what a bunch of fucking geniuses
what a bunch of fucking geniuses
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The Sweden Democrats are going to make a killing at the election so the other parties are trying to stay relevant.
It must've taken years with all their top economists to figure such a complex conclusion...
> Refugees are bad for the economy
Hitler should have totally went with that instead.
Nobody cares what Sweden says or thinks.
oh fuck its real lol
god I hate how you fucking fags ruined the word cucked by making it just another word for bitch or something
because really
sweden is cucked
and theres no better word for it
Even some random homeless alcoholic bum off the streets could've told it was a shit idea, they reach this bright conclusion just now?
>more money for jobs, schools
someone who is completely oblivious of what is happening said this. are they complete morons thinking we wont notice that they say exact same thing they have said for many fucking years?
>if we do dis there will be mo money for em programs! if u vote for us we will fix it and bring free money fo everyone!
fucking cancer politicans i fucking hate them
>ruined the word cuck
Cuck/cucked was never 'ruined' because it was never a positive thing. Ever.
The problem is that this will only slow down the process.
We all know that only a (((certain))) group of "people" needs to be removed and everything will be finde by itself.
B-but they said it was good for the economy.
Sweden No.
They don't really bring in anything. That's the problem.
Most don't bring in wealth.
>Majority is dirt poor and requires welfare
Most don't bring in any skill.
>Most aren't doctors, teachers (real teachers, not Islamic propagandists), engineers, etc.
Most aren't even fit for unskilled work.
>They're like American niggers
So why bring in people who are, across the board, a net loss? That's not how immigration works. You bring in people of value: wealthy and/or skilled.
liberals are suicidal
they would bring people onto a lifeboat until it sinks killing everyone
When the polls showed that sweden democrats would pass both social democrats and the moderates they all shit their pants and changed politics. Best part is that they now have the same politicts the sweden democrats wanted but then it was fascist and racist. Gonna be fun watching Jimmie shove that in their faces. The socialdemocrats have completely stoped attacking the moderates and are only going after sd. The green party had islamists in high places, the socialdemocrats best buddies. I long for 2018 so much.
So are you guys gonna fix this shit or is it just gonna burn down ?
I love how everyone said their school system was so great yet they raised a bunch of cucks who imploded their own country.... great schooling..
also these days they'd start throwing off the tol water bailer's and the people they thought had some kind of privilege off first to let more on
lets be honest Sup Forums loves traps
europe in a nutshell
Pretty sure it's one of those dildos that translight's wear to pretend they are male.
Sweden Yes
I dont know how they would
they cant get rid of these people unless they kill them so
sweden is just going to be a shithole/remarkbly less great country forever now because of the irreversable decisions of their government in the past 10 years
the motherfuck?
She's a big woman.
We are trying to fix this but stong forces are behind the immigration. A lot of rich people have invested in migrationcenter and made huge profits. I've heard just privet persons have had offers that tripples what regular swedes would pay for a home. The lawyers firm are totally for immigration because it gives them more cases = more money. A huge group of libtards and other interests groups that profit in some way out of this and then the media. Just now their was a debate between the famous journalist Janne Josefsson and a commie about the freedom of speech. Janne told that fucker straight to his face he was against freedom of speech and what he consider debate is talking behind their backs and not engage in debate with them. Was nice to hear that.
I can only see things get better from here. They even admits it's cost a lot and that is something they denied as racist consepary theoris.
used to email a swede a lot. recently the schools began mandating their teachers learn arabic to teach the refugees. i asked well why not just have all the arabs go to select arab schools rather than having all schools stress out. said thats wrong because its like segregation
bonus: swedes used to have this govt program where you can report lost or damaged items and the govt would compensate for you to replace it. they ran out of money last year and cut the program
Liberals don't realise that the skilled, intelligent Syrians were able to get the fuck out of Syria before the civil war started.
either you come full circle, and come back to the right, or the left destroys itself and society.
usually they come back to right-wing thinking (logic and common sense)
its too bad the left is too stupid too understand logic BEFORE the problems start, and prevent them. no, they just chant RACIST and let the country go to hell, THEN they see the problems for what they are and come back to reason.
fucking unbelievable stupidity.
I'm guessing the Sweden Democrats are far less shit their their American counterparts?
Fuck you racist nazi Sweden
Wtf is this tougher asylum laws?
Where the fuck are all the gipos gonna go?
I'm alrrady sending a leyter to Brussels and Merkel about this issue and the rise of fascism in your country
Jesus Christ, what is his fucking problem???
nothing happens unless someone is making money from it.
its always interesting to find out how
The jews subverted Sweden first because it was a bastion of whiteness. It's just so far lost, that guy is probably reflective of the norm there
Sweden should be sacrificed for us to live
I wish it wasn't Sweden that was put to the task
theyre women are honestly the most attractive in the world
but theyre men are pretty fucking ugly and weak so I guess in a way I understand why they initially wanta blanda up or whatnot
this is their finance minister? holy shit
>mfw 2-3 years ago euro-Sup Forums was constantly shitting on America over how fucked it is here and i used to agree with them
Oh how the tables have turned. You guys are fucked.
