Why are black people so much more "uppity", than Mexicans or Asians?
Why are black people so much more "uppity", than Mexicans or Asians?
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explain like im 5
Genetics and their environment (fatherless upbringings, trashy, bad diet, awful music)
Mexicans and first generation Asians know what actual real oppression and struggle feels like from their home countries.
Blacks think bad words are oppression. They are told they are oppressed, so anything bad that happens to them is a sign of it. It's a circle.
Thinkin they better than they is
Because for the past 60 years blacks keep telling their children that they are special, beautiful, and full of potential no matter what anyone else says.
They are told never to be silenced by anyone (they heavily imply that "anyone" is the [white] man)
Unfortunately when you keep telling people these things it reinforces the fact that they are none of those things and when you tell someone that they are special when they are not they end up acting like stupid children their whole lives and cry when they aren't treated special.
So they start demanding that they be treated as important as they claim to be, even though they have done nothing to make them as special as their parents told them they were. So here we are.
but 3rd and 4th generations Asians and Mexicans general aren't causing trouble. they also are disconnected from the oppression and struggle from back home.
To survive around blacks you must have an overzealous sense of confidence and self worth. If you hesitate or retreat in any way shape or form, you will be spotted as "weak" and preyed upon.
tl:dr Gorilla chest pounding
This is just not true. Americanized Asians and Mexicans are just as bad.
Stop getting all your info from Sup Forums,
Gee idk maybe its the same reason West Africans act like this?
because theyre dumber
Because we stopped kicking the shit out of them in the 60s.
Centuries of being nearly worthless has caused them to overcompensate by having very conceited and arrogant attitudes.
They are more american than the other 1 groups
>comparing spics favorably to Asians
Come to Southern California and you will hate them as much as blacks, I guarantee it.
Not being held accountable for their actions for the past 4 decades.
Blacks were always like this they arent overcompensating anything they are just primal psychopaths.
why would you draw this
Are you sure? Is there any historical evidence of blacks thinking themselves more important and and grandiose than they actually are? Because I think it's just an American Black thing to be obnoxiously conceited.
2nd gen spic here in commiefornia and can confirm. many 2nd gen+ spics are absolute degenerate trash mostly due to liberal americanization. they have that same welfare state entitlement attitude nigs have. people like me who stick closer to traditional Catholic roots are either going to be older/more mature or few and far in between.
It's someone saving a qt robot girl even though she's a robot. That's a good thing, right?
I remember being a little kid and watching a Richard Pryor special where he kept saying white people were the source of all black peoples' problems. The audience cheered every time. All those black folks then had kids, and of course that bias gets passed down.
So in short OP, the Jews are why black Americans are all uppity.
yeah, but from this video, i think it really is ingrained
African niggers have this same psychopath level self confidence. Also you really dont know anything if you base things on what american blacks do and NOT WHAT THE BASE OF THEIR DNA DOES.
government dependence, drugs and entitlement + low competition between them.
oh yeah I forgot robots get to leave behind limbs and shit
Who are you and where are your dumbass parents
t. anecdotal """evidence"""
it's not rocket science that some people might not have a sense of entitlement and can see beyond immediate gains for more profitable long term gains. democrats allowed immigrants in for corporate and empire building and lured them in with the welfare state so what do you expect? you guys crack me up always trying to explain shit through more than necessary complex theories when the obvious and simple one is right in your face
>muh inherently superior genes
>le shitskins
Dunning kruger effect
They've been told what they are rather than what they can do (Hispanics, Asians, first and second gen immigrants) or what they must do (mostly Asians)
They have a fatalist mindset and believe that the world should be a way already rather than trying to move it to a point
because it works. white people are push overs and give them whatever they want when they do.
Thats cool and all but do EXPLAIN AFRICAN DYSFUNCTION PRIOR TO SLAVERY fucking nigger.
White americans have been on welfare yet they have have peaceful living areas while blacks have violent ones explain that.
oo boy
t.Hispanic intellectual.
never posted nor stated what i posted was evidence.
>Implying thinking something= evidence
Clearly comprehension isn't one of your strong points fence hopper. But I digress, Yes, you are right, but what you said does not answer OP's question. The answer is that they are shameless. See that? You barefoot indian. And you have the gall to rant so far off topic you probably are marching with BLM right now.
