Hey Sup Forums, I'm looking for some red-pilled movies to watch with my gf. We're both Sup Forumsacks and enjoy red-pilled shit. Any recommendations?
>pic related is what we last saw
Hey Sup Forums, I'm looking for some red-pilled movies to watch with my gf. We're both Sup Forumsacks and enjoy red-pilled shit. Any recommendations?
>pic related is what we last saw
Angry birds
>gee i wonder who was behind pic related
Not Elysium, I don't care what anyone says its a completely bluepilled, there is nothing redeeming about it.
Is it really red-pilled? My gf saw it but I haven't. I remember Sup Forums talking about it when it first came out, but idk if it was just wishful thinking and seeing what they wanted to see, considering its an animated movie by a major (((Hollywood))) studio based on a mobile phone game.
It's literally opwn Marxist propaganda, they don't deny it, who the fuck claims it's redpilled?
Marxism is redpill
>Marxism is redpill
I've seen some faggots on Sup Forums and Sup Forums try to claim that its redpilled because muh strong white man and the brownies ruin paradise. I think there's even a screencap about it
The only reason the brownies are portrayed as the Earth dwellers is because of >MUH WHITE PRIVILEGE
it is indeed.
Fight club
Look at John Carpenter Movies: Get a list of the Illuminati card game cards, compare them to his movies.
Also the Matrix series, is kind of a coded warning.
Another really good one, you can download. It's a 3 part series, about 40 mins each.
Childhoods End.
The Lego movie.
it's more redpilled than the matrix
>American Beauty
>Gran Torino
>Snow Piercer
>Die Hard
>Honorable mention: Idiocracy
The Game.
Of course not, it was a meme. Any way you slice it the movie's just a generic "friends work out problems to stop the comically evil invaders" cartoon with no overt political metaphors whatsoever. It's a fucking Angry Birds movie, what did you expect?
how to get redpill gf?
start dreaming
End of Watch
Thread reminder to watch Threads.
>Snow Piercer
Literally marxist propaganda
threads is badass
Jeremiah Johnson (1972)
the dwarf should have retired after that one.
Angry Birds Movie.
You don't. Women are inherently apolitical, and are the normiest of normies. It's most likely a bad sign if a woman is very serious about politics, whether left or right, because it's just abnormal for women, and could indicate mental instability and such.
Having said that, women always latch onto the beliefs/ideology of their man. You can marry a libshit woman and (provided she's not a super-passionate marxist like I just talked about) she'll naturally convert to seeing things your way. Its just how women operate.
Why couldn't the brownies create their own paradise without the white people?
Holy shit the term redpill has become the ultimate cancer.
>form opinion
>permanently lose all motivation to do any more critical reflection on said opinion, like a sandnigger
>call yourself redpilled
The Road
HP Lovecraft's - Re-Animator
the serpent and the rainbow
Safe House
Lord of War
Jupiter Ascending
American Ultra
The day after - 1983 version
No, seriously.
All of my little pony friendship is magic
What's the frequency Kenneth?
The politics of Snow Piercer are intentionally vague. It can be interpreted as Marxist, yes, but ultimately you are only seeing what you want to see.
I met my gf on r9k of all places.
Jupiter Ascending.. it's not shit?
didn't it basically show that even with the lower class taking out the upper class they were going to/ still fucked everything up? been a bit since i've seen it
haven't seen it yet, but i don't see why something couldn't be shit and also be redpilled.
It's shit.
Santa Sangre(it's in english). It's on Hulu Plus
Well i thought the whole reincarnation thing was bs but basically it mirrored whats going on on earth. If you knew what you were looking for it was quite exciting maybe /x/ tier but i enjoyed it
Might sound like a meme but Edge of Tomorrow is a pretty red-pilled movie.
>Battle is the Great Redeemer. It is the fiery crucible in which true heroes are forged. The one place where all men truly share the same rank, regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in.
Can confirm, they made this movie after Tranny mode was activated.
it's SJW shit tier.
I'll have to check that one out.
In the near future, as America virtually loses the war on drugs, Robert Arctor (Keanu Reeves), a narcotics cop in Orange County, Calif., is undercover so deep that he has become an addict. He is wooing Donna (Winona Ryder), a dealer, to ferret out her supplier. At the same time, he receives orders to spy on his housemates (Robert Downey Jr.), (Woody Harrelson), (Rory Cochrane)), one of whom is suspected of being Donna's biggest customer.
this movie fucked with my perception of reality and is fucking hilarious in a sick, twisted way.
godlike cast and the art style is pretty cool.
do not listen to this goy:
i remember all the threads saying that zootopia was going to be redpilled; meanwhile, i thought:
the angry birds is the COMPLETE antithesis to disney agitprop. it is so redpilled against big, violent niggers, airheaded liberal enablers, blind oligarchical politicians, and of course, muzzies.
i can't wait for my daughter to turn 4 so i can watch this kino with her. fuck, i might even forsake re-watching "there will be blood" to watch the angry birds movie again. it's entry-level redpill
Partly SJW but I thought it did a nice parallel of illuminati satanism and their goals.
