Is there anything more bluepilled than watching this sport?
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I'm getting a haircut tomorrow.
Bitching about the people who watch sports certainly is. It means you were never athletic enough to play them. How'd it feel always being picked last in gym?
Playing video games
Spending 2+ hours/day online doing non-productive things
Paying for haircuts is definitely higher on the bluepill chart.
Any activity that isn't geared to procreation is bluepilled user
Unironically watching CNN
yes, playing it.
nearly everyone who plays ends up with permanent injuries.
absolute shit sport with vague rules and retarded "heads up" ideology that everyone knows doesn't apply.
a third of your highschool mates play and all of them fuck up their bodies and become beta handicap welfare niggers hooked on pain killers.
t. permanently recovering
define "productive"
Faggot boylet detected
No. Its a fairly harmless outlet for our natural need for violence and competition. Getting really obsessed with it is kind of lame
Literally no.
who /cowboys/ here
Sorry this is America's team
Everybody needs some sort of escape. I can still enjoy sports while understanding that they serve little purpose other then glorifying mostly overpaid degenerates. Basketball is more bluepilled in my opinion.
I squat 350lbs raw and deadlift 5 plaet raw. football is shit sport, maybe fun, but still shit. nigger ball is better.
i'd be a professional athlete right now if I didn't play waste my youth playing fuck up your knees and cranium ball.
watching jocks throw a ball back and fourth, how exciting
Dream on fudge packer
>nigger ball is better.
Nigger detected and opinion discarded.
but you're wrong. i played high school football in texas.
i don't walk around with a jersey or talk about my "fantasy" team. the sport is fun to play but boring to watch
NBA is literally p lebbit's favorite sport. That alone is a problem.
The NFL is congress exempt from paying taxes you know..
I played basketball
well your welcome to sit on your fat ass and glorify a sport you never played faggot, toodles.
Playing a sport and watching a sport religiously year after year on the cock carousel of revolving sportsballs are two different things.
yea but how is watching violence an outlet? punching someone yourself would be much better right?
Or would you rather cheer for someone else to do it?
>Is there anything more bluepilled than doing anything but watch anime, fap to hentai, and shitpost on Sup Forums?
Really makes your brain go hmmmmm
The NFL its pretty redpilles, only white QBs are the GOATS the rest are just slaves
>implying basketball isn't the most blue pilled nigger sport
But seriously though stop being a pussy. Personally I prefer rugby, it's a proper mans game and isn't based solely around who has the biggest and fastest niggers. Well until 7's season comes around. But that itself is a meme game anyway.
Football is nothing but a competition to find the strongest bulls for breeding on your wives cuckold.
Linebacker or line?
G-get the fuck out
defensive end, tackle, o tackle, o guard.
there was only 30-40 players on my team all through high school.
Watching any sports instead of reading Spengler and Gobineau, Rex Applegate and von Clausewitz etc. is per se degenerate.
And "the current year" factor multiplies the degeneracy by six gorillion.
Niggerball will fuck you up good too if you play at any competitive level for a long time. But at least this will never happen to you:
Really all sport is bluepilled since it's a distraction from getting fucked in the ass by the elites whilst you're inundated with beer and fast food commercials. Of course I still watch it though
Just use a pumice stone to scrub head hair down when it gets long and otherwise shave your body and face with it. Just lol at paying again and again for haircuts or buying several shaving products.
I played DE and TE. I don't think there is anything wrong with playing but my OP was about the people that live and die by their team.
i should have phrased it better. my point is, anyone that cares about a team they don't play on is beta as fuck
There's this one manlet at my gym that makes weird noises whenever a game is on. I think he think's he's gunna be seen as manly and get all the girls, lol.
kek, you like man u or arsenal?
Word I came from the rugby team so they put me at fullback, mid linebacker, and special teams cause I was the only one on the team who knew how to tackle properly. Only played two seasons cause we sucked and I was already by coons at wrestling practice. Still play rugby to this day though.
Go Oakland.
Basketball is the shit. Even if you think all niggers should go back to Africa, I'd still want to watch NBA on television.
Also, niggers have been in America more or less as long as we have. Nationalism shouldn't exclude those who have been here since the beginning.
>muh perfect season
well my opinion is that its just not worth it, the sport is fun certainly, it is exciting, but at 14-18 years old, the permanent toll on your body is too much, especially for the majorly naive.
"heads up football" is a crock of shit and everyone knows it, you can't make a tackle in the open field without diving.
who fucking cares
I know, in just still in shock over the Wade shit. His cousin got murdered today in Chimpcago so there's that.
I like college football more than the NFL honestly.
