>big hippy festival where money is banned and the whole thing is about promoting hippy ideas and fuck the establishment
>costs almost $500 just to get in
Big hippy festival where money is banned and the whole thing is about promoting hippy ideas and fuck the establishment
Other urls found in this thread:
Also no criminals allowed. Sorry
Expensive entry ensures that crime stays low because brown skins don't show.
Huh, really made me contemplate
Music festivals are 100% Jew promoted and controlled. All the way back to Woodstock.
Really made my neurons fire
psshh... It's like, ironic man - don't you 'get it'?
>You have to be eaten by an SJW in problem glasses to enter
>Burn an effigy
>rampant sex and drug use
They warned me about this.
>You have to be eaten by an SJW in problem glasses to enter
I would turn around right then and there.
Its really fun though.
you wouldn't make it out of your basement.
you wouldn't make it out of your closet
I remember some SJW complained that they are doing cultural appropriation with their clothing and she got btfod.
that was actually pretty good
Select billionaires have paid $10,000 and up for enforced private areas, private access permits, and equipment permits that break the event rules and put lives at risk. Normies attend every year and die from dehydration, lose their cars and equipment to salt and sand damage, and lose their dignity to thieves and gangs who prey on the medicated normies.
Now only the elite can safely attend, making Burning Man the equivalent of Bohemian Grove 2.0
Burning man is really fun. Pretty sure there are a good amount of CIA plants there though
>big hippy festival where money is banned and the whole thing is about promoting hippy ideas and fuck the establishment
>costs almost $500 just to get in
Seems they've discovered a dilemma that I like to call economics.
>Music industry is 100% Jew promoted and controlled
Corrected it 4u
I didn't notice the problem glasses, that's some deep shit user
Haha no CIA plants at all. Don't be so paranoid.
Never been. What does the CIA have to gain infiltrating burning man?
absolutely nothing. previous poster is a fucking idiot. burning man is just naked idiots doing drugs and getting sun and sand burned.
Burning Man is for fucking losers, what are you smoking? Basement dweller is a step up from a good portion of the people who attend this sort of thing. Especially Burning Man because it seems to attract the most ragged of hippie degenerates.
I honestly have no idea what people even do at burning man.
I mean what's the draw?
You camp out in the desert and do drugs right?
What's the appeal?
It sounds boring.
I've been to a few, I like it a lot. It is not a music festival. It's an art show mostly. There are raves/music venues. There are a shit ton of bars. I was in an Irish bar, huge flags, rugs, Irish Whiskey and Beer, dart boards, all this shit some crew brought all the way from Ireland.
Everyone is supposed to be a participant, no spectators, lots of absurdity. A few qualities I find here.
> Art
> Wit
> Participation
> Absurdity
Oh yeah, one more thing in common with this site.
> No money exchanged.
>hippies are money grabbing drug addict hippocrates
im truely shocked
The orgy dome at Burning man would be cool if it wasnt filled smelly sjws who havent showered for a week and who are propably riddled with stds
I went to burning man once. A hippy chick and I went together, did some mdma and fucked. Other than that it was meh tier.
How infrequently do you get laid that you went to burning man to do it?
Shoo shoo CIA shills
There are a few artists there who made like weapon/destruction installations out of military grade shit and there are plenty of rich high profile people who attend and network because it costs so much. It's not all dirty festy hippies like you'd imaging but more artists from engineering backgrounds who like to push boundaries and have radical ideas
There was plenty of buzz about operatives being there just to get info and keep their finger on the pulse so to speak of any possible new ideological movements springing up. I saw plenty of groups there pushing new ideas like a jack parsons inspired Ecoterrorist cult and such that I'm sure the government would want to bust for whatever weird acid soaked shit they are doing
If money is banned, does that mean Helicopter rides are free?
>costs almost $500 just to get in
Do they also promote an anti-capitalist stance? Would be hilarious if so.
