Why isn't Beth bothered by Rick being nude in this scene? I mean she didn't have to freak out but it was casual like
>alright let's leave kids and go drink
Why isn't Beth bothered by Rick being nude in this scene? I mean she didn't have to freak out but it was casual like
>alright let's leave kids and go drink
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they want to fuck
only americans are so hyper sexualized that they feel awkward by an elderly member of their family being nude. It's not like she was afraid of getting turned on
Rick has a huge dick supposedly.
I wouldn't be surprised. He can probably augment it.
Because he's old.
I'm not bothered when I have to help my grandpa shower.
the way they look at eachother tho
We have seen it before pixelated. It's not large.
The show has been slowly but steadily showing how unhealthy Rick and Beth's relationship is for a while now.
Beth has major issues with the men in her life, and it seems as though a lot of that is brought on by Rick being a neglectful father. She dotes on her father and overlooks anything he does now.
Although I do think that Beth now is beginning to look far more like a broken woman, something quite inconsistent with the fiercely intelligent and talented Beth that she started out as. When the show started, Jerry was punching above his league with Beth, but now they seem equally fucked up.
shut the frick up
>Jerry is hated because out of everyone Rick's daughter could've married, she settled for the pity bait
Is Rick right to hate him, or is it projecting because he knows he's been a shitty father?
Rick is right to hate him in that way but at the same time sabotaging their marriage in a way that he did it is not the best option for all parties involved.
Why didn't she freak out when the pickle was naked?
this needs to happen, exactly like this... I now unironically "ship" Beth and Rick as the "one true pairing" to use a little sample of the parlance of our times... THIS is the shot in the arm that this sinking, floundering series really needs
It is now canon that Rick and Jerry had sex.
It was a full spirit meld you simpleton.
She's just seen him as a pickle with a rat skeleton. Why would she be bothered about seeing his wanger?
Because its rick sanchez daughter.
She already knows what his father is but tries to flow with it since she doesnt want him to leave.
Morty already has seen some fucked up shit, she probably has too but life goes on.
Also when you look mammals at the inside for a living, your fathers cock its even comfy.
It's not even incest since the Rick is not the father of the current Beth. He and Morty are dead.
He is the father genetically.
Still not incest.
there is a machine in the garage that literally makes body parts bigger
he'd be a fool not to have a thick luscious hog
veins the size of pipe cleaners
a shaft as dense as a yule log
pulsating helmet like a fucking church bell
girth like a can of wd40
a calloused japs eye like a guitar players fingers
You would try and look, faggot.
>reddit and memey
I'd start watching that piece of shit show again if she started fucking Rick
Not gonna lie I have a huge daddy/daughter fetish so Rick fucking his own daughter would be super hot. And even could have like Jerry be outside watching from the window so its like the cuckold fetish is there too
I hope you don't have a daughter.
Or ever do.
oh yeah
then you go too far
>Wa-wh-why would you t-turn your dick into a photonic cannon Rick?
>Y-You know Morty, I-I always expect you to b-be an idiot, but I-I-I didn't expect you to not have an answer to t-that yourself. Not the right answer, but an answer at least, Morty.
>W-well I didn't think you'd be the type to s-show off like that Rick. Too- Too cliched.
>Of-of course not! B-but have you ever been through an airport check Morty?
>W-w-well yeah. B-but it's not like they wouldn't check your thing, you know. They like to- They like to get right up in there. You know what I mean.
>Ah but that's where you're wrong Morty! These TSA agent types? They get reeeeeaaaaal hard at the idea of being in a position of power. Regular bottomfeeding piss ants who don't have the guts to go out and build themselves up, so they go work for a big corporation, in a position where they can feel in charge over other people Morty!
>W-what does that have to do with you turning your dick into a photonic cannon?
>Geez you really are an idiot M-Morty. I just told you, these are people with zero self confidence that revel in their projected superiority. Nothing crushes the soul of t-those bastards like seeing someone hung like a horse. I mean just look at this bad boy. They see it out of the corner of their eyes, and what do they do? They do what all prey do, Morty. They run. They run from the truth. They avert their gaze like the good little bottom feeders they are, because to look at it, is to come face to face with their inferiority. And that is the one thing they cannot do. Do you get it Morty? My dick has more power w-without the photons firing in it.
>W-well I mean
>And before you start with your stupid bullshit Morty, and ask what happens if the agent is a woman: Marital troubles back home. That's what happens M-Morty. Now go grab my spare pants from the backseat.
I feel the same way tbqh, can you recommend me some incest kino?
