*blocks your path*

>*blocks your path*

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JP3 is better than LW by a mile.

jaguars can snap necks like in action movies to kill their prey, why can't a frog monster do it too?

LW wasn't that bad. I actually hated JW with its retarded plot.

not even close

Nope always wrong. Sup Forums is always wrong


were there any good shots of the plot, though?

only correct answer, how's my Star Wars?
IV = V > VI >>>> III > I > II >>>> RebbitOne >>>> VII

*blocks your inaccuracy*

>using more than one greater-than sign


It's funny, because this is a picture of it swimming so naturally it'd be quadrupedal in this state. OP's Spino would swim like this regardless...

For all we know the spinosaur was covered in fur so this is also probably inaccurate retard.


>thinking the prequels, RO and VII deserve only one less than sign

I unironically agree. The Lost World didn't have the same "adventure" feel that JP /// did. It was generally a very mean-spirited film.

the sign doesn't work that way, kiddo

It fucking isn't

It was a spiritual remake of Doyle's The Lost World (and the 1925 movie) with some King Kong influences espeically with the score. I find it very adventure-like.

JW3 was "fun with dinos for the whole family".
TLW war JP2. It was sinister and ruthless. Too bad the last act ruins it.

At least its better than talking to raptors.

I absolutely agree.

It is. Rewatch LW. The t-Rex's disappearing and reappearing over and over again during the trailer set piece is the laziest shit Spielberg's ever done.

I wouldn't have minded Lost World if it was designed to be a full movie. Instead, we got two half-assed movies tangentially connected. It should've ended with getting off the island, and there shouldn't been a 3rd act on the island of them getting to rescue. The whole thing felt hacked-up and disjointed.

it fucking isn't jurassic park 3 is the only movie that offends me in a personal level and it truly shows how much of an arsehole Joe Johnston really is

The Isla Sorna bit in TLW is fantastic. All the In-Gen hunter scenes especially those with Roland, the tall grass sequence and the soundtrack is even better than the one from the first movie (not counting the main theme).

And I'd really want to know if Ludlow was supposed to be at least partially right. After all Vince Vaughn clearly fucks up and Ludlow has a good point when he talked about dinosaurs not bein natural creatures but In-Gen creations.

>covered in fur

u wot m8

He was a swimmer, they didn't fight T-Rexes for food.

Jurassic Park was wrong.

Imagine being Rexy in that scene and having to be all like"damn, Spinosaurus, you fuckin' apex predator, all sexy with your scaly body and horrific crocodylus monster face. I would totally let you snap my spine, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is eat another 6 ton triceratops in his territory. Like seriously imagine having to be Rexy and not only stand in that canopy while Spinosaurus flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her bitemarks and mannish arms, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that roar and neck snap. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's THE NEW T-REX and DAMN, SPINOSAURUS LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch her prehistoric fucking crocodile face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been eating nothing but a healthy diet of Parasaurolophuses and Gallimimuses and later alleged InGen bite victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the jungles in Isla Sorna. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the blood that's breaking out on her crumpled sail from the plane crash as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there and revel in her"theropodesque (for that is what she calls herself)"beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with Jack Horner in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill and eat every single person on the set before the studio security could put you down with tranquilizers, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Rexy. You're not going to lose your future sequel career over this. Just bear it. Hide your severed spine and bear it.

No shit, Sherlock. They lived millions of years apart from each other and in different continents.


I was so fucking pissed and sad in the theater when Spino killed T-Rex

that's very edgy, the t-rex was a villain.

hello joe johnston

don't you have to prove to the world that your dick is bigger than spielberg's?

Objectively correct but star wars is overrated even the OT.

Spielberg saw it as the hollow cashgrab it was. He literally directed the majority of it from a satellite link off-set. That's how little he cared.

more like he knew that the dinosaur would escape its enclosure

Especially when you realize it was the baby Rex from LW.

>no feathers

you must not have watched the first movie
T-Rex tears the shit out of the raptors and saves the day for everyone

And dinosaurs can't be villains

how do we know dinosuaurs were like monsters? I mean, just watch a cat or a horse skull and they'r2 terrifying while in reality they're not (cats are even cute). How do we know they weren't really cute?