Nah I support a championship team. I bandwagon the Pats in NFL.
Whites are going to become a plurality (largest group but not majority) in America. However, they'll still have the real power and disproportionate influence in culture, politics, and be still be wealthier than niggers, spics, chinks, etc. This is already happening in Brazil and South Africa and even some US states already the minority whites are still better off than others.
Seconded. There is nothing inherently wrong with sports, but they have always been used to distract the masses from more important issues. The worst part is that sports are the most socially accepted form of distraction.
All I know is that the Cowboys are the best team and will win the next Super Bowl by a landslide.
Reminder that rugby is better in every way. Prove me wrong.
You can't.
We got shat on by this retarded farmhand looking mother fucker.
My father actually hasn't watched the Pats since.
The only thing that comes close to sports is race baiting. Karl Marx was pretty much right about everything when it comes to "bourgeois" divide and conquer tactics to mask the incredible wealth inequality and how harmful it actually is.
I heard Romo is already hurt. Cowboys might go 7-9
>TFW your pro team is aces, but your alma mater is ass at football
Pro sports is a huge scam. Without the media monopoly and gubmint money for stadiums and infrastructure, the roided athletes would makes 100k a year max.
fyi the NFL is a non profit
Fuck that saffa cunt Craig Joubert gave you shitposting wanks the game over us in the quarter final.
I listen to sports radio like every day. I haven't watched or listened to a sporting event in at least 5 years.
What am I?
That game was very meme worthy and hilarious.
You're outta your mine. This Season is Oakland's season, We brought multiculturalism to the locker room.
Ladies and gents, Jihad Ward.
probably a guy with his priorities straight
i can predict the cowboys record from now until eternity
they will forever be a .500 team
I believe many people would decide that being compensated millions, sometimes tens of millions of dollars, would be worth risking the permanent injury. Even dementia due to concussions.
The real winners in the situation are the high level team management and the owners.
A sport that literally needs an all-round yearly world cup of the best teams to convince people it's worth watching.
I think rugby would be a fun sport to play on an adult league. Too bad there are 0 programs around here.
nice try, straya
I could give a fuck less how many touchdown Shitavious Jackson scored in a game. Getting excited to watch niggers play sports is degenerate.
I meant for playing. I don't really watch it unless it's something major so I don't really know many players names.
Your owner travels 500 miles to get this haircut.
Where do you live? Literally every city and even small towns have programs.
It was full of tears and heartbreak on my end...
reminder that hockey is the master race sport.
Craig Joubert was the ref in the Scotland Australia quarter final. Blew a call in dead time and gave you possession then kicked a penalty. Was about to smash my mates tv.
Scunthorpe or Norwich?
Loving County, Texas
Also, I am a nurse at fairly well known, large rehab. I did an admission assessment on a former quarterback of a well known Division 1 college football team.
He actually started 12 of 13 games his freshman year and had respectable stats. He was injured his sophmore year, and the team doc shot him up with morphine in the locker room and he finished the game. At this point he was already hooked on Adderal, and the combination of the amphetamine salts with the morphine was just too much for him to resist. I checked out his stats, and starting with the next game, you can see his stats begin to slide. By the middle of his junior season he was so addicted that he quit the team, and quit college. Now two years later, here he was, a heroin addict, being admitted to a detox for the 3rd time, with nothing to show for his athletic ability or intellect. I felt truly bad for him. All because the team doc asked him "Do you want to finish the game?" and he said yes.
I preferred good ol' Al davis.
Nobody is cucking my fucking cranium with a paid for haircut.
>currently goes to UA
feels nice
Sure, you can. You just have to have enough upper body strength.
Pure unadulterated nightmare fuel
>Is there anything more bluepilled than watching this sport?
adopting a non-white child
It is, because why watch football when you can just play it.
It's like video game sports. It boggles my mind how sport games are popular, yet they can easily just go outside and spend time doing the real thing.
Who /redskins/ here?
thats a healthy al davis
>"th-this will definitely be R-Romo's year guys"
Top jej
Feels Buffs man.
Because EA Sports is Crap.
Clinton portis back in 2005 was my man.
I know right. Anyone that has hobbies or interests unlike mine should just die. I mean come on, it's 2016, stop liking what I don't like people.
My alma mater is really good...but we FCS (D1-AA)
Wow that's in the middle of nowhere man. I mean you could try and start a team with some locals if you can drum up interest. You're like an hour from Odessa right? Here's your states Union.
>Ivy League educated
> Has 5 white kids
>Plays a contact sports for a decade.
One of the most red pilled white men in the country.
>tfw went to UCF then Oregon and are a Dolphins fan.