>twf theatre kid
>everyone tells me I need to get on tv because I'm "that talented"
>teacher tries convincing me to go to prestigious school that costs an arm and a leg
>friend has me try out for "talent agency"
>they want me to work with a coach and even offered me their lowest price and wanted to put me straight in the advanced class
>still $500 a month
Don't get me wrong, if I could get into the industry without selling my left lobe of my liver I would, and I guess I should be flattered that so many people are telling me I should do this in all randomness, but someone as poor as me doesn't really have a shot and Sup Forums careers unless they plan on sucking 500 dicks a month. It honestly kinda makes me feel bad when I get comments like "you should be an actress user! You're so realistic!" because I don't really have that option in reality, I can't even pay for college. What's Sup Forums's opinion on the industry? What about for screenwriters and directors, is it just as tough a business?
Sup Forums is a lie
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you trained in stanislavski or meisner? both?
tits or gtfo
Just fuck the richest oldest jew producer you can find and you're set
you can even skip acting college and stuff
Are you a girl? Call up Sneed and he'll get you started.
Have you ever wondered why Hollywood is so liberal?
It's because liberals are idealistic risk-takers. Most actors/musicians/creative types end up as poor failures, so in order to decide to pursue a career like that, you kind of have to be a risk-taker and an idealist. Conservatives will go for the less-risky, less-rewarding options (trades, business).
So I would say your concerns are pretty well-grounded. Becoming a tv/movie star is usually a function of luck more than anything else. If not luck, then it's usually a matter of connections and money. Regardless, it's almost never about talent. If you want, you can move to LA, taking small acting gigs while you work a real job, crossing your fingers that you'll get discovered, but you probably won't and that's just life.
Also you have to be hot.
Do porn to get money and into business
people keep saying I should be a comedian and i'm wasting my time at biology school
I don't know if the two things have co-relation tho
Studdied him and his methods quite a but, yeah
I'm pretty attractive, which I think goes with the random off compliments I get. People will stop me in the streets sometimes and tell me "you should be a model" and variations.
Really? Because I'm starting to write down comedy material and am planning to do local open mic nights in my area. You should do the same.
>actually thinking this works
>I'm pretty attractive, which I think goes with the random off compliments I get. People will stop me in the streets sometimes and tell me "you should be a model" and variations.
This should be a warning sign to you. People love to use and discard pretty girls, don't fall for their bullshit.
>I'm pretty attractive
Post a picture of yourself and let us decide.
Yeah I take all compliments with a grain of salt because they could very well just be trying to butter me up. Though I can usually tell between a salesperson and genuineness.
I know better than to do that. Nothing's free bucko.
>I know better than to do that.
You're just jealous that you'll never see my boobs! Tee hee!
I'll actually help you out with a real answer OP. No reputable agency will make you take classes or charge you up front. They make money when you book jobs. Look for an agency with SAG/AFTRA affiliation. This is all assuming you're in the U.S.
I have a scene lined up for you. Sit on this couch.
you do have the option, you said it yourself, just suck 500 dicks a month
That being said, taking some classes wouldn't be a bad idea if you can afford them but again, go through an agency that isn't a scam operation.
Look user I realize that you're a dude and this is b8 but even incredibly hot girls won't get fucking anywhere 99,999,999/100,000,000 I've known some people who were great looking and didn't get shit because ultra hot girls are a fucking penny a hundred.
What you really need to be is connected. Especially family. Be born into a rich Hollywood family and you have a chance. Otherwise it's just like winning the lottery. Not impossible but not a good life plan to keep buying fucking lottery tickets and nothing else. If you want to try have a damn good back up plan because you will use it just like you won't get hit by a meteor. tomorrow.
Acting school is a way to get connections and an agent if you're not lucky enough to be born rich. Generally speaking though, you pretty much have to move to NYC or L.A. if you're really going to make a go at it.
>thinking it doesn't
i'm an actress who's just moved to la and i can tell you don't have what it takes
hey guise, I should be something I'm not by now.
It's everybody's fault except for mine.
Love that pic tho.
>be mechanic
>thinking about getting into media production
>will probably have to start at the bottom and do local stuff
>find out how much a production assistant makes
What do you eventually want to do within the production field?
The thing is unless you go to one of the big ones like Julliard etc. you are probably not going to be able to make a living acting. The vast majority of actors don't even if they went to acting school. If you look at the in the field employment rates from those programs they are dismal. Doing something else in the industry like camera work is more realistic and even then it's really hard. You just need to be realistic. Have a plan to get a real degree somehow at some point unless you're going to Yale or Julliard or something.
Oh I agree. If you're going to do acting school, make sure it's in a major city where you'll be able to go out and audition for jobs while you're training.
Set construction manager but everyone I know who got into media had to do a bunch of shit jobs and if I want to boss people around I know I will have to take shit from other set construction managers for a few years.
Do it. If you show an actual interest and aptitude for a department you'll be done being a PA within a year or two. Kinda depends on luck sometimes to meet the right crew that you fit in with.
Being a mechanic I bet grip/electric or art department might suit you.
