Simpsons jokes you never got

Atleast they named a street after me.
It's full of what?

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't get it.

Castro Street is a notorious gay area of San Francisco. Probably since the 1940s.

It's full of Sneed.

Castro district in SF is full of faggots, look it up.


Castro Street in San Francisco, CA is where a huge concentration of gays live

Sneed Street
Full of feed and seed

Its actually full of seed.

The street is in San Francisco.

Castro was anti-gay.

Another mystery solved

in cuba people shit from their windows so the street is full of shit

I wonder if the mods are going to start wiping out Sneedposting just like they did Baneposting. It's gotten to be quite a cancer.


*Formerly Chuck's

Castro Street in San Francisco is famous for being the unofficial gay capital of the world.

It was super cheap housing where no one asked any questions back in the day, so a lot of gay people moved in there just by happenstance because, was cheap and no one asked why you were bringing men back to your apartment all the time.

Then as the community built up, it got less cheap but there was a sense of community and protection in the area, so you were less likely to get jumped.

Now it's actually kinda hipster-expensive (looks shitty and old but the prices are high) and much like the Bronx or Brooklyn, the original denizens have mostly been forced out.

So while it's still known as the gay capital of the world, it's actually got less gay people on average than quite a number of other places. Just like how Brooklyn, despite being known as the home of R&B and a birthplace of hip-hop, is now mostly occupied by trendy upper-class white women.

Why would 90s Castro have a problem with gays?

Because Sneed violated his rectal area, by putting his seed and feed inside him.

it's already happening. threads that start with the cancer pic or are overtaken by cancer posts are deleted all the time

So we'll post day and night
'Bout the old Feed & Seed
They have the Janny
But we have the Sneed


sneedposting will not die today.

Castro was extremely racist and homophobic. Castro Street is in San Francisco, famous for gays and asians.

Castro and communism in general hates the gays.

>Castro was anti-gay.

>In his autobiography My Life, Fidel Castro criticized the machismo culture of Cuba and urged for the acceptance of homosexuality. He made several speeches to the public regarding discrimination against homosexuals.
>In a 2010 interview with Mexican newspaper La Jornada, Castro called the persecution of homosexuals while he was in power "a great injustice, great injustice!"

based commies

you know a lot about this for some reason

>Um..... no.... I really would rather get this taken care of.

One of Chuck's most profitable Fuck and Sucks was located in the Castro district.

I did not know it was a franchise

Now play Classical Gas

>Castro called the persecution of homosexuals while he was in power
>oops I persecuted y'all

I was hoping for more of a "times they are a changing" voice

>Castro called the persecution of homosexuals while he was in power "a great injustice, great injustice!"

>while he was in power
So he didn't actually care about them until his propaganda guy told him THIS was how you appeal to Western audiences...

>the words he said are more important than reality
Classic commie kikes!

Why are they forced out?
They bought their houses back when it was cheap


Smithers had something stuck up his ass, so he wanted it taken care of ASAP.

Jannies BTFO

Rented most likely, not bought.

If the property was cheap why didn't they buy instead of renting?

lol how are you supposed to buy drugs for chemsex orgies with a mortgage? square...

When poor people buy a house and the homes' price skyrockets they're eventually forced to sell because they can't pay the property taxes

Landlords owned the property and were unwilling to sell? People could afford to pay low rent but couldn't afford even low purchase prices? People could afford to buy but couldn't afford rising taxes?

Never understood this couch gag

That was a really horrible joke now that I think about it

Sneed's Feed and Seed is a sperm bank and fast food joint, like Chuck's Gulp and Blow

formally Chuck Sneed's

This is by far the second dumbest neo-meme I've seen Sup Forums run into the ground.

the joke is that the earth is round when everyone knows that it is really flat

You're welcome to leave.

It really is user, but i've come to notice the prevalence of complete fucking autists with no sense of humor at all.
Its useful to block IPs desu.

Gentrification, rising rent and cost of living.

hes gay and he had aids

Fidel was widely known to hate fags profusely and Castro street is one of the iconic gay places in San Francisco.

Its a very capitalistic street. He probably said "Its full of capitalists"

>beat and murder when fags when you have the ability
>tell people what they want to hear once you're retired, securing your legacy amongst dumb libtards


someone get this chuckhead out of here

Can someone explain to me the joke about Chuck's Feed and Snfuck

So, I'll put ya down for one seed and two feeds?
Pleasure doing business with you.

You sir..... are WRONG!!!!!!


It used to be Chmuck but now Fook snook flap schpak.

sneed street

formaly chucks

Mariconsones BTFO

I read this in sneeds voice

I don't hate Sneed posting for what it is, I hate it for masquerading as something as patrician as bobbyposting when it's clearly been creatively bankrupt from the beginning (as evidences by the other hilarious, unique replies to your post).