I didn't say genes don't play a role but not to the extreme the racial realist might take it. environment is also critical. anglos and other Germanic tribes had to endure freezing winters and early western civ was full of factions competing with one another as opposed to Africa that is warm and you don't have to learn to do agriculture or form complex societies
>border hopper
>being native born
>barefoot Indian
>BLM supporter
>criticising others for lacking reading comprehension and deviating from topic
>reaching this hard
and the meme is >Mexican intellectual
fucking dumb island nigger
more testosterone with lower IQ.
no defense huh? I rest my case. kys. Good thing too, you weren't worth wasting time over.
At that point it is genes user, environment is more like social upbringing not natural selection.
Does the expression on their faces in the OP tell you anything?
>yeah, but from this video, i think it really is ingrained
>never posted nor stated what i posted was evidence
how stupid can you be? you literally said BASED ON THE VIDEO that it's "ingrained" (genetic) so you took a stupid Alex Jones video as evidence. I'd rather be a barefoot spic than an 80 IQ slightly modified baboon. even your picture displays your innate desire to rape. it's in your monkey blood
I disagree at least based on the research of Thomas Sowell who showed how blacks born in Germany after the second great war were generally the same as the rest of the native white German population. giving boons rap and a culture centered around violence and hatred for whites mixed with strong victim complex etc plays a huge role in all this and baseless genetic arguments are a cheap simplification that ultimately ignores that type of bullshit in their culture that not only keeps them in the shitter but also has everyone else around them on edge
Inferiority complex
Puerto Ricans are worse then blacks. They speak Spanish and you can't deport them.
>Mexicans: Immigrants
>Asians: Immigrants
>Blacks: Oppressed second class all-American underclass circa 1700's, stopped technically being oppressed in 1964, still suffered from drug war, prevented from GI Bill, systematic redlining, ect.
Gee, I wonder why blacks and Native Americans are different than those recent migrants?
Mexicans have to hang low be here illegally and all.
Asians are typically have too good a job or just too chill to want to cause issue.
Blacks have no hope and have no desire to advance their lives. Being uppity is the only thing they find fulfilling.
>based on the research of Thomas Sowell who showed how blacks born in Germany after the second great war were generally the same as the rest of the native white German population
>some blacks born in Germany
Is that why africans in Germanistan are raping today?
>giving boons rap and a culture
We never gave niggers their ghetto culture they literally created it and jews simply found a way to profit of it.
> plays a huge role in all this and baseless genetic arguments are a cheap simplification that ultimately ignores that type of bullshit in their culture that not only keeps them in the shitter but also has everyone else around them on edge
No its black genetics that makes them act the way they do, even their cultures are backwards savagery in modern form.
Also nigger you failed to explain AFRICAN DYSFUNCTION BEFORE SLAVERY.
Because Asians have some degree of pride in themselves knowing they have a rich history and culture- and they have a culture of hard work, so they would rather work hard in order to achieve success rather than go and complain in order to receive benefits.
Mexicans tend to just not care, rather getting on with their lives and generally just relaxing.
That's not to say there are not shitheads in those races also, but black people have formed a whiny shithead collective.
Black people are just loud, and obsessed with clinging on to past grudges. The fact that they have 10 percent less white brain matter and higher test may also contribute to their loud, stupid attitudes.
This. The reason they act entitled is because they are.
In all seriousness, comparing blacks to other races besides Native Americans is stupid. African Migrants are upstanding citizens as well, in the USA.
Both are black.
Black people in America is like kidnapping some simple person, forcing him/her to build your house, then after its done you shove them in a closet and occasionally attack them if they try to get water, then you became more self-conscious and allow them out but they can't be allowed in 99% of the house, and the 1% is like the basement. Then you invite new people to the house a century later, and you allow the former captive to come out and access the rest of the house, and 40 years after than 200 year oppression, you're asking yourself:
>Gee, how come that former captive isn't as nice as the other people I let into the house? Its been a few decades now, and I've not at all helped to try and rehabilitate the captive--but I can't figure out why the former captive is such an asshole to me.
>Oh well, I'll just insult it some more.
Seriously Sup Forums, I know people have insecurities in trailer parks because white people like yourself are poor based on your own choices, not discriminated against and redlined into ghettos like Black Americans--so you're insecure--but still, think about it.
Natives have legit reason, blacks are just freeloading farm equipment that should have assimilated or fuck off back to Africa a long time ago. I dont know what the Anglo faggots were thinking that a wild animal that been a jungle savage for over 50,000 years can magically become civilized in 500 years.
