Identity is subversion

The moment you become a cohesive group is the moment you’redefeated. Memes work like diseases, once people’s immune system (cognitive
dissonance) can identify an intruder or parts of it, the intruder will be rejected. Keep being a human being searching for truth, nobody has the power to
stop you. Understand that those with power will do everything they can to lump you in with groups they have already trained people to ignore once you say something that matches one of the “illegal” patterns.

We can be everywhere and nowhere at once; a scientist, a teacher, a steelworker. All of these things we can be because we come from nothing. Anonymity is our cloak that conceals our
identity not only to for our own benefit but for the good of the ideas we want to share. If nobody shares a meme, it’s never accepted, but if anyone who is nobody shares a meme, everyone can accept it. Social movements don’t have momentum they have drag. This drag comes in the form of various baggage, disinfo agents, identity politics and character assassination.

Don't give up great power for an insignificant amount of notoriety.

Other urls found in this thread:

I agree with your conclusion

it's critical that we never draw attention to ourselves or even think of 'ourselves' as being a group

truth and humor are our only weapons, everything else is a liability

Hope more lurkers read this.

It's important to note the last sentence here, for without truth and humor, one can not even speak of identity.

>That moment when Canada stop shitposting




This post is subversion, it's a big fat blue pill.

The only way we can ever achieve anything is to stand up and be proud of who we are. If you act like a timid little faggot you are basically controlled by the Jews. We need to unite, organize and stand up for what we believe in.

Nice try (((Dr. Goldberg)))


>truth and humor are our only weapons, everything else is a liability

Said it better than I could.



You do that.
See what post-modernism thinks of your pride. It's merely fuel for it's fire.

>yes, yes, be weak and disorganized
>good goyim
>don't become a cohesive group, cohesive group is bad for you goyim
>you will never achieve anything anyway

they're not even hiding it anymore


The post.

Pride in what? The "alt-right"? That's already been coopted by gays and jews?

bump for importance

>JTRIG detected.

This reminds me of "anonymous" vs "Anonymous"

Anonymous = an identity. They come out saying "we are Anonymous" and try to get attention by that. This is the opposite of anonymity. Of course they fail at everything.

anonymous = no identity. When Anonymous split off, we remained doing the same thing as always. We are still anonymous, as we are the ones who post anonymously. Anonymity is the mode of operation, not the identity.

We got this far without it. Maybe there's merit to it.

Ideas can stand alone and are immortal. People are corruptable and weak.

Imagine if they were like this all the time.

Hurr I'm advocating not following a forced, already monopolized meme.

Must be disinfo.

Funny how you guys never show up in any shill threads.

This, deny the alt right label and all labels put on us.

We don't need to organize. We shouldn't organize.

Like OP said, it would only make us vulnerable. By being as decentralized as possible and focusing on the truth, we form a kind of safety net for the worldwide civilization. As long as internet remains free, no one with malicious intents will be able to hold power for long. Take a look at how much the elite has lost their grip on the masses just in the last decade.

It will only get better.

>Pride in what?

Pride in our identity.

>guys pls, let's not become a cohesive group pls
>cohesive group is bad
>you will never achieve anything anyway
>good goyim, be weak and don't organize

I see you ( ( ( Dr. Goldberg ) ) )

Truth and humor are the bricks of the Path Of Light Sup Forums




WE ARE Sup Forums


OP is right. Becoming a cohesive group is what killed the Tea Party. As soon as leadership and ideology developed, it was branded in the typical way which the media does and infiltrated by controlled opposition.

For once the leaf makes a good post.

Nice try Shlomo. As a Jew it's easy to identify when Jews try to Jew other people by calling people advocating for shit they don't like Jews.

The double reverse Jewing is a powerful Jew trick, and one that only the most subversive among us can master.

You might be able to fool the goyim, but you can't fool one of your own.


Say it with me:



rule 12: pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it

that's what Clinton just did to the alt-right.

I say we take the approach that we aren't a movement, the alt-right doesn't exist, we're just independent thinkers.


Oh shit are we ancaps now?


>Funny how you guys never show up in any shill threads.

You would know.

I agree. Sometimes I want to create good in this world, for the good of all, but my basic instinct is that in the end, my struggle will have been only for my own benefit.

Welcome to freedom.

Bump because this is the most coherent post on Sup Forums right now.

>cohesive group is bad
>stay weak like good goy
>you cant affect any real change goyim

I can't believe you faggots are falling for this obvious kikery

>The honest good Jew detecting bad Jews to show that not all Jews are bad meme

Okay shlomo, not gonna work.

Ohh fug my shit in fampai

Holy shit I was getting annoyed with all these Sup Forumsack war threads but couldn't put my finger on why. I think you really hit the nail on the head here user

>Takes one to know one

Like there aren't multiple per hr.
Doesn't take a genius to figure it out.