Not me
I am in the US. I already did advanced classes in highschool and I think I'm cultured enough to not waste momey on other classes since I don't need them. A lot of people I know went to acting schools and didn't get anywhere because they're just not talented.
t. Madelaine Petsch
Get outta here, your preformances make my eyes bleed
Hey dude, take the chance and work a side job. I'm sure with a little enthusiasm you'll get somewhere.
I'll pay you $500 to tie my legs behind my head and make me jizz in my mouth while you call me a good boy
Come on, man. You don't even know how she looks like.
>unless they plan on sucking 500 dicks a month
Do you honestly think that's not how most actresses get ahead? You poor, naive child.
i work in the industry. lena dunham and others like her have proven that how attractive you are is not the most important part and in some situations can actually work against you.
not hot enough to be leading lady, not ugly/interesting looking enough to be a character actor. girls who were considered "pretty/attractive" in high school and in their small towns come to LA and become just one pretty girl in a sea of thousands. you have to be gorgeous to get lead roles, and if you're not, you have to stand out in some other way.
seriously, post a picture if you aren't afraid of the honest opinions of people that won't lie to make you feel good.
>i work in the industry.
Oh no, don't get me wrong I know that already and my dad's childhood friend is in the industry so he's told me basically the same thing. I don't talk to him because I don't have contact with my dad anymore, but I did learn quite a bit about the industry from him and me dad (my father got his bachelors in film direction)
>seriously, post a picture if you aren't afraid of the honest opinions of people that won't lie to make you feel good.
I don't mind posting myself on any other place except Sup Forums, I know this is the one place you should never post your face.
If your sm presence is large enough you can book.
lol at my school they always just told the gay kids that stuff to keep them from killing themselves.
>mfw ugly enough to be the next Buscemi
See you on the silver screen, cunts!
>lena dunham and others like her
Lena Dunham's father is a rich famous artist and her mom is also connected to the industry, they had tons of connections and wealth, and funded the start of Lena's career and films with family money. "Others like her" are usually similar: their parents had their own careers in or connected to the industry, they are wealthy, and have tons of connections and money to throw at their kids.
Who said anything about that?
Are you from California? Because that sounds like a Cali school thing
It fucking does lmao
>I don't have contact with my dad anymore
Why not?
>I know this is the one place you should never post your face.
If you ever become a celebrity, will you admit you come to Sup Forums, like /ourguy/ William Shatner?
I think your confusing political stance with personality
The statistic from people I know who work hiring actors is usually about 1% of actors actually make a living acting, while the rest need to work other jobs to feed themselves. Keep in mind "make a living" could mean scraping together a few thousand a year, living with lots of roommates, and eating ramen, too, not being rich. Most actors make pocket change or nothing at all.
But if you're independently wealthy, you can probably eventually land some free role or fund your own film, in which case the chances of "being an actor" are 100%. Actually I think Lena Dunham funding her own first film for like $100,000 or so herself. So the real practical answer is come up with a few hundred thousand and make your own movie if you actually want a shot.
>Why not?
Domestic violence lmao. The reason why I'm good at acting is because I was raised in a literal sociopathic family and am good a deception.
>If you ever become a celebrity, will you admit you come to Sup Forums, like /ourguy/ William Shatner?
If I saw fit, yeah. Would probably AMA here or maybe "leak" info about upcoming projects on user if it could boost a project.
>Doesn't know sneed
Fucking newfag kill yourself immediately
>they want me to work with a coach and even offered me their lowest price and wanted to put me straight in the advanced class
lol, im in a similar situation as you OP. People tell me to model etc etc.
Look at it from the top down. If a director/studio wants you they want you, but first theyve got to see you. If you dont put your face out there, how can they see you. I suppose the first thing we need to think of is getting our face out there.
I know someone who has gone from a nobody to staring in an a-list hollywood film. This person was humble enough to say its more chance and luck than talent...
No one wants to see your face we want tits and ass
Here's the thing is I talked with some people about it and everyone told me it was a scam. The people who did the program who I knew didn't get very far at all and spent thousands of dollars on it. If I don't have the money too, that's it right there, I don't have the money. Not that I think I couldn't earn it back in time, but I'm beside myself here and there's no way I'm putting my family through that even if they wanted to.
pic related
Just suck dat cock. Also, tits or GTFO
>5th tits or gtfo post
Posting Moulin Rouge is a huge red flag
Red flag for what?
Beautiful, talented, "that good" what a larp if you had all that you wouldn't need school you would have been scouted at one of your performances. Shitty larp. Try harder next time.
It's just called being an attractive girl, user. You get showered with compliments left and right and it gets to your head, much like having your mom as your only friend and believing her when she says that you're a very special boy.
Red flag for superior taste, obviously
Yeah that's why I'm just going to start auditioning for things myself instead of jumping straight on the agency meme
How old are you, anyway?
Just turned 18 last month
You should try be more jewish. It could help.
Damn I just realized I should've said "as old as you want me to be" that would have been a funny comeback.
Ironically my great great grandparents were Austrian Jews.
you keep saying you wont show your tits cus we havent paid, but we have. we gave you the advice YOU came here looking for.
make with the tits please.
