How do we save Sup Forums?

How do we save Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


ban anyone who uses "kino"
ban anyone with reddit cookies
capeshit should only have one general
game of thrones one general
rick and morty one general

Make sneedposting mandatory

Hiding threads like this is a good start.

more pickle rick threads

/sneed/ general
/bane/ general
Anything game of thrones needs its own board


>ban reddit meme
>enforce generals which are literally subreddits

Hi, reddit

Now that the tourist is gone we can discuss how to get old Sup Forums back lads

Let's make threads about tv shows & films and anlayse their themes & characters.

Stream tv shows & films so we can watch together


Ban phoneposters.

>accounts that needs to be registered, no posting without accounts
>post counters
>karma system, the ability to + or - a post

Embrace Footsexuality and disregard crass things like "titties" and "ass"

Blow me white boi

Stop pretending the Fappening traffic jump was Gamergate

>no adblock
dumb phone poster

Not him, but are you planning on updating to oreo?

>Sup Forums

I suppose you want everyone to only use their real name, like Twitter or Facebook, right?

By crashing this plane.

no you can use a nickname if you want

What would be the purpose of the karma system? Or did I fall for troll bait here?

>tfw no adblock
I still haven't found a way to root my S7 with Nougat that I'm comfortable trying. My S4 was so easy to root and served me well for years. Feels bad.

>let's make it reddit

reply to every post and thread you don't like with a banepost

Just to show if a post is considered a good or bad post by the community. Simple Machines has it integrated in their forum software packages.

You can't this board is truly nigger tier

>normalfag Sup Forumseddit phoneposter shitposts on Sup Forums from a browser

android phones can't adblock without rooting? kek

We could have a dog parade


It's really weird how this board had such heavy moderation to the point where threads would be deleted so fast that the archive couldn't even pick them up sometimes leading up to this episode
yet after it aired the moderation went back to the nonexistent way it always has been

Was it really a shill job?

ALL of Sup Forums would benefit 10 fold if mobile phone IPs were rangebanned.

I'm not the phoneposter. I did mention not being able to find a good method to root my S7. Not the same guy that posted the screenshot tho.

Get some mods and ban Sup Forums.

>using a phone to browse Sup Forums
>using the fucking browser to browse Sup Forums on a phone

>How do we save Sup Forums?
webm with audio

you have a selective memory
even before pickke rick there were hours when none of the offtopic shit got deleted

>ban Sup Forums.
it is banned

Why don't you ever complain about Sup Forums shit like or the pedo spam?

>Ban poltical shit
>One game of thrones thread
>forced memes(i.e Sneed bane) can be posted in threads relating to the subject but not new threads just for them
>Ban meme templates (/our/, what did they mean, say something nice)
>Ban mommy threads of random girls
>Ban kino and redpill
>/MCUG/ and /DCUG/
>Final resort mobile users are read only

why do people think reddi/tv/ will ever go back to the pre /q/ days when this faggot and his staff are running things

there's a massive marketing and pr campaign going on for that show, there's even proof of it on the other site that I will not mention lest someone spergs out
it's heavily disguised as shitposting, here and in other places
I wouldn't be surprised to know that the main man behind this site, not the phony asian one, the good looking american I mean, has pocketed some dosh, that days long sticky on [s4s] was suspicious as fuck

>be able to donate to the most epic posters
>play some badass theme in the background

but its perfectly ok on nu/tv/

the only people who ask that question are crossboarders from Sup Forums pretending their posts deserve to be here

Generals are shit and only attract more cancer.

those are good ideas but instead of donation we can have a site currency called meme-points. you can buy meme-points with real money or be donated meme-points, you can use the meme-points to get your OC stickied for a short while.

If you have a problem with cross posters then why didn't you complain about if you've been one the whole time its up?

>ban mommy threads
Fuck off

iPad sessions is superior.

Ban every last alt-right cockwad from Sup Forums. Every time someone in the entertainment industry says or does something against 45, they go apeshit on this board. Pathetic.

best b8 ive seen in a while

get rid of the gay ass reddit generals

Have your amygdala checked next time you go to the doctor.

holy fuck clean up those Game of Plebs threads. half the catalog man.

ban /GoT/, seriously those autists are working overtime

>Getting triggered over celebrities getting criticized

Aw, does people calling your waifu an idiot violate your safe-space.

you can block ads without root, just search for adguard

Bump you fucking 2016 tourist

There's been a steady decline in quality. For the past 3 years it has been unbrowseable. Now I find that for almost every board, so I just pop in from time to time. I guess 2011-2013 was the sweet spot. Post quantity became reasonable without losing too much quality. I never thought I'd see 200 posts an hour (75% of those about superhero shit) when we used to get 1% of that traffic nearly 10 years ago.

>you can get banned for calling out /GoT/edditors
the shills are real

nothing is wrong with Sup Forums

Faggots im in my lazy day
I know a trap who uses those same fucking weebs things and he loves my BBC

And fuck off Reddit/Tumblr/left-wing cucks

Looks promising, but if it's free to install and use (but not open source) I'm curious about how they make money. Most likely from selling my browsing info or device usage info. Not great. That's why I miss AdAway so much. But it doesn't work without root.

Oh wait, it's not free. It's subscription-based. I'm not paying an annual fee to block ads, are you on dope?

restart humanity

These are well-deserved warnings for being shitty memespammers. Try growing up a bit and you won't have this problem.

don't be a cheap fuck, you can buy a lifetime license for 3 bucks

I liked that time period too on a few boards, I thought people were generally being more relaxed, also I noticed some people obsessed with having serious discussion were popping up more than usual.

There's a thread up on /qa/ right now regarding quality of posts that you guys may enjoy reading, it's a long post(s).


It's $10 a year. What sort of business model is this?


>you can buy a lifetime license for 3 bucks

lol no

well i don't understand

set the currency to russian potatoes and use the code and voila

Lol you are paying money and intentionally giving your phone cancer.