I understand and agree with what you're saying. But this is Sup Forums. You're preaching to the same people who think African-Americans should be shoved back in the closet.
Your stupidity knows no bounds, Once again you illiterate mong, I said "I THINK...."i made no concrete decisions for my thoughts based on the video nor have I implied that I have.You go on to once again say I said, as though it is fully determined. See, stupid? Fetch the stick stupid.
I'd make fun of your mom, But then I realise how hard it must be to visit two graves, the one where her severed head is buried alongside the rest of her body, all this, courtesy your heritage. I'm of Spanish and French decent, so your projections are just barely amusing, and once again, based on your lack of comprehension skills, this is hard evidence your IQ can't be more than the whopping 80 you so graciously throw around to feel a little better about yourself.
>blacks are just freeloading farm equipment that should have assimilated
The fuck do you mean: "should have been assimilated"? Black Americans are AMERICAN, 100%, there's nothing African about them, besides their skin color. Any Black American outside of the United States sticks out like a sore thumb, especially in Europe, among the African migrants because they're Black Americans.
Why do the Natives have any more a legit reason? If the whites were going to be a complete dick to Black Americans, who's only difference was their skin color (no black Americans spoke African languages or knew anything more about Africa than a white person did) then they should've just sent all of them back home.
Probably would've turned out like Liberia, where the Black Americans, being y'know, Americans, would just enslave and dominate the local population.
It's like sending a domesticated animal who was born from another domesticate animal back into the forest, its just absurd.
>African Migrants are upstanding citizens as well,
>African GENETIC OUTLIERS are upstanding citizens as well
Fixed that for you, the actual normal african is a wild beast that causes constant crime in Europe. Heck you can see what those Somali subhumans do in America today.
>Is that why africans in Germanistan are raping today?
oh totally because fresh off the boat Somalians are the same as 50s born blacks great straw man. it's like I'm talking to a literal retard
>We never gave niggers their ghetto culture they literally created it and jews simply found a way to profit of it.
oh right I guess all that heroine from Vietnam and then the crack in the 80s being specifically funneled to black communities must have been done by only black and Jewish CIA members. makes sense
>No its black genetics that makes them act the way they do, even their cultures are backwards savagery in modern form.
prove it
>Also nigger you failed to explain AFRICAN DYSFUNCTION BEFORE SLAVERY.
no I didn't. you just have selective memory. it's normal when people have their worldview challenged
Impulsivity and stupidity.
If you think American niggers are domesticated then you really dont understand anything.
>The fuck do you mean: "should have been assimilated"?
You see this ghetto culture of yours, your thug life yh yh GET RID OF IT and follow what us white people do in America dont make no own culture for your race DO WHAT WE DO fuck your individuality you are fucking niggers backwards jungle savages that just creates rationalized animal behavior(hip-hop) in modern times.
>Why do the Natives have any more a legit reason?
Because they actually lived here
stop thinking you'll hurt yourself
>oh right I guess all that heroine from Vietnam and then the crack in the 80s being specifically funneled to black communities must have been done by only black and Jewish CIA members. makes sense
No one told you stupid niggers to do that drugs and your communities in colonial Africa were shitholes without drugs.
>prove it
Look at every black country then look at every white country, then compare that black country to when it was ruled by white people its their genes not culture THE GENES.
Because they are not bright enough to be able to understand the needs of others. And lazy.
hahahaha holy shit you sound asshurt. and na famalama I scored above average while drunk and tired so I'm not insecure in that department. you making even speculations of that type based on one fucking video shows how stupid you are. even statistics based on thousands of people aren't always 100% accurate let alone some chimp nigger on his coconut laptop scratching his chin as he whispers "really makes you think" to himself. go find your next victim to rape before you start having withdrawals and set the village on fire Jamal
I'm not the one busting a blood vessel on Sup Forums.
im not even giving you a proper response when you lack so much civility and integrity you have to keep going back to hurr ur le nigger meme. I'M NOT BLACK YOU DUMB FUCK
but I like how you only touched on a few of my rebuttals because you didn't have shit for the other ones.
also if it's okay for the CIA to flood black communities with crack and heroine then it's okay for Jews to pump out all degenerate and subversive propaganda I guess right? why don't you just admit your stupid skin color is the only thing you have to take pride in because you have no real pride you stormfront autistic fuck.
Yeah and poor Asian migrants to places like Japan are considered criminals too. Because Western isolated countries like America choose the best, besides Latin America, because thats illegal.