Pretty crease mate
>watching a show that promotes cuckoldry
It doesn't promote it though, the family finds it fucked up and weird
Sup Forums everybody
You misspelled 'mocks'
jerry is overall a shitty individual and rick should hate on him every chance he gets. the whole jerry thing is getting so old. i am hoping that he goes through the same thing jeff did on american dad; gets taken away for a season or two so the show gets a fresh take.
>M-morty BUUUURP p-pass me the wr---wrrench on the table, and t-the naked pictures of y-your mother for me to j-ack BUUURP off to
>Well gee Rick gee, I see the wrench but I don't see the wait HOLY FUCKING SHIT that's sick Rick, what the fuck she's your own daughter Jesus
>BUURP D-don't you see Morty th-there is no morality, morality is a lie incest is good now shut up while I fuck your mom I'm PIIICKLE RIIICK!
I know I'm not supposed to like this show, but what the fuck is going on with season 3? I know 1&2 were pretty up their own ass but this is fucking ridiculous
>Dan Harmon gets divorced
>show becomes about divorce and goes downhill
Really pickles my Rick
Dan Harmon forced Roiland to hire/fire until they had a 50% Female Writer's Room.
For Season 1, the Writers were entirely male. For Season 2, I think they were almost entirely male.
It's not that hard to predict.
(Also Trump's election apparently really hurt the working relationship between Roiland and Harmon, who is an insane anti-trumper obsessed with the president)
I think one of the show creators said it was like a baby arm.
>beth has daddy's issues
>beth is voiced by Sarah Chalke
>Sarah Chalke more meaningful role is a Doctor with daddy's issues
>Sarah Chalke said countless times she had daddy's issues during interviews
BONUS Dan Harmon did that wincest episode in Community, so he literally don't fear to pull in the argument
>episode written by women
>Summer is a super smart, confident woman with a dark streak who doesn't give a fuck what other people think
>episode written by a man
>Summer is an extremely insecure teenager who goes to extremes just to be popular, such as enlarging her breasts
This is why this season sucks, the characters are all over the place.
This, the characters are super inconsistent
We can all agree that Summer in the last episode acted like Summer, instead of that one in episode 2.
Whoever wrote Summer in episode 2 has no idea of what her character is
Lol holy shit
after all the crazy shit shes seen due to Rick she is desensitized
this poor man has been actually been possessed by SJW's.
29% yeah right, all you have to do is not say you are one. There is like 5 nazi's still around
Who is this semen demon?
That's kind of gay desu
for you
If you don't give everything you own to niggers, you don't support degeneracy and inequality by false equality, then you are a nazi, plain and simple.
ok easy there Jontron
Is JonTron a cuck now? I remember him going against SJW
I enjoy Rick and Morty.
He's joking that only a Nazi like Jontron could make that joke.
Jontron became cool.
no, only Jerry finds it weird, because it's his parents.
the whole family immediately accepts it and shames Jerry for not being more open minded. The episode ends with Jerry accepting it. it's cuck propaganda written by SJW tumblrites
This was before they hired female writers, but Harmon was infesting it from the beginning.
Still, I think knowing Roiland that this was more about "lol Jerry's pathetic" than promoting cuckoldry.
I must have missed this episode?
literally in that same episode he insults them all for not believing in jesus, the point is rick is just a dick
which episode is that?
The entire family is really used to seeing Rick naked.
The reason why Rick absolutely loathes Jerry is because Rick is sexually attracted to his own daughter causing him to be intensely jealous of Jerry to the point of purposely sabotaging their marriage. In secret, Rick would go off to alternate universes to rape the Beth of that particular universe through coercive means via technology he has developed. The destruction of the council of ricks was his method of eliminating a large number of Ricks in order to cause those universes' Beths to be defenseless and without a Rick.
Morty was a child of rape, born after the first time Rick has sedated and raped Beth, something that Rick's wife had found out. This was the reason for her disappearance, Rick had to silence her to keep this event a secret. This would explain Morty's opposing brainwave to Rick's.
The reason why Beth is so enthralled by her Father and why she defends him no matter what he does is a result of whatever Rick has done to artificially cause her to love him regardless of what he does (of course such a thing would require constant replenishing).
"I have a Beth just like you in my reality, except you know what, she's not as brilliant or attractive!"
I want Rick to fuck Beth and that would salvage season 3 easily but they don't have balls to even put in an implication
fucking cucks
This show really is going to get somewhat deep with the family dynamic isn't it? Iv slowly come to realize this And for some reason I welcome it...
Stttoppppp liking this showwww
Rrrrredditttttttt :(
I think you literally have autism if you aren't aware that it's mocking it and making the audience feel the same way as Jerry
litreraly know one is going ro adress the israli issue?
How long does he have to live?
Hitler tried and look where that got him
get this Rick/Beth shipping porn outta here