
I am not a blonde anymore, that's because I'm in a different vehicle and have been for a long time. Note that I'm a master martial artist and that will easily be another way for me to get viral, my first pro fight is expected in december anyways. It is more efficient for me to get viral again to relay my information.

I believe its quite obvious that the political management truth is far-right, literal by definition libertarian in conjunction with authoritarianism. The economic aspect is subjective because torture is wrong, ignored and the elite do it for soul harvesting. I plan on releasing my views on all matters to protect the people by giving them power in weaponry, social freedom with or without racial segregation in all parts of the territory. The people will learn about gematria and deception, energy/spiritual anatomy, and survival to combat the strategic powers of alien intellect.

To explain more on the soul harvesting issue, we're all bodies of energy and when an extreme collision does occur against the mass, it may lose part of it's form. The spewing energy from the injured spot will be easily absorbed by other adjacent energy masses around.

These bodies that we're inside of. The flesh bodies are third density with the multidensity soul inside. Now there are portions of flesh matter which can considered middle ground here, and the third density confines of space can contain fourth density and above energy/universal apparatuses for enabling easy telepathic communication.

Alien caught on camera.

Whites who look like they belong on dollar bills get assassinated. Just watch me expose every little bit of information I possibly can within the shortest duration of time when I get up on the air.

Other urls found in this thread:


I am prepared for voodoo practitioners to collect my holographic brain model to perform brain surgery against me.

This is why I've put space wards against it. There are few keys which need cracking in correct sequence in order to hit my brain through voodoo or wormhole third density destruction methods.

The Illuminati pirate faction of Satanic cannibalistic pedophiles uses zionist jews to round up humans with good genetics for soul harvesting through torture. The zionists and masons refill towns with mongrels so that the enslavement of their self chosen property is easier to target through its disadvantages in intellectual feats, poor quality hardware, and Mind/hardware-Dna conjunction errors causing inferior intuition.

I am an ET. Check that video out for proof. This is Tetragrammaton. 44,444 I will be viral soon to relay my message to the entire world. That video is my promo.


There is a form of existence where information is shared throughout units and another where it's all within the one.

Another where things are perceived outside in. Unadvanced earth is exactly like this as far as the 99.5 go. The inside out philosophy is absolutely organic and is perceived to be the power of gods such as healing, auto revivial, flying, ect. This form of reality also supports telepathy more because of it's organic nature. In true reality, we need a balance which leans more on the yin aspect of things. Not black in white, white in black or black in white, those who work/feed the universe are to blame for the exact specifications it has as far as energy, vibe, spiritual anatomy, and each area in which configurations for these thing can possibly exist… those too.

There are easily 8 of these configurations for material/immaterial(yinyang5ele-business ego,status) ratio within the basic 2 gender philosophical realm of thinking.

You people have your site. I have my agenda.

To be more clear with an example, medical doctors stitch a wound using tools. Even highly skilled qigong users fall victim to being outside in because they work from the outside, like say if their left arm was injured, they would use their right hand for healing.. the main idea is that we're all bodies of energy and so our brains are rather not important in the big picture. Because of this, using the right hand to heal the injury on the left arm is child's play because you should simply use your mental abilities for healing. The yin reality supports this the most, yet it is very convenient to simply get the job done through outside in methods which can't be done under brutal mental reality matrix configurations. A nice combo is needed, but for me, another 10-30 years in this same reality construct would be fun. Mainly for food, and I know for a fact that sex is even better on the mental side, but we need bodies, these containers of our souls simply need their improvements to compensate for the push into the mental yin reality.

“If a ‘goy’ (Gentile) hits a Jew he must be killed.” (Sanhedrin 58b)
* “If a Jew murders a ‘goy’ there will be no death penalty.” (Sanhedrin 57a)

* “Jews may use subterfuges to circumvent a ‘goy.’” (Baba Kamma 113a)

* “All children of the ‘goyim’ (Gentiles) are animals.” (Yebamoth 98a)
To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.

