>17 million white men died to give people the right to make video games likes this
17 million white men died to give people the right to make video games likes this
At least you guys are in the game
>accomplishing anything other than ww2
no, the french revolution and liberal upheaval in the 1840s gave people the most rights
So? Don't fucking buy it.
I like Battlefield games and DICE
but ffs, DICE you really did Sweden YES! this one..............
(DICE is a swedish developer, if you didn't know)
>using the diggers hat in an arcade game made for the profit of a corporation
>putting it on a nigger
Wew lad
only quads can kill the digga nigga
>From wiki:The 369th Infantry Regiment, formerly known as the 15th New York National Guard Regiment, was an infantry regiment of the United States Army National Guard during World War I and World War II. The Regiment consisted of African Americans as well as Puerto Ricans and was known for being the first African American regiment to serve with the American Expeditionary Forces during World War I.The regiment was nicknamed the Harlem Hellfighters.The nickname "Hell Fighters" was given to them by the Germans due to their toughness and that they never lost a man through capture, lost a trench or a foot of ground to the enemy.
Sup Forums BTFO
fuck that game play Verdun
battlefield has been shit since 4
dont give those niggers another dime.
>sure tens of millions fought in the war, but 200 niggers also fought, so let's make it all about them
Given how horrible that war was, it's distasteful to even make a game about it.
name a tasteful war, I'm waiting
Seriously, what the fuck is this?
Don't tell me we're expected to fight in France and not be able to play as the French. The fuck.
They've been SWEDEN YESing for quite some time
>mfw they replaced US in BF3 from a white one in open beta to the niggerest nigg who ever nogged right before launch in launch
Nobody is denying that black people, and black Americans fought in WWI. It its a well known fact and there are testimonies of these soldiers saying that Europeans treated them better than their fellow Americans.
However, making the MC of a WWI game a black dude is like making a documentary of McDonalds and focusing on salads while ignoring burgers and friers. We know McDonalds has salads but you have to be retarded to like them,
The australians losing to a bunch of emus. I'd pay good money to play that FPS.
>name a tasteful war, I'm waiting
War isn't a popularity contest you goof.
its the south african unit. The aussie hat is folded on the other side
Listen to the Hardcore History series on WWI. They are free and available through the Apple podcasts app or direct download.
Somewhere in the range of 20 hrs of history lessons on WWI...basically a college course. Expect it to change your perspective on the entire modern world and the meaning of full-scale war in the modern era.
This is required redpilled listening folks.
too bad it wasn't more IMO
Actually Sup Forums is denying that blacks fought in WW1 just like they are denying that blacks were indeed kings of Egypt even though it has already been scientifically proven,
May the ghost of the death punish Sweden for 1000 years. May the Swede cease to exist
What a faggot
>muh no honor in war
>Swedish Developer
>getting a game out before they get cucked over like the rest of sweden
Shit better be good
Who cares
>"The Hellfighters were the most elite and most highly decorated American unit in World War 1."
>American unit
>The most fucking dishonorable nation in WW1.
Wasnt a grenade thrown into a house in Sweden recently?
God forbid that that should happen ever again!
Fucking kek
Actually the French Revolution gave us the switch from Kabinettkriege to Volkskrieg which which found its, currently unchallenged, peak in WW1 and WW2.
There is no honor. It's dumb poor people being used to facilitate a violent wealth transfer from one nation to another.
WE WUZ KANGS shitpost for the 1000th time, unless you're that nigger that posted in the other thread.
>millions of white people died so Jews could have the freedom to promote white genocide
Is the Jewish conspiracy nothing more than /devilish/ on a global scale?
The only "black" dynasty of Egypt was the Twenty-fifth.
>tanks go faster than a person
jesus christ they just blatantly ignored real life
sure, you can pretend that planes were often used to shoot enemy soldiers
but quadrupling the speed of those hunks of metal is ridiculously inaccurate
early tanks could barely go 4mph on flat land
This war was a fucking joke
>French king declares war because a fucking baker in a foreign country asked him
>Retired Mexican general take part in action, gets his leg burried with more honors than his fallen men and becomes a politician afterward
No, millions of whites died so Monarchy could be abolished and America could promote (((Democracy))) in Europe afterwards.
>French king declares war because a fucking baker in a foreign country asked him
That's imperialism for you.
>Retired Mexican general take part in action, gets his leg burried with more honors than his fallen men and becomes a politician afterward
Antonio López de Santa Anna was a special kind of asshole.
Just play Verdun instead.
Agreed, excellent podcast. He makes WWI interesting as fuck.
Anyone who thinks BF1 will be better than Verdun is a faggot.
Agreed, Verdun was a good game. Can't play it anymore due to memory leaks and FPS drops though.
The first hand written account of the Germans marching through some eurotrash country town and the description of their discipline and uniforms made my cock granite.
Record low console sales this generation and all the big AAA titles are barely selling as well. They're trying everything they can to sell the same shitty fps from 2007 to you again. The invisible hand of the free market will correct this.
Is it like Red Orchestra?
What's funny is that releasing the gameplay footage and beta versions made people want to buy the game even less because it made them realize that this is gonna be another standard Battlefield game that feels nothing like WWI.
Remember when young patriotic black Germans fought for the fatherland in the first world war?
