Where did they get cherry tomatoes in Gondor?
tomatoes were not introduced to europe until the 16th century.
And judging by the technology/culture of middle earth, they had not yet reached the analogous time frame.
Where did they get cherry tomatoes in Gondor?
where did they get dragons in middle earth?
Gondor isn't in Europe
Hello autism
because you're probably 15-years-old OP and think pedant posting on Sup Forums is a hilarious new meme you are most likely unaware that references to potatoes and tomatoes actually did cause a big autistic imbroglio when the movies came out. however new world crops are mentioned by name in the books. PJ even talks about the controversy in the FOTR extended commentary during the weathertop scene.
more importantly what was denethors tax plan?
Gondor is set in a fictional universe, not in Europe. Which makes it even more egregious that there weren't no black people in LotR.
>Which makes it even more egregious that there weren't no black people in LotR.
Based Boyega was right all along.
Eagles brought them
its just a universe where instead of blacks they have orcs, and instead of jews there are dwarves. its a dream universe to live in.
>eating chicken
>part of scene has blood dripping down his chin when eating said chicken
how did he not die of food poisoning?
why is /tv so hostile?
did /pol shut down or something?
Tomatos are actually an Aryan fruit, but went extinct in Europe because the ice age
I always thought that was tomato juice?
>wasting 793 kilobytes and 8280360 pixels on a nigga
It was juice from cherry tomatoes, nigga
that chicken looked tasty as fuck
Leftists are raiding it non stop for a couple of weeks now.
Tomato juice isn't actually red though.
>aryan tomatocucks can't even handle some cold
Probably a combination of tomato juice and wine.
Gondor is the future you stupid nigger.
>16th century
Except for the one token black person in lake town
Tolkien goes into this at length in The Silmarillion
There's a black Gondor soldier in the EE of RotK as well.
It would have been the 16th century. Columbus and his boys didn't arrive in Hispaniola until 1492, at the tail end of the 15th century.
It's possible that tomatoes could have been brought back after his 1492 or 1493 voyage, though it's probably more likely that they were brought to Europe after the Spanish conquest of Mexico in the 1520s.
It was probably native to Numenor or their Sea Kings discovered them as they lead their fleets to reave and plunder the rest of the planet.
What was Denethor's tax policy?
Why didn't Denethor have a menu?
Maybe he bought a few plants/seeds...
who the fuck eats grapes with roast chicken?
Where did they get Niggers in Star Wars?
Niggers were not introduced to europe until the 16th century.
And judging by the title crawl of the movies, they had not yet reached the analogous time frame.
Fruit and meat was a common combination for kings.
They added asians and blacks into the hobbit and guess what?
It pulled me right out of the fucking movie when they appeared, I was no longer watching a mediocre cgi fairy tail romp and instead was staring at diversity quotas.