Libbre David 37

A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.
That the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful.

That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general.

Holocaust never happened. lovkap.blogspot.com/2014/09/holocaust-fake-pics-1.html

Back in October 1917, the Zionists had taken control of Russia in the Bolshevik Revolution. Lenin, originally named Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, had a Jewish maternal grandfather named Blank who later converted to Christianity. Leon Trotsky, originally named Lev Davidovich Bronstein, was born to Jewish parents in the South Ukraine. Jews comprised around 80% of the Bolshevik officials. Stalin's defeat of Trotsky, and purges in the Thirties, were a blow to the Zionists. Nevertheless, they did not forgo the opportunity to partake in an orgy of ethnic cleansing and looting. They failed to secure Russia as their very own Zionist sovereign state, but the establishment of totalitarian societies in Eastern Europe helped their "Holocaust" hoax in gaining a foothold until it was generally accepted by governments and the unquestioning masses.

I must say, all of this christ shit has to go because it further perpetuates the white weakness mentality, and it's exactly why whites have been getting dominated so much, besides from political assassinations, and global memory loss factors done through masic spells in unison with the spells of their dark lord which jesus serves along side Satan and the Zionists.

If you need spirituality then open your eyes, heart and mind. Only the light is correct, everything is bs next to the light.

If you need a moral system, then don't oppress, get offended in order to start conflict and don't ever torture. Pressuring others through status quo because it's efficient is simply evil.

Evil is what I am abolishing when I get viral.

Sacrifices i've made in the past have made me become very expendable in this situation, and I'm ready to die. When I get viral, I will expose every bit of valid information as I possibly can within the shortest duration of time.

Roman as fuck. The Jews hate me and especially the Clintons atm.

You ever wonder if the words you're reading are looking at you?

I am pushing for segregation to avoid having our people get tortured as an aftermath of being weak and chaotic.



Ever wonder if this is actually what's on your monitor and not what you're reading because of Saturn Matrix?

Ever take the wrong dosage of your schizophrenia meds?

Observe the alien hue of energies above fifth density imprinted within my matter.

You posted the exact same shit yesterday.
What the fuck is your deal?

Get out mason. You're probably the reason why this "Pol" is so leftist nowadays. Go drink your soda sit in your retard chair for the rest of your life.

Roman as fuck.

Oh shit I remember you from a few months ago

I'm glad to see you haven't overdosed yet

Did you just wake up? Maybe you need to go to bed.

I have my agenda and to my brain, this is a place where information can be viewed by others without email, so I'm exploiting that. I've receiving the same shitty users on various other sites.


6/30 right? I haven't used this site prior.

Legitimate Et Footage.

It's hard for me to understand the things you talk about, but I always appreciate seeing your posts.

Blow these masons the fuck out, user. I believe in you!

This is Tetragrammaton. 44,444 Has Occurred.

The government has been suppressing me for awhile now. I'm the kid who survived the manhattan beach school shooting which killed around 300 kids and didn't get on the news. This is because Jews own the media and are now about to openly kill off whites because there are enough soulless nonwhite mongrels for them to be confident enough to execute the orders.

Yeah I think it was somewhere around there

Also, have you talked to /x/ yet? They might find you interesting

These exact masons are why there aren't many NS people on Pol. They keep killing us and are getting killed in response, because many elite NS people have Et guidance and protection.

I've been on and off the news for my whole life. They suppress me and remove history and perform global memory loss spells using the grid and waves of energy with the codes imprinted within the waves defining method of removing memories. It's done through reverse time alteration for the brain in conjunction with Electro Convulsive Treatment which fyi has been done to me over 800 times in my life according to my allies since early 2014.

Speaking of which, at that time, I was on the news speaking to the whole world and only less than 1% remember, but I can tell now that it's going to be a solid 1 shortly, then the whole world will see me. Then 40 in time and more will gradually remember who I am.

I'm doing this for views. X is dead unless you got a convo going. This here is spam imo so it wouldn't get much attention there.