I work in talent management (not an agency).
Like someone said above, no reputable agency will make you pay to take classes. You will have to move to either LA or NYC if you're serious. Your game plan is to go from extra > costar > guest star > series regular. Assuming you want to do TV. It's similar for features.
Make friends with casting directors. They will not remember you the first time, but after seeing you around a bit, if you're good, they'll start to remember you. It's a small town, so there aren't that many directors.
Pretty girls here a dime a dozen. We throw away lots of headshots of girls looking for representation. Try to do something else, like write or produce your own work. You won't make money with it, but you'll be working on your craft.
I can continue if you or any other anons want tips.
not OP, but do you mind if i ask which management co? are you a manager or assistant, etc? only ever see writers around :3
>like write or produce your own work
That's actually really great because I love writing! In fact I wrote + directed for one if my highschool's productions.
So how do I find gigs talent user? I'm already going to hit up a guy I know who has connections, but I want to know how to land gigs on my own. Like I said before I'm going to be doing open mic nights for comedy at a local pub and I write my own material, though I was doing that just for fun.
do you have young and handsome brother?
He's not for sale, Spacey
The real question is, how does one become a nanny for celebs? Like a full time live-in Jesse style nanny?
I never the see /fmg/ threads anymore. I might just miss them. I wish I knew other anons in LA and we could make some shitty edgy black comedies. I won't tell you because that would be tipping my hand. I'm an assistant but I do everything like calling clients, booking them, and schmoozing.
If you want to do film, keep writing and making stuff with your friends. Do you live in LA? I wouldn't recommend moving out here until you have some of your personal work done. I say this because if you have personal connections in your town, you can shoot for nothing by using your them and friends. It is very difficult do stuff here in LA. There are more people who want to work, but getting locations, permits, and insurance is very bureaucratic. Once you get the idea, move out here and try to get representation.
You will be rejected a lot. It's a numbers game. Submit good headshots and resumes to 100 agencies and management companies. All you need is one yes.
Same with roles. There are hundreds of submissions for roles that pay $100. It's saturated. Just keep telling yourself it's a numbers game and get used to being rejected and thinking you're a piece of shit. Get good friends.
Shoot your comedy and post it on youtube. Include it in your reel. If you're funny and pretty you have an edge over a girl that's just pretty.
>Do you live in LA?
I live at the capital of Western Washington
Thanks I'll save that link. I'm pretty good at making friends so I'll be social when doing my stuff. Yeah I'll post my comedy on Youtube or something, the place I'm going to broadcasts it on a local radiostation too so idk that's kind of nice. Can I ask what got you into this in the first place? What's your life like?
here. I see. I feel the same but am similarly unwilling to divulge info. Are you on any tracking boards?
Shit, Seattle or Olympia? I moved from the Seattle area down here almost a year ago. I graduated and was doing some internships, but they weren't going anywhere in terms of making films. I decided I had to do something while I'm young, so I moved down and crashed at a friends place until I got a job. You have to hustle in this city to stay afloat.
Broadcast isn't good enough. Film is a visual medium, you need to get your face out there. Luckily there are a lot of good clubs in the Seattle area, probably Olympia too. If you're serious about comedy, do it. Go to as many as you can, perform as much as you can. The fastest way to improve is by watching your own performances with other people. It will be embarrassing, but you will see what works and what doesn't very quickly. After about 10 times, I guarantee you will be much better than if you just performed 50 times with no thought afterwards.
Also, I never looked into it, but I'd be suspicious of anyone who says they work in talent up there. I know of a few casting people, but there are so few productions up there it's all meager pickings. The last big one was Man in the High Castle as far as I know. Just see if they can get you auditions before you pay. There's still local commercials.
Met an agency director once and he was an asshat. Are all you guys jerks?
Sorry pal, not going to tip my hand here. I've been thinking about getting in touch with some of the hwndu guys and seeing they wanted to do a couple shorts.
Bingo! That's so cool to talk to another Washingtonian dude, where'd you go to highschool? I love meeting other Washington anons here.
>It will be embarrassing, but you will see what works and what doesn't very quickly.
I know, which is why I'm doing it because I know how fully well I'm going to feel embarrassed doing it. I've got nothing to lose and I embarrass myself no matter what in life already, I figured might as well do it in front of an audience.
>Man in the High Castle
Never heard of it. I'll check them out!
Why? Is your life just sad and unfulfilled? You guys like to reel in people with excitement and delutions of grandeur but then treat them like shit behind closed doors to keep them under your wing. Class A sociopathy. Seriously knock that shit off, it's pathetic.
You seem young, so the only real thing you need to focus on is writing and performing. Get a day job and live with your parents. Don't worry about making a career out of it until you start having some local success. Just work on your craft. In a few years, if you still find yourself wanting to make the move, do it.
It's all good to chase your dreams, just do it responsibly.
Yeah I stopped reading after he said "everyone says I'm so talented"
Thanks user, I'll take your advice then. Yeah I don't want to be reckless, real life comes first and foremost.
Come back and post tits when you crash and burn at 20. Be sure to cap this thread though, nobody will remember you otherwise.