The greatest political comedy of all time?
The Thick of It
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>old and ugly guys
>political show
>doesn't want old and ugly men
I can't take it seriously since that one cunt in the cast got caught for diddling
it all went to shit when they had to replace Abbot cus of those pedo charges
>any show
>wants all men old and ugly
yasssss we want hot young twinks!!
Gina Mckee has such a sexy voice, britbong genetics be damned.
hahaha what was his excuse again? it was for a role?
Aye, then he claimed it was therapy. Insane cunt
mao believed dipping his dick in virgin vaginas of pre-teen girls will cure him of std
Yes and it's not even close.
If Langham would've kept his degeneracy off his credit card bill then it would go down as one of the all-time greats and receive the customary wall-to-wall replays on the BBC like Fawlty Towers and Only Fools.
No, this is. TToI is just mean spirited farce.
Not only the best political comedy, but the best comedy.
Being a pedo helped him play a cabinet minister convincingly
enjoyed it but I couldn't help but feel the characters all talked in the same way
Pleb laughter track and boring one-note characters. At least TToI had something going on outside of the punchlines.
Yes Minister is probably a bit too old for most people here but it is really fantastic
>Pleb laughter track
Why is this a meme?
There's nothing wrong with a laugh track, unless it's overbearing.
Interesting, but unlikely to help.
Like what? Atleast with Yes, Minister I can remember the jokes. The only joke I remember from TToI was the "I'm an elected representative of the people and I say it was funny"
>Like what?
Not him, but I thought how Glenn developed/changed throughout the show was great. And it really fit into the idea that government - both the representatives and the people - are hopeless.
Yes, and dubs confirms it.
Do you know what it's like to clean your own mother's piss?
What do trips confirm?
>That's top swearing, Glenn, well done
>It's just piss
Ok, second joke. Still, TToI relies on cringe.
>the idea that government - both the representatives and the people - are hopeless
Which is what I'm talking about when I say mean spirited. TToI makes everyone in it into a bumbling buffoon exept for Malcolm. While Yes, Minister basically gives everyone aims, loyalties and interests, along with a slew of dealy accurate quotes.
I think both of them have a decent share of good jokes, but I will always appreciate TToI for foregoing Yes Minister's weary-eyed explanation of how the people’s will was never translated into government policy, TToI is more about about how politics distorts ‘truth’ and that makes for a more interesting theme and better satire that's closer to home.
Beyond that, some of the main characters actually undergo some development and evoke a few genuinely touching moments, which is a welcome relief from the absurd media-concocted pseudo-crises that the series revolves around.
>how politics distorts ‘truth’
There is more than plenty of that in Yes Minister too (for example the Significance of the word singificant). TToI if I remember it right is more about how politics looks and avoiding embarassment and failing and the constant failure and patheticity pissed me off. Where TToI makes a point, Yes, Minister makes a point and a joke.
confirms the dubs
Based Glenn
>Fuck you all up the wrong'un. Tata!
what I''m taking away from this thread is that I have to get my hands on Yes, Minister?
More like the THICC of it, am I right?
The main difference is that while Yes Minister had an implicit solution to the problems it identified – taking power away from the politicians and civil servants – The Thick of It has no resolution to the predicament it outlines, there can be no 'truth' in politics because of the sick democracy in which we reside.
Yes Minister usually showed Hacker trying to implement a policy and coming up against various impediments, 99% of the time it was the entrenched civil service. TToI is not so straightforward and presents a never ending conundrum which makes for more intriguing viewing and moral dilemmas. The comedy is obviously what we're here for, but it makes for the cherry on top of the sundae.
He's only in like 3 episodes lad, just power through and get to the prime sour puss Murray era.
Good show, but I'm not a fan of the laugh track. Also I watched The Good Life before this and keep thinking it's the dude from that in a previous job or something.
>She's not laughing, she's pissing herself!
I don't know how the cast kept a straight face.
it's on netflix i think my lad
>that one episode when Glenn is having his "well fucking tinkie winkie!" meltdown and chris addison has to hide behind a filing cabinet because he starts laughing
Where do you think you are?
It was extreme CP he was caught with too. It involved animals in it or something.
Were the animals underage too?
I don't know. Probably.
I fucking love Thick Of It, how does VEEP compare?
Takes a while to get going. IMO it really picks up mid-way through season 2 and then it's pretty great throughout, it definitely benefits from being more plot driven that TTOI
glenns character arc is one of the best in all of television
Olly's was very good as well. The final betrayal of Malcolm after his big meltdown was just great. It was nothing Malcolm wouldn't have done if the roles were reversed, but it just felt so much worse coming from Olly.
You'll go FUCK OFF
fuck off bagpuss
I'm really sorry, you won't hear anymore swearing from us. You MASSIVE GAY SHITE. FUCK OFF
Absolutely woodberry fatty on the right
>When they mention he's in Australia
It all makes sense now.
>All I can say about the PM's leaving is that it will be a very surprising date.
>What the fuck does that mean?
>the tittyninth of Febuary?
>Flaptember the fourth?
>8 B.C?
Who's the best and why's it Jamie?
One half of the caledonian mafia
It has to be Mannion.
>I sometimes buy The Big Issue out of social embarrassment, I DON'T START A FUCKING BANK
>the cameramen are laughing
>The greatest political comedy of all time?
Yes it is, ITT Sup Forums predictably is trying to shit on it.
>As we enter the third week I find Mr. Tickell's attention seeking tent based twattery even more annoying than weeks one and two.
Also, the Peter vs. Stuart scenes are some of the best bits of the whole series.
unironically Phil
Phil is exactly what I imagine Sup Forums posters are like, except he has a job
CATASTROPHIC erectile disfuntion
I approve of this post.
I've only seen the movie. I didn't realize at the time it was based on a tv show.
It's an overdone Sup Forums cliche, but Phil is literally /ourguy/. There's even that scene where he reveals his full power level and goes on an anti-roastie tirade.
>I've given you everything Peter... you can't... I don't have anything else, that's the point. I don't have any friends, I don't have any life, I haven't had sex for five years and I don't even enjoy it. I'm not going to get anyone pregnant. I'm never going to get anyone pregnant. OK? I'm fucking sleeveless.
>Whereas she is just a FUCKING baby-bomb. She's going to go off all over the office and fucking leave you.
>When he pumps himself up to be the better man and turn himself in for the leak and just says fuck it when he gets to the police station
Fuck Ollie though
>Nicholson and Hugh not top tier
Terri deserves to be a part of the normal rankings.
>Lord Baldy and the Beast
I think not.
>'he's not the Irrelephant Man'
One of the best lines in the show
That fucking grin when he watches Stuart get sacked. Gets to me every time.
>"Stewart, any thoughts from within your fucking dream-yurt?"
>"on the way to Stewart's Mind Kampf
>"Sorry darling, I have to go - I think the bailiffs are coming to take away my will to live"
Based Peter has the best lines.
>Glens son has special educational needs