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spoons are a dangerous weapon. in prison I had to use celery sticks or eat with my hands.

You can dig your way out of prison with spoons, you know.

Good. I wish the United States was smart enough to ban assault spoons

>that sad depressed face
>spoons he keeps losing
Likely a heroin user


Assault celery is banned in Australia :(

wtf... I hate spoons now

Ban all assault spoons!

The spoons he keeps "losing". Yeah right he's a fuckin' druggy.

How do you lose that many fucking spoons ?

You do know narconon is a $scifag front?

So fucking what, it's not the stores business to police that shit. I swear this place, police state now. Fuck mudslime pedo gangs, let's worry about the spoons.


Bonglanders: Oyyy veyy!!! We've got to keep these pesky goyim from getting flat pieces of metal!!!!

Carrying my own in the afternoon
Hiding a spoon she will be soon

At least he didn't have a screaming poo protest like your average shart in mart would have done if he was denied his s/poo/ns eh mate

yesss that will work well!
characterize them all as hobos shitting themselves!

Stool in pool

U wot mate, keep that up an I'll take Mr soupy to you

spoon-fu is taught to all bongs from an early age, they are deadly weapons over here


You didn't even sharpen it?

i see youve played knifey spooney before

Reasonable legislation, from an enlightened people.

I wish the fascists in Amerikkka just tried to listen and understand, and talk about this. But they won't. A 16 year old's mind just isn't as developed as an 18 year old's. Could you imagine the horror of an unregulated spoon market, where any 16 year old white male could get their hands on teaspoons? Well, here in America, we live that fucking nightmare everyday.

the alt-right uses spoons to make hurtful memes about the blacks

>I can understand not selling forks and eating utensil knives

Cucked as fuck. Seriously, it'd be easier to bash a bloke's head in with a rock than kill him with a steak knife.

The biggest culture shock I have ever had was as a teenager I found out you can't own guns in England.

In some states we have a 7 day waiting period for purchased spoons.

If a spoon has artistic engravings or a handle that is too long, it is considered an "assault spoon" and strictly regulated.

The amount of food per spoonful is strictly regulated as well, only 1 tbsp per tbsp. If you somehow get more than that; it's considered fully automatic, and a menace to foods everywhere. Completely illegal, unless spoon was mfg'd before 1986.

consider yourself blessed.


Spoons can be dangerous in the wrong hands...
video related

Just another case of lefty SJWs at work. Of course every time that they do stupid shit like this, another batch of people get redpilled.

They are the right's best recruiters.

You keep shitting on Sweden, maybe it's time to start bullying Britain?
I can buy as many knives as I want.

Jeez dude, it's only handguns and semi automatic centrefire rifles that are banned. Can get a .50 bmg if you have a firearms license.

Is it illegal for the youth to play with tree branches in the UK?

So can we. I carry a spyderco for EDC and have a usmc ka-bar for camping etc. You just have to have a reason for a non edc legal blade.

Yes, yes it is. The Special Branch will nick you :^)

Western society is doomed. We might as well all drop trough and let the niggers fuck us in the ass.

They are attempting to regulate all commerce in metals and alloys, because the last step in gun control is manufacturing control. Any idiot can forge a weapon, with the right tools any idiot can even mill a firearm. That's hard to do when all the sales of metal goods are tracked.

You can't ID a person younger than 18, so you can't buy metal goods without an ID. Everyone is missing the larger connection here. They don't want you making your own Electric Arc Furnace and using it to melt down scrap in order to produce your own steel for your own needs.

They want all of the metal regulated, so that if you have to do something bad you will be forced to pick up a rock or brick and use that instead. That's why you need ID to buy spoons.


Just no.

don't be a coon, bin that spoon.


Ok yes it is stupid but there is a reason for it.




A .22 short? That's capgun ammunition. If you want to get upset over something, I have about 3000 rounds of .22 long rifle in my back room.

Holy shit that is depressing.

Am watching dad country get cucked to previously unthinkable levels.

As opposed to that you have fairly normalized public shootings, so I guess we're just another side of the spectrum.

>.22 short
Pic shows .22lr. Sigh.
This is why I didn't bother with a license. Police scrutiny is intense, with mandatory sentencing for minor fuckups. A while back an 80 yr old biddy nearly got handed 5yrs for having her dad's old service webley in the loft.

Ban assault teenagers