> looking up "average swedish couple"
>being responsible parents
>raising children from surrogate
>might vote SD to fight Islamic homophobia
The train wreck that just keeps on giving.
The only way this could get more perfect is if the first death squads are Swedish.
Well the video gave me the idea that rich white LGBT members are cucks and are as delusional as all the other leftists in Swedistan.
[__] No
[ X] Yes
I'm too proud of this
I care
Are the swedes awake ? No shit
Bit late now isn't it.
>bit late
says the UK :D
we have gypsy minority,
but you have majority of curry and allahu akbars ;)
>england white
god save the KUEEN
Hahaha, this is Dinko, the migrant hunter.
In his free time he is a mobster also has
credit lease firms
Same shit happening here, it's just political posturing to keep as many voters as they can. If elected, things will continue as they are and they'll blame the EU regulations or something.
We have already lost Rhodesia, South Africa, Detroit, Haiti, Brazil. None have served as an example. People will blame anything before saying that multicult is bad.
>Sweden reversed decades of generous immigration policies after 163,000 people sought asylum last year
We haven't reversed anything. These new laws only lasts for 3 years, until after the next election. After that everything is going to go back to normal. They made these laws because they didn't want to lose the next election
>suddenly Sweden now admits refugees are actually bad for the economy!
Now maybe the people that have been calling med a delusional xenophobic racist bigoted nazi for over a decade might apologize.
>Our constituents won't vote us into power unless we stem the flow of immigrants
>They don't know what's good for them so we'll appease them for a cycle and then double down on policies that our citizens hate
t. European Politician
But it helps economy and Germany is doing better than ever before right now?
How can you deny it boosts GDP?
Can the refugees vote?
The tide really has turned. While being known domestically for being the country of "lagom" (means "not too much, not too little, but just right"/goldilocks) we have always politically been a country of extremes. The social Democrats ran a eugenics/race biology institute until the 70s and were racially aware. Then we pivoted to the other extreme, multikulti with jewish subversiveness. We're pivoting back now. The pendulum is moving and being pro-multikulti is basically political suicide for either camp now.
>sorry too late sweeds
Do you know how GDP is calculated? The more money is spent on it, the higher GDP. Calculating per capita is the only intellectually honest course of reasoning.
Germany is full of uneducated niggers now...
The Bavarian finance minister just said hundreds of thousands need to go back, because Germany cannot get them jobs or integrate them and because they are too costly.
Is the tide finally turning?
You mean some bigwig lost her job and is now living in reality
No they lie to make sure AfD doesnt get their votes
No. Once you have permanent residence you can vote in local municipal elections, but not for Riksdagen.
That is seriously one of the best analogies for a liberal I've ever heard.
>what a bunch of fucking geniuses
What if Jeb Bush was a faggot
>Best part is that they now have the same politicts the sweden democrats wanted but then it was fascist and racist.
It's pretty dumb. People have an aneurysm if you mentioned you vote SD.
Meanwhile M and S have been shamelessly baiting with anti-immigrant rhetoric that is equal to what SD has been proposing for I don't know how long but when they do it it's suddenly somehow kosher?
Would be interesting to ask someone what they vote, have them answer S or M, and then reply "I vote SD". Have them completely sperg out and then proceed to crush them into a puddle with well researched arguments on why there is much less difference than they imagine between their allegiances and mine.
This. This analogy is perfect.
Party names have little relevance to their actual content.
For example: West Europe Green Parties are insuferable SJW extreme leftist shits.
But our Green Party is centric capitalists with sympathies to Russia and is controlled by the richest oligarch in Latvia.
That can't be true.
Just 3 days ago we had your Deputy Speaker of the Swedish Parliament Tobias Billström (Moderate Party) do an Interview here.
>said immigrants are providing rich benefits to sweden
>they just want to work, they dind du nuttin
>have to keep integrating, see bosnian integration success
>etc etc.
It's too late to save this country though and it's just better if this country falls apart, Swedes are a sick people.
>(((certain))) group
You obviously mean muslims.
We should find a different echo symbol in order to separate them from the Jews who actually support a restriction on immigration.
After SD is in we have to promote more extreme measures so we don't fall right back into it.
Another member of Moderaterna recently said that Muhammed was an illiterate pedophile. Pendulum really is turning.
Fuck off proxy. It's not too late for sure.
Absolutely. SD already announced they want to tear up residenceships and reevaluate all of the already granted asylumrequests, presumably with new age tests and hopefully proper linguistic tests to make sure that people who fake being from syria can get kicked out
Fucking hell, that's amazing.
>It's not too late for sure.
>literally all SD voters are men
It's way too late.
seems like the havent gotten their monthly paycheck with instructions from george soros and are now actually using their brains for a few minutes....
15-18% of women vote for SD.
does that mean it's too late for me to get a really dark tan, not wash for a month, and go to the police station pretending not to speak english to grab a free second passport?
Por ti
You're about a year late m8
In the 2018 election we will get 3 parties that get around 25-30% of the votes.
It's going to be chaos. One side will have to break a deal with SD.