...why won't Trump...
...release his taxes?
...why won't Hillary...
...release her health records?
...Obama's IRS...
...(which he brandishes as a weapon against his political enemies)...
...is auditing him!
Because they don't matter. This is merely an weak low energy attempt for Hillary to try and distract you from her emails.
...why won't Americans...
...not shart in mart?
Oh what a meme.
She already did
trump shills detected.
It's not shilling when you do it for free
...why are we...
...talking so slow?
Since when is it a requirement to run for president?
Do you have to release your tax records for any other job when running for public office or a private sector job?
If someone told me to release my tax records I'd tell them to rightfully fuck off
this meme is called "woof" I was there when it came to be.
Trump doesn't pay people to go on a Taiwanese motocross board and pretend to support him.
Unlike Hillary.
>0.20 has been added to your ebt
Who gives a flying fuck. All I care about is which candidate is going to stop the illegals hopping the fuckin Rio Grande every night of the week.
Am I unbanned yet?
Because he knows he's going to lose.
...why won't Trump...
...release his texas?
that's racist
How long does it fucking take to audit taxes?
Hasnt it been over a year now?
Why is everyone so bent on his taxes anyway?
I know.
No its not, Mexishits have a southern border fence and it's not racist.
Obama's IRS has them.. don't you think they've scoured them?
I like the way the you think
I love the way you feel
I think trump should release his tax records at least after the audit just to shut up the opposition.
It just pissed me off that Obama didn't get pressured from the mainstream media to release his birth certificate and when he finally did years and years later it was short form.
And currently hillary isn't being pressured to release health records nor her speeches to the big banks and wall Street execs.
i dont know
i literally wouldnt care if he paid 0 taxes
id be surprised if he paid more than 15% with our rigged tax codes
Oh no hillary has more campaign funding than trump sound the alarms. you're still a trump shill.
the thing is he said he would do it. now people think he isn't releasing them because word on the street is Trump has been getting loans from rich Russian oligarchs after he was blacklisted by many American financiers due to bad credit from his bankruptcies. that's why everyone thinks he's in cahoots with the Russians. not everything on the MSM is a lie
Hush, bean.
...why won't Kerry...
...fight with russia?
It isnt shilling if you do it for free
It's the new "lawfare"
They keep you in legal purgatory until you're broke or give up and settle.
The process IS the punishment. It also serves as a warning to others.
>implying you do it for free
Essentially this, hes not a billionaire. You autists dont care either way but he absolutely does. Besides looks like trump is going to have to find another campaign manager, he cant even get that shit straight, SO SAD!
This entire thread is a shill thread. I bet you couldn't even tell me why you're voting Hillary or Gary
this is the dumbest thing I've read all day
>I think trump should release his tax records at least after the audit just to shut up the opposition.
He said he would, although the audit is likely to last past the election.
only a democrat would care about a foreign loan while at the same time not caring at all about the millions of dollars from foreign nations given to Hillary for access to the state department.
Forgot pic sorry. Your candidate is a fucking joke and after Hillary wins I wouldn't even come back here if I were you.
>millions of dollars to a charity organisation started by Bill
Do you actually have proof Hillary is using it's funds for private use?
Trumpshills out in full force
... why won't you faggots...
... go back...
... to Reddit?
yeah okay no one cares what you think. you see a foreign loan, I see incentive to wipe his debts clean through what has always been used to wipe debts clean, war. learn some geopolitics and not regurgitating the same tired bullshit two party system lines you robot
>inb4 imwithher now hurr I have no actual argument
that's why
>acts like not going to school with schekle snatchers is a bad thing.
...why won't Hillary tell the truth
...why won't the FBI put her in prison where she belongs, for the murders and corruption of national security?
>implying we wouldn't do it for free
less than 10% goes to charity
>everyone pressures Hillary to release tax returns thinking trump will do so too
>Hillary caves in and releases tax returns
>trump doesn't
7629D interdimensional underwater mahjong
...why won't hillary...
...release where her charities spend their money?
...why don't you...
...lick the sweat off my balls?
>...why won't Hillary tell the truth
>...why won't the FBI put her in prison
Where will all the shills and greedy fucks who try to infiltrate communities go when Trump wins?
Will they stay? Of course they will. They are all greedy leeches.
They are worse than Mexican criminals who illegally enter our country, I would trade the two if I could. I would rather live in a nation where the majority were niggers, at least they'd be too stupid to be so disgustingly inhumane.
couldn't even find a meme that isn't stale and older than the internet. sad
How much does she pay you faggots to shit up this Taiwanese sewing machine enthusiasts website? Pls tell, do you enjoy working for someone that you know deep down inside is going to be on the take the instant she sets her fat ass down in the oval office. Does it annoy you that she's going to sell your fellow countrymen down the river with her broad reaching trade deals? Do you think putting CTR on your LinkedIn page will pay off when you have to explain in future interviews that you your experience consists of shit posting from 9-5 on a board full weebs for the duration of your internship?
under audit
Yes, because most of the revenue of any company goes to operating costs.
Do you have any proof Hillary or bill gets overpaid for working at the foundation?
Well you obviously get paid you fucking faggot
>uses Trump's own language to insult him
Why are all these Hillary shills such unimaginative losers?
Shilly rabbit, tricks are for kids.
>he's not in on it
You're a shill with shitty memes. Try harder.
>implying any real American cares how much Trump has paid to Obama's oligarchy
>Google searched generic memes
normie, pls leave
> "so sad" is trumps language, before trump that phrase didnt exist!
You have to go back cleatus
Hey guys, I want to have a real political discussion, come on!
Hey. I think a trail of high-profile corpses should concern you a little more, cocksucker. :^)
Post yours
Yeah, I'm saging your buddies, too. We can manage more than one tab while we keep a shill contained.
Why won't Hillary Clinton release her medical history?
Oh, that's right. It's because she's dying.
You're a racist.
Remember user, they are now here forever and the redpill keeps growing. Sure it might have been hard to swallow back then, but now it is a suppository.
> SOMEONE ASSOCIATED WITH TRUMP DOESN'T LIKE JEWS ... Said his wife in divorce filings, known for the biggest troves of bullshit in any court ever
He's already said he tries to pay as little taxes as possible because he hates what the government does with the tax money. Also no one else is inclined to release their taxes so I don't see why Trump would have to. This was a very low energy attempt at stumping Trump
Why would he say he'd do it if he genuinely had Russian connections?
Woof huh
I was there for the first time as well and explained the situation perfectly as he's literally lining them up for a "it's literally nothing moment"
Can't believe this shill made a meme out of this
Hes hiding the amount saved in his warchest, thats the real reason why. He cant risk his opponents knowing exactly how much money he has to work with.
Yeah but he donated to NAMBLA.
Yoyr Mom donated (you) to NAMBLA
Always the same pic and title
Fucking OP could you be a bigger bundle of sticks?
Yeah, instead Trump funnels all of his money into a website which supposedly exists to try and get more people to donate.
Who actually falls for a scam like this?
Bernie Supporters
it would show a lot of east coast mafia associations
Hillarys will show her Moloch sacrifices
This is posted just about every day, with the exact same pic.