It's stylish shit though. And the twist at the end, the central premise of the movie, is pretty relevant
Yes, the movie is just ridiculous. Somehow it gets away with its blatant anti immigration message because it is a children's film.
I hate the audio of movies from the early 2000s, its like they didnt have a competent audio department and every movie suffers from having too low volume voices lost in the sfx, music and everything else
Cool movie though
Well to me the term "redpill" means having opinions which go against the mainstream narrative, but are rooted in facts and critical thought (i.e. no /x/ tier shit).
Being There
I'd bet money no ones ever heard of it ITT
Edge of Tomorrow is pretty shit though, the ending especially.
The works that inspired it are supposedly a lot better, some anime I think (can't remember its name)
I met my ex on Sup Forums and she originally came from /r9k/.
Long story short, I came to eventually find out she was a mentally unstable, emotionally-manipulative (pretty much literal) whore despite being "redpilled".
Never, fucking, again. Dump that slut.
the end is pretty good
Too fucking stupid
12 monkeys was the only thing ok I've seen from that guy
>pretty shit
One of the best flicks of 2014 m8.
honestly, any PKD story is automatically redpilled. it takes a jewish fucking director *cough* (((ridley scott))) to obfuscate his stories.
i'm very disappointed at the state of PKD movie adaptations, but "a scanner darkly" is the closest in message to the original text. kudos for that.
Yes. One of its main messages is that the revolt of the underclasses are as important for the status quo as anything else. That, and that socialist revolts are stupid because society needs an underclass to function so any "successful" socialist revolt will either need to give up on equality for all and go back to business as usual or kill all of humanity.
>Posting the JIDF-edited cover
Eyes Wide Shut and Brazil have already been mentioned, but they're 75mg pills each
Lord of War isn't as good a movie in its own right as either of the above, but it portrays the actual hideousness of geopolitics quite well.
The first half maybe, but the sappy happy ending with Cruise getting the girl anyway kinda ruined it.
Sorry for the spoilers anyone who havent watched it.
Deep red pill
It is twilight in space made by two tranny sisters.
It's message isn't horrible or anything, and feminists would probably hate all of the traditional gender roles; But it is just such a horrible horrible film.
The movie tries to give the message: "LoL free health care and fuck borders lol", "health care is literally free and we can give it away dog!"
But if you think about the movie at all it's retardedly unbelievable:
>dregs of humanity left on earth
>Dirt everywhere
>don't plant a goddamn thing
>advanced ai exist and the town could just pool together for one farm-bot-6000 that would provide food all day
>Earth where ai robots exists that are advanced enough can take over entirety of law enforcement
>Somehow the tasks of placing robots into a giant microwave isn't automated
>Somehow literally nothing is done be robots except law enforcement
>Doctors are robots, but somehow mindless dangerous factory work is not done by robots because "lol plot device"
>Machines that basically reassemble you on a genetic level exist and cure all illness and keep you immortal
>Giant space station somehow more sustainable than planet earth or building a base on earth
>Supposed to believe that everyone living forever is fine
Which gave me the message: "What an unrealistic idea"
It's not redpilled, it's just that the director is retarded and doesn't understand Sci-Fi.
Outlaw Joses Wales, Jeremiah Johnson
Umm, considering about how it is about a super soldier who single handedly wins the war, I would not say that is is about how the battle field makes all men equal.
At first the film acts like socialist propaganda, but then the main characters realise they fucked up. It's a good example of how socialism sounds good on paper but has serious repercussions in the real world
Forgot pic
Pushing Tin
>tfw everyone says Scanners is redpilled
>tfw still never seen it
>tfw it was on the electric Jew the other day and still missed it
>tfw the irony isn't even lost on me
You can go trippy and you can go too fucking trippy
I like to pretend that theres SOME element of plausibility to a situation and that film didn't get the juices flowing
I liked twelve monkeys though
Mars Attacks,
also Poultrygeist kinda is youtube.com
Men Behind the sun
>select all images with popcorn
Pol has gone over this before. The writer is totally red pilled and wrote the film as an allegory on how the elite are destroying America with its open borders policies.
>written and directed by David Cronenberg
>Cronenberg was raised in a "middle-class progressive Jewish family"
The big short was pretty entertaining. The book was better but not by much.
It's just, like, my favourite movie
The very definition of a red pill:
They Live
What is this, a movie for ants?
I'm glad you did that. I was too lazy
Is this the bugger
Oh whats this? A good quality Zulu? Excellent film!!
This, book goes a lot further. It's not all as "muh anarchy" as it looks. It's thoughtful. Made me think a lot about masculinity and god. Great book.
The Thing, easily.