>Warner Bros. had no comment when asked whether Whedon will participate in "Justice League" press or if The Wrap op-ed will affect "Batgirl"
WB throw's Joss Whedon Under Bus (No JL and Batgirl)
only REAL MEN should be allowed to direct DC properties
He should just remake the original Buffy The Vampire movie. Get ASSR to play Buffy.
They threw Zack "Prometheus" Snyder under the bus whose sole mistake was bringing fire the plebs. Of course they would burn Whedon for less. WB consists of idiots who have no sense of loyalty towards the directors that made the company.
Atleast for Snyder I'm glad he's out of this bullshit. He deserves better than capeshit fans.
>man baby face
>fedora wearer
>makes capeshit
>not even the feminists like him
forget Brendan, he's got nothing on this JUST WHEDON
too low res
you have a bigger size?
well, it would be pretty dumb of them to still use him in one of their movies since unfortunately, nowadays twitter bashing is more important and risky than the use of actual talented people. now I am not saying he is talented but even if he was a filmmaking god, SJW would tear him apart
that way, best conduct of business is to cut their relationship to whedon
>Amy Adams calls out liberal shiteating media for the liars they are
Our gal standing by the one true kino king.
Who ever wrote this has invested way too much effort in this genre.
I watch capeshit too, but I don't pretend that it, or the people that make it matter.
>those fucking numbers
JUST WHEDON confirmed
Just click the file name so you can open a new window for it.
what the fuck are you talking about? they let him direct THREE fucking movies even though the first two were critically panned. if that doesn't scream loyalty from WB's side, I don't know what does. they even pushed him when the all of the stuff with his daughter happened, giving all kinds of nice comments about him
I hope they somehow keep him after JL cause I really like his vision for all of the characters but I can't recall a moment where WB wasn't being generous to him
jokes on you he was never a feminist
WB completely botched the marketing on BvS refusing the pay critics the same way Disney were doing with exclusive hotel visits and "gift" bags. They changed that with Wonder Woman but it's obvious Snyder had to suffer WB's incompetence in getting (social) media onboard. Disney was wrecking havoc all over their shit months in advance and they were completely passive sticking to their 90's marketing strategy.
Fug there's a possibility that he can be dropped from directing batgirl. Who's your choice to direct if he does get sacked?
(Checked btw Satan)
Refn of course.
I once envisioned a beautiful future for DCEU with Snyder/Refn/Gibson leading the charge. That future is gone now but I still dream.
He's losing it
Well at least we still have Reeves to direct the batman movie so there's still a sliver of hope.
>nooooooo I was their greatest ally! this can't be happening!!!
The JUST never dies, brother. it merely changes form.
Fuck. You lie in bed with SJWs, and they will turn on you first chance they get. Fucking sad.
I think they didn't actually do it for WW since WW had proper hype due to the "First BIG Female Superhero" thing. I'm totally on board with the "90's marketing strategy" thing but I think that WB didn't see it coming due to several factors such as
>Nolan's Batman movies were top-tier to begin with and needed nothing but viral marketing
>Man of Steel and BvS were a combination of too "dark" (I hate that word but you know what I mean) and complicated in the sense that audiences are used to Disney's straightforward way of storytelling, which in itself isn't a bad thing, but a factor which contributed to many people having been confused after seeing the movies
All hail Lord Zacharius Snyder, first of his name, Lord of the Patricians, Protector of the Faith, Keeper of the Flame, Breaker of Plebs, and Father of Kino.
We're back on track DCbros
I hope that continues, and I hope Zack comes back.
post the pic where he looks beefy
Trying to virtue signal hard.
I don't really get the hype behind the Cloverfield Apes guy directing a Batman film. If anything James Wan is more suited for Batman and Reeves for Aquaman.
>athletic shoes with a suit
these people need to be gassed
>tfw you actually love Man of Steel and Batman v Superman
>tfw you think the Snyder praising is silly but fun at the same time
>tfw people actually get triggered by it
Save us!
That's me and you both, brother.
Is there a frog version of this yet?
>Based Whedon fucks as many women as possible, doesn't bow down to nagging wife
>Cuck Snyder gets a used up whore who rode the cock carousel and settled down for him
>Zack the hack's wife ''lived the Sex and the City'' lifestyle before settling for a beta provider
>Zakie boy married used goods with mystery meat kids in tow
DCucks WILL defend this
Yea or nay?