Verdun is pretty fun
Not even close.
t. Franz Müller
We were so honourable to not deploy niggers in Europe and this fucking cuck games doesnt acknowledge this at all, even worse, it preteneds like there were many niggers in the Heer.
Only Swedecucks woild do this
I know, right? Canada never even allowed niggers in the Military, we told them it was "A white mans war", yet we're still depicted as fucking niggers.
I don't have a problem with the Black Americans in the game, just the use of different races for European countries.
It's cheap on steam just buy it.
You will get wrecked at first though. It's not a cod noob friendly game
It's similar to RO2 in terms of realism. I like both games a lot. I've been playing RO2 since it first came out, but I haven't played it once since I got Verdun.
But WW1 wasn't about freedom
Neither was WW2, despite the narrative.. They just can't really manipulate WW1 to evul germans
>implying if DICE didn't do this they wouldn't get bombarded with blog posts about how whitewashed their game is
by making half the characters black they've effectively shielded themselves from complaints about diversity. it was a smart decision.
also before this game came out none of you faggots even cared about ww1.
I really don't get why everyone is so upset over this, I get sick of the SJW bullshit agenda too, because they obviously do this kind of shit to make themselves all feel better about reality, but these wars were called world wars for a reason, everyone fought in them. there were black guys, there were guys rocking turbans, there were asians too. obviously it was mostly white people fighting but this is clearly a marketing ploy to try and get more minorities buying the game.
I wont by this shit.
I will stick to my 2d games like Stronghold, Knights of Honor and Cossacks II
>also before this game came out none of you faggots even cared about ww1.
Literally fuck off, we talk about it a lot
It's like the more hipster version of WW2 because of how extreme it was but no one really knows that much about it
Ask someone what warfare in WW1 was and they'll say it's nothing but a single trench line against another trench line
with a fucking bubblelipped kang on the cover
Because they're putting niggers everywhere in a front that was 99.99% white
It was a world war because european powers reached the whole world, not because all people fought or had a part in it
Also 90% of the african front was irrelevant as fuck and even the 10% were Askaris of whom there is no trace in the game
t. [Random french nigger name]
>Grandfather fought in WW1
>Them pretty much spitting on his memory and sacrifices by retelling the story
He took a bullet in the leg, wasn't able to walk right ever again. Do the people who sacrificed not matter anymore? Do those whom bled for their country and homeland not deserve to have their story told just because they were white?
I fucking prefer someone to not make a game about WW1 at all if they're just going to take a shit on my memory of him.
No. Its an agenda. Its getting worse, not better.
This is the frontpage of the new (((german))) ikea catalogue
In 50 years white kids will grow up being told that beethoven was black and whites are actually the parasites.
Welcome in our world
This is not my world and I wont live in it, either I destroy it or die trying.
Imagine the fun, pissing down from Valhalla on the starving niggers.
War is the biggest popularity contest of them all.
I only imagine building a new world on your ashes to be honest
I love you, Australia.
I fucking love you.
Lel, if bait our not, you know you only would be enjoying your aids while starving to death in your mud hut.
Stay delusional virgin savior of the white race :^)
it pissed me the fuck off honestly, we didn't do shit
Already had Codename Eagle and it was good.
I remember when that game was heavily populated by Sup Forums during its alpha and beta testing stages. Good times tbqh. Nice to see they got picked up by xbox and playstation.
I played the closed alpha, it's a step backwards compared to BF4. The guns back then were so shitty compared to all the options you have in 3 and 4, bolt actions and 10 round semi autos are not fun
I didn't know Dice was based in Sweden. I didn't know they'd cucked the fuck out of the characters. I was willing to overlook a black dude on the cover cause that's the SJW PC world we live in now...
Goddamnit, /pol, you ruin everything.
soon :*
>The nickname "Hell Fighters" was given to them by the Germans due to their toughness
Indeed, we all know niggers are such great warriors. The reason the special forces are 98.9% White is due to racism.
And the German nickname had nothing to do with them being nigger, the color of demons.
If you buy this game, you are a cuckold.
I'm lucky my job lets me listen to shit while I work and I listened to the entire series at work, so fucking great
hi ahmed, why don't you go back to the multicultural country from which you came and stop shitting up white countries you disgusting welfare queen shitskin
Can't wait :p
At least the Emus were there. You the shit kicked out of you by an uninhabited island.
>Muh bitch ass gramps got shot in the booty
>Respek muh pappy, DICE!
Please stop being such a faggot.
Don't you love the Multiculturalism?
The Canadian on the left! The Indian on the second left! The Brit on the second right! The Australian on the right!
It portrays our ancestors so accurately!
the game plays like any modern shooter though. if the guns were actually accurate it might be fun
its a shame desu the demos look pretty damn good
Verdun is a game that actually appreciates this history and isnt just some YOLO diversity shit
> I've never been to alaska in the winter the post
There's different skins.
Stop baiting.
To be fair, the industrialisation of warfare is more to blame for the scope of the world wars than a sense of national pride.
If suddenly, somehow, we went back to spears and bows, we'd still fight wars over ethnic and national reasons since it's been ingrained into our culture. The rates of death would simply become much smaller in warfare.
>Japs leave mines all over the island
>Americans and Canadians think eachother are the Japanese and start shooting