What does Sup Forums think of the UN?
I personally see the only problem with them pushing a liberal agenda. Is it wrong for me to be applying to work with them as either a Political Affairs consultant or a Gender Studies personnel?

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>Political Affairs consultant or a Gender Studies personnel
are ya winning, son?

Define winning. I'm currently going to college for Political Science and I'm minoring in Gender Studies.

Also, you didn't answer the question of what pol thinks.

>Gender Studies personnel

It's become a relic like NATO, perverted from it's original potential use. Purge time.

Shitskins in Africa and the middle east break in their child soldiers by having them use blue helmets for target practice, give them easy kills so they get a taste for blood.

As a political organization it is utter shit.

It is useful for other things though, like WHO, ICAO, UPU, WTU and so on.

>minoring in Gender Studies.
You're a disappointment to your family.

If your here to shitpost I think you should get back on Sup Forums buddy.
The UN is a shell of its former self but perhaps it can be revived.
I don't intend of being shot if I could avoid it.
I have to agree that the UN shouldn't meddle in political affairs as much as it does.
I actually am studying it to disprove the notion of more than two genders, ROLF

It can be revived only through a purge. If that's your method of choice for regime change, then confront it honestly. Otherwise, use history as your guide and simply replace it as the UN did to the failed mistake called the League of Nations.

The only purpose UN serves is preventing WW3. The rest is salad-dressing.

internationalist elites trying to consolidate power and destroy nations. they should all be stripped of their citizenship.

Humanitarian organization that gets in the way, the Dominicans have tried to genocide the haitians for years but the U.N is like STOP THATS WRONG WHY DONT YOU TRY TO BE NICE TO THE HAITIANS.

A precursor to the one world government.

Is that why warmongering and traitorous neocons like former Secretary of Defense Leon Ponetta want to start WWIII without following the rules but rather by getting outside permission from entities such as the UN or NATO?

Obviously international diplomacy is a necessary thing; think of the Congress of Vienna, for instance, when de facto regional powers (aka the superpowers of today's global world) had to send in professionals to settle down an unresolvable endless war situation that was proving to be a PITA for Europe.

The UN accomplishes basically none of this outside of the occasional action in the Security Council.


desu I agree with that

>I don't intend of being shot if I could avoid it.
Too bad, because you're off to gather data on gender inequality in Zimbabwe.

even if you hate them, don't feel bad for them signing your paycheck

the world is going to shit anyway, your welfare is the most important thing right now in these dying ages

>minoring in Gender Studies

Literally owned by Saudi Arabia except it's so useless all they use it for is to complain about Israel.

When was the last time a UN resolution was enforced?

Good in theory. I would like it better if

A) its function was reduced to an arbiter of international law, and not something that tries to set policy
B) it was actually respected as an arbiter of international law, and not something to be skirted around (see most recent iraq war)

I hope to eventually change the UN in some way if I could, I see the ability for it to be more then just some annoying organization.
Well, that depends on the post I'm stationed at. If it so happens I'm shot at and die trying to better the world ever so slightly, then so be it.
Exactly my way of looking at it.
No shit posting please.
I'm not joining to affect the whole world on a global scale, I want to help even one person.
I agree with that, the UN is very underrated from how it could've been.

Back in the day, they were instrumental to place artificial internationalist pressure on Portugal, Rhodesia and South Africa so as to deliberately remove whites from power (aka to remove the middle men so the Globalists could seize direct control of those countries):



Thankfully, Africa is now a bastion of prosperity and human development.

>Well, that depends on the post I'm stationed at. If it so happens I'm shot at and die trying to better the world ever so slightly, then so be it.
If you're trying to make the world a better place, get a job that produces something and contribute to Western civilization.

I don't see why it's always about Western Civilization. Other civilizations deserve the ability to be just as good as us.

Nobody deserves anything.

They get what they deserve, as do we.

Everyone deserves the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. For you to say anything else and still claim to support Western society then you my sir are a bigot.

We've tried to develop them for decades but they reliably demonstrate that they are beyond help. It's time to let Africa forge its own path.

Theres that word again.

That isn't what bigot means and that isn't what Western society is.

Life, Liberty and Property you pleb.

i think it's repeating the way of it's predecessor and already became useless
and must be suspended along with unesco, council of europe and hundreds of other pussy organisations promoting shitskin rights and sucking state monies

We've been trying but we've been building up them ever so slowly. I believe we can make a difference there if we continue trying.
Simply because you don't like someone doesn't mean you cannot deny any person of their deserved rights.
Thomas Jefferson coined the term "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness" by altering John Locke's trinity, “life, liberty, and property.” you 'pleb'.
I agree the position the UN is in now is a pretty shitty one but I believe it could be pushed in the right direction.

>We've been trying but we've been building up them ever so slowly. I believe we can make a difference there if we continue trying.
Sorry if I missed it, but who are you trying to build up?

What war was this?

They're biased as shit and weak when it comes to enforcing things that need enforcing (Rwandan genocide). For instance look at the Tibetan genocide, it gets support by the UN and a bunch of celebs, look at Europe the same type of genocide is happening using the same articles & sections and they resuse to recognize it. Of course they have also refused to recognize the Armenian genocide


The UN is fucking useless. A bunch of westerner journalists and aid workers were robbed and raped in South Sudan recently with a UN base 5 mins away that refused to do their duty and deploy troops to rescue them. Just useless waste of money.

Mainly trying to work in Africa from what I've read over.

they do nothing, accomplish nothing, just bullshit around while providing easy jobs to the children of the elite, paid for by taxpayers

>We've been trying but we've been building up them ever so slowly. I believe we can make a difference there if we continue trying.
We are causing more suffering than good by interfering. Now warlords have trucks and guns, with more people to subjugate.

>Thomas Jefferson coined the term "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness" by altering John Locke's trinity, “life, liberty, and property.” you 'pleb'.
I'm aware. Use the original.

1. What are you trying to build up, and how is it working?
2. What are the Chinese trying to build up, and how is it working?
3. Should anybody be trying to build them up, and how would that be working?

>What does Sup Forums think of the UN?
The whole concept of a "UN" is a good idea, but the way it's running now? It should be destroyed.

The UN is just a circle jerk for poor countries. They're laughable, even we tell them to fug off when they tell us to "stop being so mean to the refugees". Sadly, a lot of people here think the UN is some powerful organisation that should be highly respected and worshipped.

The west is truly dead

Shut it down

Toothless organization hopelessly corrupt that does literally nothing.