I didn't go just to get laid. I went with a girl I was already fugging. Where in my post made you think I just went to get some tang?
You act like Hippies don't pride themselves on being extremely self aware and willing to indulge in their own crapulence.
>where in my post made you think i just went to get some tang
Well you were fucking a wook, for one.
>Not sneaking in
They're testing if you're really against the man, man
hm looks comfy af
Burning man isn't cool anymore even for leftist hipsters. I don't know exactly what kind of people go there but it's some kind of lame rich person.
San Francisco fag here.
This is literally the best week of the year since all these fags are gone.
>Do they also promote an anti-capitalist stance
It's apolitical. They just don't want commercialization, there are plenty of venues for that. It's extreme camping, you bring all your own water, your own food, shelter that can withstand a wind storm (many don't) and this user is right:
> more artists from engineering backgrounds who like to push boundaries and have radical ideas
A lot of fire based art, flame throwers, tesla coils, ginormous art cars (like sea ships with wheels), costumes with ornate detail, light, material, color, and a fat book with activities, all kinds (meditation, classical recitals, naked bike rides, fake protests (billion bunny march, critical tits)) bar crawls, art tours, dj sets.
I don't know why I'm trying to sell the event here. It's too popular already. Just go to the main site and see what it's about.
>industrial art
"hey dude its a fucking riveted metal dragon look how artsy i am"
It's in the fucking middle of the desert I'd just walk in (not that I'd want to go to that shitty burning man hippy love in bullshit anyway)
> 4 posts with this ID
Why so interested, friend?
>5 posts with this ID
It's kinda sad that this is actually true
probably could help lead to some drug dealers seeing as everyone there is high as fuck
The fire rises.
they suck anyways. Anyone with a shred of honor feels uncomfortable around intoxicated underage retards grinding and destroying brain cells.
i've been there
high costs, like $1000 or more
keeps out the riff raff
The only part of it that seems remotely appealing to me are the crazy machines and rigs that show up there. Other than that, I'd rather set the fucking crowd on fire. The ratio goes something like this: 5% rich and/or celebrities who enjoy a luxurious, pampered, non-BM-esque experience, 40% dirty hippies who buy into the bullshit and do drugs and have unclean sex (the only real form of currency for the young, stupid whores who go), and 55% old, fat, single white men who after the naked women in attendance by creeping around the so-called orgy dome in hopes that one of the more fucked up skanks is into banging sweaty, masked strangers. If that fails, there is always rape. And yes, bitches get raped there.
And most attendees are rich older people
i hope it didn't rain that day
The young people are only allowed to go to promote a wierd degenerate atmosphere. All the real shit going on there is rich people hiding amongst the riffraff giggling at the retarded poor people overdosing and having sex in the dirt with fat drifters.
This. Fuck music festivals. I've only been to one Metal festival ever, (which was a heavy metal one) the most degenerate shit I have ever seen in my LIFE.
Elites probably just got HAARP to make it not rain
Nice pic
>no criminals allowed
It's not crime when I'm the only non degenerate hippy who brought coats and food and begin trading for all their worldly possessions. Who runs barter town bitch?
>Everything is 100% Jew promoted and controlled
Corrected it 4u
That's because nothing is free.
Its sad thinking about how different our media, music, tv shows, films etc would be without jewish subversive influence.
Like a whole different creative and cultural landscape snuffed away by the 1990's and almost non-existant today, reffering to in America strictly, but that subversive influence spreads across the entire Anglosphere and Europe, including in already subverted nations like Germany and UK, fucking shame.
You can just go around the thing on both sides, dont conform to society man!
Bohemian grove looks more comfy.
It's probably humid as fuck. I can't imagine walking around in the woods in a suit.
Brown skins stay in the city anyway, and avoid prolonged sunlight. They're not going to drive out into the desert for this shit.
