Brit/pol/ - Karen edition

>Today's Papers 27/8/16

>Theresa May will trigger Brexit negotiations without Commons vote

>Politicians fuelled rise in hate crimes after Brexit vote, says (((UN body)))

>Greens' Caroline Lucas proposes Labour election pact

>Nigel Farage speaks at Donald Trump Rally in Jackson, MS

>Theresa May launches race audit of public services

>Calais people-smugglers block route with tree

>Shroud of secrecy as Sturgeon rejects request to publish costs of taxpayer funded EU trips

Other urls found in this thread:


reminder that werewolves exist

Nice thread theme nerd. Hope the South African grills you for this shit.

Republicunt traitors shouldn't be allowed to become MP's desu. Simple as that.

As I explained in the previous thread... There is a way for a better free Scotland. We need real action. How do you expect to launch a party with "Anglo, Irish, yids, darkies out" platform? We need to do what we can do - murder and terrorise, where we can get away with it. And we can get away with it. Let's begin with the Kirk, whores of Anglo Communion, SNP managers of middle and high rank. Who knows, maybe after 30-50 successful murders someone would dare to take down members of the Royal Family. You can always begin with the easy one. Call refugees welcome priest for a talk, knife him in the neck, hide your tracks, walk away, lay down low for a week. Making a better land, one deed at a time.

Are Karen.

>>Theresa May will trigger Brexit negotiations without Commons vote
Doesn't she need to repeal laws for us to actually leave the EU?

>Independent Scotland

fuck off with the peadophillic cartoons faggot

>t. Anglo slave
How does it feel having no say in Westminster?

>actual EU army being built

>b-but an EU army would never happen you scaremongering bigots!

What are some other times leftists were wrong, lads?

>knife him in the neck, hide your tracks, walk away, lay down low for a week. Making a better land, one deed at a time.

For the last time. We are a board of peace.

Where's the theme m8??

>be irish
>be autistic

I mean you are from fucking Yemen. Out of all people. Fucking water tank private messaging a bottle of water

Thanks senpai

I'm starting to like you a lot now.

Post qt 70/80`s music.

England's brave Dearg Doom

Why aren't you /Karen/ user?

The thing is, you faggots will be pleased with your self declared "victory" for the disgusting fetish of cartoon paedophilla, you will feel accepted because you have come together with the other sick fucks of this board and united against the voice of decency.

But then in about 16-18 hours time you will have to turn off your computers and move your considerable weight down to the Job centre. You will of course still be claiming you sickening victories via your mobile phones and then the half drunk chav sitting next to you in the dole office will spot your image folder as you're scrolling through your collection to find the most apt paedophillic cartoon to match the tone of your post.

You will hear him mutter to his equally drunk, probably high mate

"this sick fuck next to me is looking at cartoon porn"

You will realise then that even those who society deams the worst of us, Junkie dole heads, have someone even they can look down on

the anime posters of Brit/pol/

Don't go into the Scottish forests

Bloody hell, lads. I didn't realise a theme was so important.

Forgive me please.

Here's a comfy anime song, in German, like the Prince of Wales's heraldic badge:

Evening fellow bongs from the arse end of the US, I haven't been home in seven months, how are things on the ground?

>Postal voted in Brexit.

>anime song
preferred not having one tbqhwy

>I want a long and hard anglo cock stuffed in my tight asshole: the post

Job Centres are open on Saturday evenings now?

Fucking hell things've changed.

They still sell Bovril at home right?

how do I get a qt3.14 conservative Islamic gf?

its copypasta you dip

Go to Pakistan and wear a rag on your head. Also never come back.

S-sorry. I have failed you.

How can one country be so based when it is surrounded by cuckoldry?


>conservative Islamic gf?
1) They don't date
2) Even if they did they definitely wouldn't date a white infidel
3) They're usually at home all day cleaning and cooking.


>that could apply to either her, or the bloke behind her or the chap behind her is thinking about watching it.

A large quantity of explosives, a vest, a public event and you'll get 72 of them.
Alternatively I met a lot of them while studying for the bar for some reason.

I'm autistic enough to reeeeeee over the accuracy of pasta. Yes. Really. I should probably see someone about this.

I don't get it, I thought brexit ended like two months ago?

but I like my green and pleasant land

pic related dosn't do it for me

It works sometimes.
Love me some Burnel, no homo.

Does Northern Ireland have the only leader that actively campaigned for brexit?

We voted to leave, but the process hasn't begun yet. We're still in the EU.

so you're saying I need to break into their homes and take them by force?

>What is rampant female promiscuity in Lebanon, Iran, UAE and Kuwait?

We'll be talking about Brexit for years to come.