I disagree. Reeves understands the power of symbols. Wan understands that the ocean is spoopy.
>What's the matter Zack, can't get it up? You can have some of my sloppy seconds, there's enough primo cunt to go around, hahaha.
is it really takes just one comment from some hag to ruin your career?
>Whedon is saving it
How does he know he's "saving" it? He hasn't seen the film. For all we know the Whedon scenes are Marvel-tier awful.
He's been buried by feminist anger several times before and recovered. This'll blow over soon enough.
Whedon is a fucking white male! How white males can be anything good?
Not really, this is getting mainstream media attention.
>wtf I hate Joss Whedon's movies now: The Article
They approached Mel to direct Suicide Squad 2 you silly fucks. Joss is safe for now.
I hope the pussy gets sacked. He's got no right to smear his shit all over the DCEU and Snyder's beautiful vision.
Honestly don't get it either. So he's cheated with some whores. No man with healthy testosterone levels would've turned down Dushku anyways.
He should've been burned for giving birth to quipshit cinema. Not for fucking some roasties.
Shit, hopefully not a woman.
It does when your main selling point is being some kind of feminist eunuch. The exact same letter wouldn't dent a guy like Gibson or Eastwood, you need to bring out the big guns (anti-Semitism) to stand a chance at taking them down
comfy Zack thread
He's trying to quote TDKR, but he fucked it up lmao
>Gordon: [looks back at Blake, offended by what he said] There's a point far out there, when the structures fail you. When the rules aren't weapons anymore, they're shackles, letting the bad guy get ahead... One day, you may face such a moment of crisis. And in that moment, [agitated] I hope you have a friend like I did! To plunge their hands into the filth, so that you can keep yours clean!!!
>Blake: [disgusted] Your hands look plenty filthy to me, Commissioner.
Couldn't happen to a nice guy.
I remember him constantly saying Trump was molesting young women. guess he was projecting?
Is main selling point is Buffy and Avengers.
more like JUST Whedon
more like JUST Whedon
Directors don't get a media presence like he has just for their films. You don't see anyone with strong feelings either way about the Russos or Gunn, for example
What else does he do?
Nobody really likes Zack Snyder, that's just a DCuck meme, r-right guys?
Latest picture of Zack "Chad Master" Snyder. He's doing better.
further proof that you get nothing from being overly-nice to women
I don't want to live in a world, where some tweet by an ex-wife bitch can lose your job. Fuck Whedon and fuck his fans. Go neck yourself on Tumblr.
>he's redoing the entire flick!
>no he isn't, that's impossible at this point
>whatevs I'm right becuz my feefees say so
Why are MCUcks so pathetic?
That shirt didn't even say that when Zack first put it on. It absorbed that much wisdom just from his sweat.
Marvel nu-males can't even talk straight in the presence of their HS bullies.
Is this it? Will Whedon be escorted out of the building while someone competent finishes JL? Could our prayers have been answered?
No... that would be too simple, too nice
Whedon will still finish it, rubbing his cock all over Snyder's masterpiece. But WB will pretend that it's Snyder's film thus dragging his name through the mud
>Monkey Mindset was right
>Will Whedon be escorted out of the building while someone competent finishes JL?
If not Snyder they should use DeKnight.
oh golly, I can't believe I get to laugh at that idiot Joss Whedon and bathe in the tears of DCucks
>can't even pathetically tweet without quoting comic shit
Goddamn this is high level pathetic
poor trannys :(
How is "WB has no comment" construde as throwing him under the bus? I hate myself for even clicking into this thread.
This dude made the only watchable season in the entire Marvel netflixverse and he's a massive Snyderbro. WB should get him
Snyder's too good for comics fanboys. If someone were to make observations about literally any other director in any other genre, no one would bat an eye at it.
>observations like pic related
Hopefully The Punisher will be kino and they do a couple new vigilante/hero shows matching the tone of that.
Moon Knight
What's Moon Knight?
Another numale dies on the alter he worked to build
Has anybody who has publicly been against trump not gotten completely justed un the last year? How did he do it?
It would be a vigilante/hero show with a similar tone.
He has multiple looks and multiple personalities. Great character and would make a good Netflix series in my opinion.
>be Marvel cuck
>reach down deep to communicate something pithy
>quote DC
Is this real? Not on his Twitter feed. Did he delete it or is this some epic rusemaning?