Master Blaster did nothing wrong
This is true, I play in a band and we are at festivals all summer, we even have our own Jew manager, I just finished a set and now I'm sitting around shitposting While observing unchecked degeneracy AMA
Got ruined by becoming mainstream. Same thing that's going to happen here now that the faggot media is name-dropping this place.
There are cheaper local burning men that don't have giant SJW faces beckoning you in.u
The best part is all these "hippies" dump all their fucking trash on the freeways back to CA. Fucking hate burners.
>Reno resident here
How to you get stuff then? Like food and drugs (I assume) and trinkets? Trading?
People give food and drink away in exchange for pernicious ting in their delusions. So you just kinda act along. Also trades. Mostly trinkets and hand made things
Like..... Pretending to be a hippy? Or are these street performers?
Wasn't there a simpsons episode about this festival?
You'd be surprised how willing people are to share drugs if you're cool about it. You need to understand that a decent amount of people who go to these festivals sell drugs on the side, or as their main source of income. Giving away a strip of acid (enough for 10-20 people depending on the dosage) Becomes a lot easier when you're picking the shit up in bulk for pennies on the dollar.
The Burning Man page has a pie chart and explanation of where that money goes. It doesn't all go to some magical Jewish overseer. Most of it goes to payroll, rent, and permits. They also do have 4000 low income tickets at $190 each.
It looks like people have to bring in all their own food and water into Burning Man. It looks dangerous and a road to dehydration for a big party in the middle of the desert without adequate water.
Yeah this whole thing is a crime against Nevada. Reno sucks their cocks though.
>costs almost $500 just to get in
wow, that is fucking retarded
I know Malcolm in the Middle did an episode there, pretty funny.
>It looks like people have to bring in all their own food and water into Burning Man. It looks dangerous and a road to dehydration for a big party in the middle of the desert without adequate water.
It is. Really. Please. Don't go. I have been trying to move there for the past 20 years to get away from this shit. Don't ruin it for me.
Damn. That makes sense
(But where do you get acid for pennies on the dollar lol)
I used to have friends who went to this every year.
This year they claimed it was the worst it's ever been. Hundreds of people who were clearly only there to make money from stupid idiots who believe that the world can survive without money.
He left early.
For Californians you need to spend around 1k to go there, some people fly from other states and it costs more.
Now imagine, you're surrounded by a bunch of liberal marxist assholes(feminism everywhere) covered in sand and other filth for a week. I'd maybe do it for 2k, maybe.
As a fat old man, the orgy dome intrigues me.
But then again days of sweating in the burning sun first?
It's an event that only has value in bringing up in conversation that you attended. Better off going skydiving or mountain climbing or cave spelunking as your go to story to impress rubes.
I met a dark skin that couldn't even understand the concept of what hiking was.
So you pay to get in and then once there everything is free?
nothing is stopping you from getting a palanquin and paying hippies in water and clothes to have them cart you around.
Metal is great but its fans are ICP-tier. I've never not regretted going to any kind of concert or show except for Alice Cooper that one time.
The man knows how to put on a show; you have to see him live to appreciate it.
I went to a rammstein concert once, shit was so cash but a group of fans in the audience literally decapitated a goat and passed the head around like volleyball. Pretty sure till even saw it happening and was like nuh-uh
From what i remember this painting is called "The oath of horatii" or something. What does the filename mean?
Seems like fun desu
>implying Shambhala music festival isn't the best place on planet
>anything but a Grateful Dead-centric jam band festival
Yeah nah.
>burning so much wood
Are hippies supposed to be environmentalists?
>bring in all their own food and water
You could get a lot of puss by simply bringing a couple hundred litres of water with you.
This. Dead is an experience.
They have this strange ritual where they rarely use their actual names, instead you have to be "assigned" a hippy name by someone, you can't make up your own.
That's why you see people out there calling themselves shit like "Flower Mind" or "Emerald Sky". Hippies are strange, man. I rather go to Slab City
get out of your house, neckbeard, the world isn't scary.
So what's the point of these things?
Can I at least rob hippies?