Kinda like your elections

Can we have a theme that might've eaten some red meat at least once in its life?

Additionally, they're making a huge thing of testosterone supplements here. I wonder if such a thing might sell at home...

Might I advise Iranian chicks? The ones from the disapora are pretty common in London and tend to fuck like milking infidel cock is needed for them to live.

It takes a while for a divorce to be processed user, even if both parties know its over.

The average brit girl is much better than that, don`t be so pessimistic.
My work only seems to employ cute girls.

If you want a conservative one. Otherwise there are loads of slutty ones about.

That's for example how average Yemeni women looks like

don't wan't a whore

only memeing about Muzzy chicks for (You)s

but I am depressed about the quality of women around, my current gf just sit on her phone all day and if I engage her in conversation thay dosent involve realty tv, such as politics, she just agrees with me and carries on with her phone

Well, I feel like killing myself now.

Not a fan.

Paki ladies

why is this never posted?

That's true. Also they're extremely hairy and don't shave.

Mosque or kidnap then. give this a whirl perhaps?

Why do you have someone like that as a gf?

paranormal monsters exist

Good question. Though I like to listen to Elgar when I'm thinking or reading. I also have an enormous fondness for this.

>One day I will complete my transition to Ace Rimmer.

Typical Bengali. Literally look like traps

she's really nice and I feel too guilty to split up with her

The comfiest classical music of all time is the Surprise sympathy to be honest.

Be honest, you're scared of not being able to fuck anyone again.

Shit wrong link, nvm.

This Thread is shit, needs more Karen posting to fix it desu lads

Is this a statement or postulation? Topic for discussion?

We are the last people to ask for advice on this but user, have a good think about

I rather like Holst or Russian classical for comfy, weirdly I heard some Mongolian Nasal Whistling (a thing, really) the other day and it was comfy as fuck
>We hail from a country where this happened:

Impeccable link user.

I do okay, My sex drive has taken a real nose drive in recent months so it's not that and I have an ex that'll do the whole fuckbuddy thing

I'm venting more than anything

On the day of your Independence, I visited a great shrine of Independence. I visited the Alamo, and had a very somber, feelsy time.
I wish you good luck and good health.

>britain is renowned for having bad weather
>bad weather happens
>cloudy and rainy all year
>summer lasts for 2 weeks
>expect a kickass snowy winter
>never snows

So you're just an empathetic sap, scared of confrontation maybe?

I could never be with someone I couldn't talk to on an intellectual level.

But on the other hand I'm all alone...but better than settling...for now.

Well this beer is cold and it's blowing a fucking storm out, I'm not moving for a bit.

What about trying out a new shared interest? Even something retardedly simple like cooking together might get her off her arse or something a bit more exciting - shoot some clays.

It's been two years since I've seen snow. God I miss snow.
Is it degenerate to like this? I find it relaxing in the extreme.

>bad weather

its what makes it green and fertile, it's why everyone wanted to conquer us

if we were hot we would be arid and have that shitty brown grass

when the rain sweetly kisses your cheek, know that she is making england beautiful for when the sun comes out

There is a great darkness out there

Monsters that can scar a man for life

Oh you mean women?

We try to avoid them round these parts user.

be afraid brit/pol/

Do you think an MP has ever posted on brit/pol/?

>scared of confrontation maybe

absolutely, cant handle girls crying at all.

we do lots together, I bought us an english heritage pass, she says she enjoys it but when I try and discuss the history of the place I get a glazed over look and a "oh really, thats interesting", I think she tries to feign interest for my sake.

Every night now you have been inciting violence, chill out MI5


That throat singing is amazing.

Post the Greatest Brits below

Starting with the obvious





Not even Stella Greasy or based Jess Phillips?

What about Dianne Abbot?

Shit, just realised most of the MPs I really hate are women. Am I sexist, lads?



Whatever happened to YKTD?

Wikipedia list one of his projects as "Great Britain"

top kek


I like to think there's a couple future MPs on here - I don't mean me. Drink plenty milk and you might grow up into one.

>scared of confrontation maybe
I wasted a year because of this, sometimes you can talk about it in a non-confrontational way or just try to fix the problem without her knowing.

>Heritage pass
Hallo mate, I think I've seen you in these threads before. What does she like? I wonder if you can engage her with that? If she's feigning interest she is at least trying.

It's mechanically amazing but it is also so alien to my ears, I love it. It's a similar reason why I like traditional African stuff - that and it brings back happy memories.

>Hating Dianne Abbot
No mate that's not sexist that's just common sense. I mean she's genuinely been pretty racist at times.

Don't speak its name.

Jacob-Rees Mogg shitposts on here all the time.

Hi James


Why is a Yemeni posting here