There is literally no benefit to being "alt-right".

Sell out to jewtube if you want but it won't help.

But we've always had a identity. We are from Sup Forums. We never mention Sup Forums in public but those who know, know. Memes work because of our showing of unity against common goals. Sup Forums is not a place people go to promote and share common ideas with the like minded. Sup Forums is the place you go to mock others ideas. We are a group, a group that seeks to destroy all in our path.

I honestly can't trace the origin of my beliefs back far enough

LOTR gave me the good/honor feels to this day though and I cry when I see people dying unnecessarily for jewish tricks so I guess I should serve god's will.

Probably had noting at all to do with the IRS denying non profit status and wrecking their fundraising.

>this obvious kikery

I would call the media branding a group of broadly varied political views under a single scary label in order to attack and discredit them kikery.

Embracing the label the Jews brand you with is just being a shabbos goy.

>stay weak
If you think Sup Forums is weak you should talk to Clinton and the MSM


Fucking this. It worked on me, it worked on the last lot of shills, it will continue to work in the future. Keep drip feeding those redpills.

>g-guys i'm totally not one of them
>I'm one of you goyim, look I "jewtube" heh

looks forced

this nigger knows

Cucked: The Movie


>Jew pretending to be an alt right Jew hater in order to divert attention away from the fact that his Jewing has been called out by a fellow Jew while simultaneously promoting ideas that are beneficial to Jews like accepting a label that will be used to push normies away from Trump

You're pretty good Shlomo, I'll give you that.

This would work if the population was on average of a specific individualistic mindset, and a high intelligence. Till then, human nature is kept in check by the more intelligent with these ideas.

wtf I hate political labels now

These. Everyone read these post again and really take it in.

Keep in mind that it's not specifically us that has been identified by Hillary and the MSM as being "alt-right", but instead influential and vocal figures in the right-wing, like Milo and Alex Jones. They are the face of the alt-right, and so no matter what happens to it, we'll still be here, making memes. At the same time this also means we have little control over it, and the Alt-Right is not going to go away anytime soon, especially now that they've gained near-national attention.

While I agree that being too high profile and individualistic is a bad idea, so is the opposite. Remember Anonymous? The whole principle of the movement what that anyone could speak for them, provided they own a guy fawkes mask. Predictably the movement got subverted and it's become this leftist SJW crapfest that nobody takes seriously these days.


it is cohesive groups that are destroying us

white people have no cohesive group, and everyone else does, which allows them to centralize power.

creating memes is a proto cohesive group for right-leaning whites.

It's like you want Sup Forums to become Tumblr

we should flood the board with goatse and tubgirl periodically, like in the old days, to prevent us from taking shape.

So take it outside Sup Forums

We hate the alt right and any other group

>it is cohesive groups that are destroying us

They're not destroying us, we're finally starting to win.

Not a bad idea, although I prefer to just spam everythread with jew redpills

Nuke ourselves?

>i'm with you goyim, we share the same ( ( ( judeo-christian ) ) ) values
>cohesive group is bad for you goyim

Not a bad idea,

pol is NYPA and it's not the alt-right armie.

Stick to the truth, everything else will follow.

>heh, we dont like tumblr, right goys?

you're trying way too hard yossef

( ( ( OP ) ) ) is trying to plant the seed that forming a cohesive group is bad.

everyone but me gotta learn

THEY ARE TRYING TO MAKE Sup Forums "alt right"

Fuck your cohesive group bitch

Make that on jewbook or stormfront

You are not welcome here if you want to be cucked by a group title

One of the best arguments for anonymity I have ever read.

This is where 1 post by this ID came from. If the shills actually tried to debate they would be changed.

I don't know why these boards hate eachother

Satan appears in my dreams using the form of a Salamander/Frog puppet kinda like Kermit. I'm afraid that pepe meme is not what you guys think it is.

Anonymous became subverted because they began organizing in a more centralized way. Anyone who knew about the IRC channels they used around 2010-ish could see that there were key, named contributors who organized most of the protests, raids whatever else.

Having a centralized organizer created the opportunity to infiltrate said centralized organizer. If there were still people calling themselves Anonymous randomly hacking preteens then they SJW cred that Anonymous curated would be killed in an instant.

Do it.

Identity is quite literally a spook unless forged completely individually.

You do not understand cognitive dissonance. C.D. is the uncomfortable feeling you get when an assumed truth collides with a known truth and a crucial vulnerability exists at the junction of accepting that new known truth. The rejection is a choice made after dissonance.


>read post
>check flag

10/10 post maplenigger

> ( ( ( cohesive groups are bad ) ) )
>white people shouldn't have a cohesive group

Right, let's not storm the beaches of Normandy while meme'ing b/c the kikecatchers will capitalize on our lack individual identity...