No that was the first JP.

That user is right but TLW is darker in tone and its good

that's too much proto-feathers. The T-Rex was more likely only partially feathered, if at all. Otherwise he would overheat and die in an instant.


It's the length of the legs.

>Otherwise he would overheat and die in an instant

they all did at some point, though


> too much proto-feathers

No such things, all dinosaurs looked like giant turkeys

>keep trying to clean my screen only to realize its the image that its dirty
why would anyone do this?

Get fucked

No. Only the smaller ones. You know, like the ones in your image. Read about insulation and feathers.

Deinonychus as a maniraptor so it was likely covered in feathers, including true flight feathers


Not really. It has a darker color scheme but the film is full of a lot more goofy humor than the first one.


>They are not ashamed of that

Jesus. Imagine the asshurt of the braindead T-Rex fag that drew this.

Some people are so in love with the idea (probably because of the initial backlash to feathers) that they put them on other dinosaurs as well like Therizinosaurus a large theropod (I used to believe they were related to Gallimimmus but no).

>tfw you will never get to see a second season of Walking with Dinosaurs, updated for all the knowledge we've gained in the intervening years narrated by David Attenborough

You mean the show with cartoon voices for each of the dinosaurs?

I miss JP threads from two years ago. Especially the discussions about TLW mainly the good things about it.
To this day it's the most hitly debated one. JP is perfect and JPIII is widely unpopular.

These are in the maniraptor clade too.
So they were likely feathered as well.

how come triceratops, stegosaurus, brachiosaurus, ankylosaurus etc didnt have feathers? theyre dinos, dinos have feathers right r3dditors?

nah m8, they basically confirmed T-Rex didnt have feathers

Honestly, as prehistoric as dinos are supposed to be, I always found it strange that they looked so similar to modern lizards. It makes more sense to me that they would be drastically different, whether with feathers or something else.

>how come triceratops, stegosaurus, brachiosaurus, ankylosaurus etc didnt have feathers?
Because they're ornithischian dinosaurs. Of two major groups, only saurischian dinosaurs had feathers.

However, an early ornithischian had spines. So it may be possible that later members had spines or quills as well


There is even a name for taking a skellington and just wrapping skin around it.
There is some speculative works out there which take in consideration more elements then just the skelly

Are you memeing me or do you genuinely not know what Walking with Dinosaurs is you digusting pleb?

The American version was broadcast with cartoon voices.

made me smile bud.

JP is my favorite and I hope all spinos stay dead and are never cloned.

Kulindadromeus had feathers too and it was an ornithischian. Also, I thought Theropoda and Ornithischia got clamped together recently.

it's a silhouette of a diver for relative size to a spino you dope.

pay a visit to specsavers, man

>I thought Theropoda and Ornithischia got clamped together recently.
Not that I've heard, but I could be wrong
I haven't heard of your example there. It does seem to imply that non-scale integument was a lot more common among both branches than I thought.

However, we know for a fact that all dinosaurs were not covered with non-scale integument. We have quite a few skin impressions and they show scutes and scales.
Seems like it was like today where the big animals had little covering aside from skin. Heat issues and all

>giant turkeys.
Turkey, huh? Ok, try to imagine yourself in the Cretaceous period... You get your first look at this "six foot turkey" as you enter a clearing. He moves like a bird, lightly bobbing his head, and you keep still because you think that maybe his visual acuity is based on movement like a T-Rex; He'll lose you if you don't move, but no not Velociraptor. You stare at him, and he just stares right back. And that's when the attack comes, not from the front but from the side; the other two raptors you didn't even know were there. Because Velociraptor's a pack hunter you see, he uses coordinated attack patterns and he is out on force today. And he slashes at you with this, a six-inch retractable claw; like a razor, on the middle-toe. He doesn't bother to bite your jugular like a lion see... The point is, you are alive when they start to eat you. So you know, try to show a little respect.


