Watching lotr with bf

>watching lotr with bf
>he cries when borrowmir dies
>my vagina when

It's ruptured from all the cocks you took before?

No, just dry because of white guys these days.

Maybe try to attract a proper man instead of wusses.

Was borrowmir's dad Stuart, of Gondor?

My exgf liked when I fucked her until she was dry like that

tits or gtfo

please cuck me mommy

>Being this much of a whore.

No hymen no diamond bitch.

I've tears from my eyes to the Presidents speach in Independance Day

You have to understand, which isnt possible for you what with being a woman and all, your bf isnt crying because someone died, but because they died while being valorus

Strong displays of valor, patriotism, and brotherhood are super effect tear bait for non-pussy men

>bf is soft and emotional, probably has good soul and pure heart. Something not appreciated these days
>"muh vagina dry after that, i want tough muscular man"
Btfo, thot

I thought I was sociopathic or assburger because only such scenes made me shed a tear occasionally unlike the tearjerker vomit everyone pretends to cry to.

Begone /r9k/! Don't insult the lady.

I just want you to know it is all women's fault. people went soft instead of simply occupying their station in life because of the acomodations that had to be made for liberated women.
Everything was fine when people strived to live good lives and provide for their own. now everyone wants more.

take you for example, what would you be ok with sacrificing to date a stud?
A bit of freedom? what used to be called commitment.
A few or 50 of those "godes" (extra) pounds that you carry, because of mhu beauty?
A few years of training to be a good wife/lover/care taker/home maker?
probably not. you want it all and so does your man, he doesn't want to be strong when it's hard, or be pragmatic instead of emotional, or sacrifice his feelings for an appearance of dominance.

he just wants all the warm feelings while still getting the perks of being an Alpha male, just like you want all the perks of a hot 18 year old model, tge freedom of a man, and still be treated like you are not a whore.

correct me if I'm wrong.

Joke's on you. Assholes don't have hymen.

A female, on le Sup Forums? Hang on fellas I got this!

Tips fedora brim over eyes to give an aura of mystery and glides up to you on my light up heelies

H-hi m'lady, would you perhaps consider being my qt 3.14 gf? snickers nefariously /thinks to self/ "man if this works, I'll get this cute girl to be my girlfriend and I'll ride the cool roller coasters!"

c'mon, luck be a lady tonight! cross fingers and gulps s-so...adjusts collar and looks firmly what do you say to my proposal? waits patiently :3

Plzrespond, I'm a nice guy who will treat you right unlike all those other assholes who only care about looks!

Don't ignore me you rancid swine, I knew it #niceguys finish last! You're probably out having dinner with Chad now!

What a coincidence, I'm also a women, though I have a penis instead of a vagina.

Post pusy slut


You should get a black boyfriend, we aren't pussies like whitebois
