalm.gif
why are leftys so anti-art?
Any time a leftist accuses you of something, it's something they either openly or secretly do. They are completely uncreative so all of their insults are projections.
Isn't there a youtube clip with Trump where he was asked about these sculptures? If I remember correctly he said that he hired people to appraise these sculptures. The value of sculptures wasn't enough to justify risk that associates with getting those sculptures down because sculptures were massive and heavy and could be lethal to workers dismantling sculptures from buildng.
Movies are not art.
art makes people feel and think
maybe not all movies are art, but some are
That's how it usually goes with people buying old buildings, usually there is a community of people who want to preserve it's legacy but who just don't have the resources and man power to do so, and because they are buildings and not monuments/art in themselves usually no one can do anything
Agreed. Yet the problem would be that companies have started to listen to them and are actually modifying content to look progresive disregarding any other quality measurements.
Tv series, movies and games are all suffering for the forced insert of liberal propaganda on the plots. Is not even subtext and some times is not even related to anything.
It´s fucking annoying.
Yeah it was on Letterman I think but I remember the same clip.
>tfw when you realize that future conservatives will be arguing in order to stay to the point where liberals are trying to get in the present time
The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected.
Do you really think he would have just told his workers to destroy them if they were worth money?
The point of demolishing it and building something new was to make money. To destroy things he could sell to offset the cost would be beyond stupid.
You're right.
And it has already been demonstrated for decades, by authors like Guy Debord or Peguy for instance.
Hollywood films were still capable of being art until 1977. It was rare, but it happened.
That's punching up or something.
It's a combination of trying to reach wealthier, educated audiences, and hiring educated people. Both shift their direction significantly.
>muh european capitalism
>he forgets that his savior ideology, communism, also originated in Europe
My quote is from Chesterton, so even decades before Debord, maybe contemporaneous to Peguy.