Look out Ornithoscelida, it's a new proposed clade that includes theropods and ornithischians. Also, recently Chilesaurus is suspected of being a missing link between the two groups. Pretty interesting shit

>the "american documantaries" meme is not a meme

Where's the seabassosaurus?


no shit, they fought for dominance

Poochiesaurus Aegypticus


American documentaries being shit is a meme.
But in this case, it's actually true too.


BS. Here is why...

JP3: Alan Grant doesn't know how to interact with the 3 year old kid at the start and accepts a pay cheque to go to Site B because his dig-site is losing funding. Resets his character arc from the original film.

TLW: Ian Malcolm chooses to go to Site B in order to save his girlfriend, even though he's terrified by by what happened. His character arc continues from the first film.

>His character arc continues from the first film.
I wouldn't say that
Malcolm in TLW is a completely new character.

Malcolm in JP is a rock star mathematician. Like a far less lame Neil deGrasse Tyson or something.
He hits on Dr Sattler and generally is there for publicity and to shit on everything Hammond says.

In TLW he's the responsible single dad who just wants to make a family and settle down.

No it fucking wasn't. Myself and my entire family watched it from start to finish when it premiered in 99.
>Source:We're all American

Watch here

I remember being disappointed as a kid that Malcolm isn't a fun as he was in the first movie. That was more than likely intentional. I wonder what he will be like in JW2.

Ever considered that he changed because of the events in JP?



Now imagine, if you will, the very fact that he is also a BRazillian.

Technically true, but you should add that they're all shit.

JP- 11/10 amazing movie on all fronts, near perfection in every possible way from pacing to humor to philosophy
TLW- 7/10 good blockbuster, would likely have gotten much higher scores if released today
JP3- 2/10 first time I ever got mad at a movie and I'm still not over it
JW- 5/10 okay as a modern blockbuster but completely missing the spirit of the originals

I could buy it if he was at all like his JP counterpart
But all TLW Malcom does is kvetch about everyone else all the time.

It's like they took the basic part of JP Malcolm (i.e. he's staying Hammond will fail) but without realizing how our why he was like that
JP Malcom didn't bitch at Hammond that the park was going to fail because he had proof. He said Jurassic Park was going to fail because of god damned chaos theory. All he did was say the Park was going to fail because he was a smug "I'm smarter than you and I can prove it" asshole.

TLW Malcolm complains too but everything he complains about is suddenly legitimate. It's everyone else around him who is constantly fucking up and doing stupid things that warrant bitching. He as like a Jewish grandma running around putting on fires, sometimes literally.

i like movie malcolm better than book malcolm. book malcolm (at least in JP) was a bit annoying with his nonstop "i told ya so" chaos meme-spouting.

Nigga, Ornithischia and Saurischia are done for. DONE.

did you know that the mighty T-Rex could just slowly stomp around like an old man because his frail bones would literally break from the strain if he moved slightly faster?
What a "king"! LMAO


mah nigga. the chaos stuff was somewhat interesting, but the way it was written was annoying af. literary equivalent of a movie character constantly saying "sigh, you just don't get it" and brooding in the corner without enlightening. TLW malcolm was far more tolerable because his musings had practical value.

>there are still people that don't believe Ibrahim et al just because Sigilmassasaurus is sometimes considered its own taxon
Even if you don't, Cau has proven Spinosaurus' downsizing regardless of posture or Sigilmassasaurus; T. Rex is just way more massive no matter what other Spinosaur you use for reference
Sorry boys but your childhood monster is a dud, Giga vs. Rex is the real duel for king
>applies to every large carnivore
Oh baby

I'd give it some time.
Paleontontolgy is full of people who want to make their name by saying that EVERYTHING is wrong and they have the one true answer.
You shouldn't throw out everything just because of one specimen anyways.

Phylogeny is dumb and near pointless anyways

>Walking With Dinosaurs 3D
You claimed Walking with Dinosaurs, which premiered in 1999, had cartoon voices. Walking with Dinosaurs 3D is not the same as the original and came out over a decade later. WWD3D was also, rightfully, panned across the board. You're a dishonest shitposter and possibly underage.