Negroid, don't even go there. Go to a doctor instead. They can help you. And, thanks to Obamacare, you won't even have to see a Jew doctor; it'll most likely be an Indian. This place can be dangerous for someone with a condition. Most users are shitposting, but if you're susceptible to paranoia, it can have an adverse effect.

In other words, get off the Internet and get help ASAP, because the last thing Sup Forums needs right now is another schizoid Elliot Rodgers or Dylann Roof.

It's important that I remain here a lot because I am Pol. My opinions are very good and therefore beneficial to Pol, yet I may get banned.

I do have a few other ips(houses) I could use to relay my message. That won't be needed though. It would seem that there aren't enough mason internet agents to stop me, though they've noticed me obviously. Their Et masters have a hard time injuring me, so I wouldn't be alarmed by any third density violent confrontation when I deal with the non material aspect of reality.

I don't work for the Illuminati or any other evil Et faction like those two happen to do.

You people can use someone with a belief system better than that of the founding fathers.

Pol could use the attention, but the users here are cowards who would rather keep their current lives looking the same than accomplish anything.

I've sacrificed myself a lot in the past to end satanic ritual abuse. Soul harvesting is done to many of us by satanic entities, such as the Jews, Reptillians, many blacks and asians too.

It's rare to find any evil white person because whites are physiologically speaking the happiest group of people on the planet.

When the big bang happened, God split up into many different pieces for the sake of evolution, and the universe which existed at the time was not capable of containing such a being. Then we have negative emotional outbursts of an immature god to account for because the durability could not handle such thoughts because if there's only one being.. that one being must keep the universe running at the same time.


Could you define your assumptions of me being paranoid? If it's some kind of preconception to my mentioning exopolitics and spirituality then you're the paranoid one. Very narrow minded.

Souls are not matter. We're not third density beings.
We're what thrives inside of a third density matter container inside of the third density universe.


This is what I'm trying to get views the most. As soon as the whole world knows, then I will stop spamming and relay my more important messages still under construction atm to them masses.

If you use my Pol and think the holocaust happened then click this link.

It's 2016. Aliens exist and control Earth. Jews own everything. White genocide is real and so are souls.

In this reality. If it isn't evil that is causing a problem, it's leftism or karmic relations.

Souls are being modified to be meek so powerful souls can devour their property.

Liberals are weaklings susceptible to anything at all in particular.

Leftists are turned on by communism because they're feminine people who want to live in a sleep like state and be accepted while all the work is being done for/against them.

Only in a productive society do people have to think.

I've developed matter in my cosmic laboratory and created personalities and tertiary brain components. I can create a group of people too, which is why I say nonwhites or hardcore leftists are lab experiments.

Right is more natural, but the point is that things can be observed, the truth transcends left right and political systems which aren't holographic in nature. Our common systems here are 2d at best which is why reptilians and grays with brains much better than ours can control us by altering the system, systematically. 44,444 Has Occurred


Jews are servants of Illuminati reptoids.

Forgot to paste the link.


man, what the hell...

It's true. I am indeed Pol. I will be on the news shortly.

News - the control of North East West and South.

This is Tetragrammton. 44,444 Has Occurred.


Lsd is incapable of frying my circuits. I've done acid so many times.

I'm a divine machine which will not fall to any substance or damage under third density confines.

you should stop shaving your moustache and just leaving the rest of your beard. it makes you look like a muslim convert.

I've been told that. It's w/e though.

I think my belief system is out in the open. I may be far right, but this playlist right here is the ultimate proof that I'm not muslim.


Glad I look super white. Otherwise I would have to do something about the beard.

This guy is in the process of being MKULTRA'd , clearly

I have been chipped since I was like 3 years old. That's also when they were beating my skull with hammers and bats to remove my "angel" like features. According them at is.

I must have like 50 + alien implants inside of me. Don't worry for my sake because I have allies. If it weren't for those allies, I might be forced to devour super bowl stadiums worth of feces by my enemies.

