You all know Trump is going to win?
You all know Trump is going to win?
Trump has been blessed
I hope so.
I've known since the beginning
Of course.
I knew that within the first few republican debates.
Until then I wake up everyday not knowing if I look out into the void or the light
Knew it the second he stepped into the political sphere. America has been practically begging him to run since the early 90s
Papa Trumpu is destined for victory
Yes, based on this simple analysis:
>Romney barely lost in 2012
>No one who voted for Romney will vote for Hillary
>Some people who voted for Obama will vote for Trump
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
You are looking into both.
Of course. If he doesn't, we're fucked. He has to win or the country is finished.
Now that he's flopped on immigration it doesn't matter. It'll be more of the status quo.
if you dont know this youre just an idiot who probably couldnt pass an advanced STEM class
It's been decided long ago that he would win
There was that one guy who sells political merch like coffee cups and signs and shit, he said here that he always sells the most for whoever wins, and he'd never sold as much swag for any candidate ever as he had for Trump.
I believe, OP.
Anyone with a mother or aunt/grandma who needs to vote for genitalia, ask them to at least vote for Jill Stein's genitalia. A vote not for Trump is a vote for Hillary, but a vote for Hillary is a vote against America and this comfy life as we know it.
It's not looking good. WALL has withered.
Haha what a stupid echochamber Drumpfkins have, trump will lose and I will be laughing this November. Delusional losers. Keep crying when Hillary Rodham Clinton wins this November.
lel for a moment i thought this is hally berry
also even if he looses, we have the momentum on our side. this shit culture WILL change.
It is our destiny.
>foreigner tells us about the future of our country
He was never going to build the wall. Look at this from the European Jews' perspective: if we have mass immigration already, they don't need to boat over a bunch of bombers.
Pedro >>>> Hakim
lmao I agree Trump is an idiot racist fag. Who would vote for that KKK maniac?
Love me some Stacy Dash
>a foreigner who cant help but be brainwashed by his country's media who gets their news from our media
people just posted links before it happened so they would be first to link to it or be able to find it all the time.
a year ago, i would've said you were fucking out of your mind.
i still can't believe he made it past the primary and won the nomination, the absolute madman.
the ride has been unreal, but we still have a ways to go before November.
don't believe their lies.
TRUMP 2016
>americans thinking their future will be better under trump
Thank me when my prediction is right this november until then SHART in MART
Finally a true american who understands me. TRULY A PATRIOTIC POST FRIENDO. Can't Bury the Hillary.
is that stacey dash? I can't quite tell, I need another, sexier pic with less clothes on
Media are honest institutions, thats it goyim I'm reporting your post to Hillary. BETTER SUPPORT HER OR ELSE
But if Hillary wins it means war with Russia and sleeper cell activation....why spoil it
God I hope so.
>Hard to believe she is still so damn hot!
we'll win just to make her happy.
malasya doesn't know how Hill pays the media, and poll sampling is uneven.
How much longer until 88888888?
Lol no chance in hell
My grandfather who is an American war veteran told me he fought the war against Nazi evil. He saw Trump speaking about building wars and making America great again. My grandfather said it reminded him of Hitler. He switched the channel at the same time during Hillary alt-right speech and said this woman is the only one who can save this country from destruction. He said I must prevent Hitler from rising again.
Praise my grandfather, I hope you drumpfkins realize this that Trump is literally Hitler. Please change your vote to Hillary if you care for America.
Jeb would be beating Hillary by 20 points. I'm not even ironically saying that. I hope trump wins but Jeb was a sure thing... Trump chaos candidated the fuck out of everything and since CNN and MSNBC are even bigger sources or propoganda than Pravda ever was he is fucked.
youre a liar. because there was hardly videos of hitler going around back in the day. it was all hear say
U right.
Delete your family.
This. You are truly a patriotic American citizen. We must stand up against hate and racism that is plaguing our nation. By helping this oprressed minority can we show how America is willing to help people of all race and religion together.
Fuck I read that in his voice.
fuck me
Thanks for correcting the record!
I'm with Byrd!!.... I mean Her!!!
>with QEK in the id string
Her alt right speech was complete bullshit. Your grandfather probably has dementia.
Every poll in the news said Hillary would win. You guys are delusional. I'm saying this as a friend. Please vote Hillary. Hillary has never done anything bad. She has great track record and managed to eliminate terrorist threat. She can make the country safe. BELIEVE ME FRIENDS. Make it happen, say this I'M WITH HER CAN'T BURY THE HILLARY
go to bed
Respect old people user, they are not going to live long anyway. I love him, if Hillary wins he's going to die peacefully and I need her to win. Please do it for the sake of my grandfather.
>p-p-pls vote Hillary
The polls are BS. You're delusional. Never voting for a woman who put our country at risk and got our men killed wrongfully. Shut the fuck up, friend.