Any unrestricted migration of any group brings out the worse of impoverished people. Thats not unique to economically defunct (thanks to Europe) Africa.
>You see this ghetto culture of yours
That ghetto culture is 100% American. In Africa, they even copy "Black American culture", cause its the only thing glamorized on T.V.
By the way, how'd the ghettos form? Why are Black people strangely in one particular neighborhood, is that just a coincidence? You wanna talk about systematic redlining or just narrow it down so that its less inconvenient?
>Because they actually lived here
Like the Black Americans? If you're going to deport Black Americans, you might as well deport White Americans, you're just as foreign in the grander interval of the continent's history.
whatever lets you sleep at night. Make no mistake, I am rather flattered you take all this time to address moi, not butthurt. Also, T&T rape statistics aren't nearly as bad as the US per capita, Murder, yes, but not the rape. But it doesn't matter to me because while I work, I am almost never in Trinidad, You are confined to your leftist hell. I bid thee adieu, all the best.
It tells me BLM are a bunch of evil bastards, that fat bitch looks like she plays the victim card whilst knowing shes entirely privileged and i actually hate her soul.
and Sanders doesnt deserve to even be a senator, based on this shameful display of cuckoldry. the moment i supported Trump was when he addressed this hijacking and said he would never allow it
Agreed user. I live boyle heights where a majority live off of welfare. It's clear too see it for what it is. living here,
As a 1st gen naturalized citizen of Asian descent, niggers annoy the shit out of me. Perhaps it's the difference in culture..
Nah, nigs gonna nig .
not even close
massive inferiority complex, victim complex, etc
na i was mocking your BTFO attitude towards me like I give a shit being in Cali like my life will fall apart. mean spirited angry little cunt ya are lad weeeewwww
They're inherently more violent.
>Small group, does more crime
Also, entitlement and delusion.
>"muh slavery"
>"we wuz kangs and shiet"
Also, Jews.
Jigaboos think they're owed for something their ancestor may have suffered from. They don't realize appreciate how good they have it in the U.S. Not one of them would survive a day in Africa. They be raped or killed or hell probably rounded up an resold.
now we agree on something, we both could care so less for each other. Although I'm not so sure about you.
ill explain user
you see,whites mexicans and asians and even mudshits can compete in the western world
where as blacks are stupid as fuck
so they get left behind
due to this they have learned to scream opression when infact they are just to dumb to make it
this is why the british showed up with guns and boats and they was dancing around fires with grass skirts chanting ooga booga and not much has changed since we left.
>could care less
do you know how I know you're not French and Spanish?
you are in love with me.
no I think it's you who is in love with yourself for even proposing such a vain and narcissistic idea. typical boon narcissism. even when it's clear you aren't liked you still linger because you're so self important. sad actually.
Average IQ closest to the sweet spot of criminality
you are definitely in love with me
>lso if it's okay for the CIA to flood black communities with crack and heroine then it's okay for Jews to pump out all degenerate and subversive propaganda I guess right?
>why don't you just admit your stupid skin color is the only thing you have to take pride in because you have no real pride you stormfront autistic fuck.
I dont care about the white race I just hate niggers.
>Yeah and poor Asian migrants to places like Japan are considered criminals too.
Bullcrap there is barely any crime in America commited by asians of any social class.
>Any unrestricted migration of any group brings out the worse of impoverished people. Thats not unique to economically defunct (thanks to Europe) Africa.
Niggers are savages thats why they only select the top because the government knows the average black is a deranged wild animal that will cause rampant crime.
>That ghetto culture is 100% American. In Africa, they even copy "Black American culture", cause its the only thing glamorized on T.V.
In Africa the niggers can be seen loitering about, living in filthy shack shitholes, and there is some kind of primitive vibe going on.
>By the way, how'd the ghettos form?
Black genetics, you put stupid whites in an area and it looks like a dump, but you put normal blacks in an area and it looks like the apocalypse.
>Like the Black Americans? If you're going to deport Black Americans, you might as well deport White Americans, you're just as foreign in the grander interval of the continent's history.
White Americans created this country, this was just wilderness, niggers are just farm equipment.
Low IQ or poor education.
Born in Hackney, London.
Half Jamaican half Irish.
Family are part of multiple criminal organizations ranging from south America to China to west Africa.
Am the only ones who been to college, now doing software engineering in Japan.
My question.. am I a nigger?
Also.. ask my anything.