P.s. I am referring to the pipes, not literally filling the bowl with feces.

My enemies are not only the Illuminati. There are various ET factions in existence...


Legitimate Alien Footage. Watch and share.


I know a head case when I see it. It's really not that hard. You're rambling, your ideas are disjointed and unrefined, and you're experiencing delusions of grandeur. I bet you even have a twitch or some kind of involuntary motor reflex, especially when youre sitting in front of the computer, reading conspiracy theories and such. I enjoy them too, friend, but you have to take that shit with a few grains of salt. You are unimportant in the grand scheme of things, but you fantasize about it. You want to be the key to a lock that doesn't exist in reality.

Seriously, get off Sup Forums a while, before you do something stupid. Some of your comments can be taken as threats. Get off the Internet. Go for a hike, get back to nature, take in the beauty and wonder of tge world around you and forget the pathetic, man-made squabbling, because in the end, it doesn't matter.

That picture describes your statement accurately. You're not even worth thinking about.

How about you understand that the truth is absolutely everything in existence. Of course it requires an et brain to understand reality to its fullest, but I attempt to do the same in preparation for my future. Of course my ideas are going to be perfect, but can you name one on earth that is? Please do so, and you fucking insect do you really think I care? I am trying to get viral and it can easily happen. I've spoken with news agencies for the past 2 months.

I got a few mentions on the radio since last week. Want Proof?

Man made? Ets made man, gods made Ets and the Founders invented the souls which became gods.

If you fail to see that alien politics is evident here on earth is simply because you know nothing about exo politics. Dumb asses like yourself wait for the news to tell you and fyi, I've been using the deep web to learn more about these things which I in fact have experienced a lot of.

Just what goes through your stupid little head when you here conspiracy theories? Do you have any clue that your history is fake and science keeps on improving daily?

Things are being released gradually so try to understand the unseen or heard of okay?

Now fuck off.

This is Tetragrammaton. 44,444 has occurred.

How about you share this and the video link so I can get more views so I can end this spamming shit already. I can get exhausted too. This is infact Pol too.

Seek help, OP. Seriously. Do you have family or friends? You really need to get back on your medications. Not being snarky; just concerned.

Hear* the terms "conspiracy theory"

This is one of 5 sites which I am currently working on atm. I should start making my own copy paste insults because all of you act the same and are limited by the same sets of knowledge for the most part.

What kind of activism do you do for the world in order to improve it? I was on the news during 2014, they used edward snoden to cover up my work.

Haven't you ever seen what happens to healthy kids who take meds? They get into pop culture and drink MD or some participate in christianity.

Look here, I am literally in the mood to use my body parts to their fullest potential in order to happy, intelligent and tranquil. I don't need poison entering my system. What type of water do you drink, do you even care or know about fluoride. Speaking of which, that's found in medication as well.

You remind me of a dude on another message board I used to lurk. Are you a phan?

I agree that you have to be careful with what you take, but sometimes pharmaceuticals are just necessary to help an organ of your body to function properly, whether it is your heart, liver, kidney, or brain.

I have a very big message for the whole world to hear. I know that people are being tortured so that a few can become stronger entities. My op point explained this.

People are literally being raped to death with dildos manufactured with nails and razors in them. This is only one of the sick methods of brutal illuminati torture. There's magic and drugs which make pain more agonizing too, the masons have this and even voodoo brain surgery is existent.

There's a whole lot I have to inform the world about. Then we have petty things like blm, muslims, segregation and clintons which I have to expose as well. I can just talk for hours so I all tongues when you guys are ears.


Healthy diet and mind. Good balance of materialism and non materialism is needed.

Left and right brain hemispheres need to be correctly 50/50 so that the pineal gland functions at its best. There's so much you can do for yourself to be healthy. No reason to take psych meds when you can be experience happiness more efficiently.

Those drugs that the Jews give you, kill you.

Nice pic. Sorry, what is a phan? All I could find is some a youtube duo by definition.