>not even worth $0.05
You are fired from CorrectTheRecord for being too obvious a troll.
I had some sort of feeling it was confirmed when he presented a SNL episode.
why are proxy fags the ones who trol the hardest?? really makes me think that everyone on this board is just an American
Umm nah I just hate the fuck out of trump.
He's a piece of shit
I wish I could get a job at Ctr it pains me to know I bash this sociopathic lard ass for free and I could be getting some sweet shekels for this!
maybe I'll get my act together for hills second term
No one believes in or responds to polls especially not now. If you answer the phone and say youll vote trump that just means the obama irs will target you for audit, just like they did against tea partiers. The federal govt is illegitimate btw
It is still morning and afternoon here. I can't go to sleep. Anyway thanks user for replying. Vote Hillary for me *wink*
>Lords number is 777
Thank you Jesus. Could also mean his return and no not in trump format
He did a turn anout on immigration.
Trumptards lose.
Holy shit this is a really bad slogan in so many ways.
Looking like a Reagan v. Mondale ass-raping in the making.
>mfw the dinducrats can't even win Commiefornia
Sweet Jesus Christ....
With those digits we will dominate the election!
Nice. Hillary must win. Then America will be a nice multiracial country like Malaysia known for its best track records economically and peacefully. I am proud that this user here is for her. Good job user. I wish you safety and long life ahead. Hillary Clinton is our last hope if we need true change in America
That's fake
His website (where the official merch is from) sells MADE IN USA only
I'm sorry that you feel bad
Why are you braindead autists believe in doubles and triples, it is not smart. It is [s4s] style autism that you believe numbers at the end of the post contribute to Trump winning a election. Look at me a true Hillary supporter. We do not need silly meme magics and autistic false KEK PEPE idol and Hillary is still ahead of Trump. Delusional Sup Forumstards, you all are beyond saving. If you want to turn back, vote Hillary if you have brains or if you are still a sane human.
Holy shit nigger you are dumb I was in that thread
Some on has never had repeating digits before
>people don't realize op is a trumpshill
I must do my job. I am your voice of reason in the midst of this hateful and toxic speech. Please listen to me. HILLARY IS THE ONLY VIABLE CANDIDATE FOR USA PRESIDENCY. Heed my words alt-right followers, support her for the sake of your nation, we can still turn the tide against Trump the madman.
Stop it. Trump train is derailed, abandon it before you anons regret it in November, you are living a PETER PAN DREAM. Hillary is a realist choice for president. Vote her for fucks sakes!
Bury and Hillary don't actually rhyme, the word has to end the same way and have the same beats to it.
Like so:
Can't stump the trump
Can't barrage the farage
Can't pillory the Hillary
Start in Mart
Poo in loo
St-ump, tr-ump
Bah-raj, fan-raj
Pill-or-ee, hill-or-ee
Sh-art, mm-art
Poo, loo
dump the drumpf
Can't bury the Hillary
Dum-pug, drum-fuhh
But-we, hill-or-ee
Please learn rhyming conventions.
Every single poster from Malaysia (perhaps all of which are you) is an insufferable cunt.
i was there
I'm gonna have to make sure to have some popcorn ready when Sup Forums implodes after the results are confirmed
>saying this as friend
You don't know me.
>Hiliary had never done anything bad
You're joking right?
Fake and gay
This is my last post anons. I have seen the future in flames, Trump will win the battles but he will lose the war. He is a meme candidate. Hillary will be victorious and you cannot stop it. It is inevitable goys. The post numbers are fake and predictions about trump winning is stupid. You all have lost since WW2. Stop fighting. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.
After the first Republican debate it was 100% obvious he was going to win it all.
The man literally can't be stumped.
Piss off you insufferable Muslim.
Post your good gets boys
>LARPing GoT
>still talking about khan
Can we block maldives or whatever stupid country this is?
YES, then I will. Know that I have been shifted into an alternative UNIVERSE
This isn't kek but just a good cap anyways.
You cannot block me. Unless you ask mods politely. Oh yeah the mods of this site love Hillary too, so yeah report me yadda yadda yadda but nothing will happen. I will still be here, lurking, to remind you Donald Trump isnt a perfect man and is stumpable. #CANT BURY THE HILLARY #NO PRISON FOR HER #IM WITH HER #PRAISE MOLOCH
What with all the hate for Islam? We are a peaceful religion, those bombers and killers not true muslim probably told by Trump to do shit so he can get votes. Dirty racist tactic I tell you.
Trump who? Oh! you mean the dude standing next to STACEY DASH. Sorry hard to think for some reason right now. Also. Post more pictures of Stacey Dash. Also living proof that the alt right is insane. 10/10.
You don't stand a chance.
I expect so. There's no reason for Hillary to act this way if she isn't scared.
You all know Trump is going to lose, Right?
Just on demographics alone, Romney would have won this year.