Anonymous has officially declared war on the U.S. Government!
It's Happening!!!
K.. Keep me posted
>He thinks anonymous is worth talking about or taking seriously.
Fuck off, no happenings are going to follow this announcement up.
>the mysterious haxxor known as Sup Forums has been run entirely by nigger-loving Jews for years
>nigger-loving Jews orchestrate their own false-flag to threaten the Government
>Government uses this to shut 4chans down
>Jews blame Trump
>Hillary passes new laws banning free and anonymous speech
You know it to be true.
Fellow Anonymous member here.
Beware. We ARE coming for you so back the fuck up faggots.
pic related is me
"hey guys, cia here, were pretending to declare war on ourselves."
>Wear a mask
>Edit the fuck out of the video anyway
>Read a script out irl
>But overwrite the audio with text-to-speech
Are the people that make these videos retarded?
I remember my habbo hotel shenanigans with anonymous back in the halcyon days...
What have they done to you my old friend...
This pic was my Steam picture for awhile
>Donald... we need to talk
Anonymoose is dead
In all honesty, I think this nation is already lost. The government would have to do something so against the will of the people to actually make them revolt.
Good, now we can drone strike these faggots.
Oh no, the US government is in major danger!
false flag to shut down Sup Forums as a terrorist cell
don't fall for it
it was tolerable at best when it was a sometimes funny sarcastic happening, like pre 2007. then it became sjw shit the joke became meta
Has anonymous ever done anything? Other than perhaps mischievous nuisance "hacking"? They keep making these autistic threatening videos and then no habbenings ever come about.
It's funny how the guy fawkes mask comes from the EFG meme. It's memetically correct.
From time to time various sects pull off pretty cool shit. "user Analytics" tanked some stocks by exposing fraud and stuff but nothing noteworthy.
The last big thing was OPisis which was basically just mass reporting a shitload of Islamic extremist accounts.
I miss those days staying up doxing people in IRC's for juvenile reasons.