The problem that I am having, is that your writing reminds me the writing of Otis Eugene "Gene" Ray, the Time Cube guy.


To me, and I am sure to many others, your first few posts and the OP are almost incoherent.

I don't mean this to be mean. I really think that you need psychiatric assistance.

>I don't mean this to be mean.
*I am not saying this to be mean.

Sadly, schizophrenia often manifests in men in their late teens to early twenties.

It's particularly hard to get an isolated case into treatment, since both their sensory and information processing pathways are so profoundly affected by the disease. From their own perspective, they're behaving rationally in an insane world.

It's a bit of a catch-22 of a disease.

Fuck you gay leaf stop implanting shit into people's brains

We're all bodies made up of energy. Our bodies are driven by us, the soul.
Matter is third density because it contains space, and the soul exists on multiple densities including third because energy imbues itself into your flesh.

You people lack the mathematical capabilities, language skills and the information to judge the subjects I am making.

It's funny how once I'm labeled a schizo, it dismisses your possibility of having to use your head to understand what I am speaking of.

Spiritual anatomy is understood in true form under non material, intellectual mental apparatuses attached to the soul.

not to sound edgey, but i often think i'm going psychotic, like everyone is going insane but i'm the only one that can see it. I'm sure many people think this way, fortunately. but it is kinda scary to think about it if it were actually happening.

Anyone who can't grasp basic existence shouldn't be calling anyone a schizo.

The reason they're calling me a schizo could also be a Jewish cause like preventing me from alarming whites about how evil their owners are and that blacks, mexicans and asians hate them because of media lies.

It's documented that many of the sailors who transported the blacks to america were racial Jews and the boats were owned by jews too. One boat was called zeus.

I was already tortured a lot when I was a kid.

When I revealed that. The Jews put me on around 6 different drugs at once, where some of those individual pills may have actually been complex hybrids of other pill formulas.(not 1 chemical in particular)


Legitimate Alien Footage. I am an alien hybrid who took lsd at the time lol

Fear is unnecessary when you can research something, eat or have sex.

Life is something meant to be done right.

The Rabbi psychiatrist was laughing at all of the residents, telling them that they were all going to die at age 40 for being ODed.

Physiology is another think that I will expose.

Whites Blacks and asians are different ratios of the genetic gear that they have. We're humans are a hybrid species of 6-80 different alien species. Why would drugs work in the first place? 94% of the whole world is non white. As you can clearly see, I am very white.

Don't die without putting up a fight.

I've found out that some of those residents died because their bodies became so vulnerable, when they finally grew into adults and got into drugs, they dropped like flies fast.

When these people were young, they had nice and healthy families, and were super white. The Jews who own the fed ordered for their death because whites function very highly because of their ET organic genetics.

Other humans on earth are lab experiments next to whites, and if whites are also from the lab.. it had to a cosmic laboratory, similar to the one that I used to repair the crust of the Earth when I mercilessly combated the grays to defend the inner earth inhabitants.

I crushed san fran cisco during the early 1900s because any mental detail of me trying to flatten the crust at that spot to not ripple the earth as I moved the fault east after it was put back in nearly accurate positioning.

You people should have more respect naturally, but none of you remember who I am yet.

I will be on the news shortly.


Holy fuck, when?

This is Tetragrammaton. 44,444 Has Occurred.

When I get viral. Just look at all the shit i'm saying. This is one of five sites that I am working on and I've been trying to get viral for two months straight and since last week, I've been getting contacted by news agencies and other big people.

They care to listen to my message. I'm a pro fighter too, so I will get out of the Amateur division now.


DNC Silenced Shawn Lucas - Clintons Are Demons

If you disagree with the political stuff I posted in op, then Pol isn't the right place.

All of you will be so weirded out by the truth that I am actually Pol.

If the admins here help me get my message seen by a good amount of viewers, then I swear I will stop spamming here, because all I need is to get viral.

I have a big message for the whole world to hear. My opinions are beneficial to all souls.

I will use my friends houses and other property IP addresses if I get permanently banned here, like on 7c

I just won't ever stop.

Sacrifices I've made in the past have made me very expendable in this situation. The material body hardware which I, my soul uses to keep this body running is becoming unreliable.

The Illuminati and other factions destroyed me, but I still survive because I am advanced.

Death is choice when the soul inside of your body transcends 6th density. I am actually potentially 6th to 11 density depending on all circumstances I've thought of..

I will relay my message without any other impulses or thoughts of anything different getting in my way.

I am prepared to die, so I can prevent soul harvesting from happening to the people.

I've saved the people on many occasions in the 20th and 21th century alone.

When I moved the earth over san fran cisco when I was in a hurry, I destroyed many souls by accident and the grays were going to use that as an excuse to invade earth so they can feed on souls of innocent powerful white people and other surface dwelling advanced et races.

take it from someone who has been hospitalized for very similar shit (including compulsively posting incoherent ramblings on Sup Forums)

OP needs help. where is his family

The admin here should tell Pol that this guy here in particular is claiming to be Pol irl.

If this happens, I promise that I will stop spamming here. I can be respectful to that oath.

I've been doing this here for two months now. It's clear that I'm not going to give up, especially when I have various other sites and ip addresses (houses) at my disposal here. My message will not ever stop.

I can do this and that's why I am doing this because I literally possess the energy, information and intellect to do so.

Don't you realize that you're the incoherent one because all you see is matter and believe in Jewish psychology?

Modern science is based off of judging groups of things because individuality is complex.. but that's exactly what reality is in every single aspect. Even the aspects which don't currently exist or have yet to exist. It's all complex. Everything is a factor that must be accounted for, most people attempt to judge something with the few systems that they've learned since they were children or highschool/college, ect.

I know almost everything and can use everything almost all at once. You see, I am working with more tools and possess more groceries than you guys do.

I am an ET.

When the whole world sees me, they will feel different.

I am the messiah. This is Tetragrammaton. 44,444 Has Occurred. I am massive bank of information. I come with the box of goodies.
I am the one with 10 bells in one hand, and a sickle in the other hand. This guy right here is a gnarly fucking critter and I will inform the world about every little bit of truth that I possibly can within the shortest duration of time possible.

I dominate the discussion. I am not kind. I will say absolutely anything regardless of any and all things.

It should be obvious that I'm getting viral so just help me out by sharing the fact that I'm claiming to be Pol himself, and that this video right here is worth watching.



I won't ever stop what I'm doing.

Got skype alienbro? I'd like to ask you some questions. I know conceptually about most of what you're talking about. I've been subbed to your channel for about a month, surprised to find another one of your posts here. It's like you're completely crazy, but you also know what you're talking about.

I know what you mean, and the reactions of the entire world will be quite entertaining to me because I'm pulling this stunt off at this given time in particular. I understand that current politics and this plan of mine will mix well with each other, though it may involve me dying in the end.

you just have autism

Thanks for mentioning skype, I may have to download this for what's to come. This webcam here may be used to project me in front of the masses.


Help me understand something. So you're an alien hybrid, but aren't all humans a "hybrid" to some extent? Did you actually incarnate here as a baby or did you literally just hop into a fully developed body? What is it about you that makes you alien if you're in a human body?

Everybody does now, not that I am confirming your assumptions about me or anything.

I don't fulfill in only one direction or have weird patterns or ticks.

I am not even physiologically wired to make silly facial expressions when something emotionally happens to me.

if everyone has autism, then that makes people without it autistic because that normalizes it, which I can turn around on you and say you still have autism.

Okay, so me, my soul is very advanced and alien to aliens and their masters even...
Now, yes we're hybrid packages of many different alien species, but I am more legitimate because I possess more of their dna than most most people on the planet.

My package is also different from most here on earth and I'm modified naturally and modified later in life in material laboratory.
Now my skull was beaten with hammers and bats when I was a kid so many of my angelic features are gone, but my body stature and hue are proof for sure.

Are you the product of monarch