ITT we post pictures of our faces and exchange racist and derogatory bantz.
>inb4 >>/soc/
the bantz aspect is unattainable outside Sup Forums
pic related is me
ITT we post pictures of our faces and exchange racist and derogatory bantz.
>inb4 >>/soc/
the bantz aspect is unattainable outside Sup Forums
pic related is me
You look like you're about to be raped in the navy.
Very slavic, look at that fucking forehead.
Open your eyes you dumb chink
>hey lets reviel our faces so the media and leftys that work here can ruin our lives
I've read somewhere that prominent foreheads/naturally high hairlines are actually a trait common in germanic men. I have some very distant Austrian ancestry, but I'm mostly Czech and also 1/4 merchant.
Oh shit I didn't think of that
Heres me. You can save it if you want.
No need to ask. It's all yours ;^)
I don't have a face pic, but here's a full body one.
stupid wop dago
Me on the left
younger trudeau
Funny how no one at Sup Forums seems to be white.
I've got to admit, it's pretty old. Still I look more or less the same.
hello alex
would fuck
Stop wearing makeup, faggot
You look like you smell of cheap bourbon
Y'all look like a bunch of fags
Quit being lazy FBI, use the NSA backdoor and access our phone camera, laptop camera like a real alphabet agency.
take your data mining to
looks like a cross between a gay mexican and ISIS
Picture of me, rate me faggots
Here's me.
This is the meme of me that got spread around Twitter for a while.
hey you guyyyyz !! :333
too shy to post my face but heres my outfit i guess
just good skincare. also why the fuck would you save this shit? i'm glad i ditched this twink aesthetic since i started browsing /fa/.
V životě jsem neviděl držtičku, která by si víc zasloužila tečku.
Thank you m'lady
You 'mirin?
i think i need to see it from another angle
Your girlfriend is taller than you, isn't she?
user nobody wants to see pictures of your parents from 25 years ago
no lie one of the dopest fits i've ever seen
/fa/ here
You get beat up in school, dont you?
mr president what are you doing on pol holy fuck
>go to forum constantly being monitored by intelligence agencies
>go to forum that the current political powers that be have publicly set their sites on
>"hey post your faces please"
yeah ok
Just fucking with you man. Much love.
Rate me
H-hey boys.
Why do you look like a troll second life character?
You can have my eyes.
I sit here in bed describing 4chin to my gf and show her this pic of moot, founder of the site.
The look on her face was pure disgust.
man I miss bikinis like that...
me on the right
Ok here goes! This one is about two years old but its the best one I have.
The baggy clothing makes you look shorter I think.
My name is Arin Hanson, you may know me as Egoraptor.
This kid lives with his mom.
Also, I like the buzz. Very effay.
are you female or just incredibly andro?
w-would a pic from the back be better?
damn he got fat af
Bend over bitch
Go to fucking school.
This is as much as you'll get from me NSA
Mr. Proxy, Canada has a PM. Not a President.
>people don't know this meme
Wow you're so paranoid
Thanks man. It's approaching a pretty JUST stage now though, I'm trying to grow out a young leo or some shit. Bought enough strom caps to cover it up though so it's all good. I might honestly get something like you have, but the Asians at my school would shit on me for appropriating their hairstyle of choice.
10/10 would plot a fascist coup with
when i was a young lad
He was quite the looker in his younger days.
Here is me. R8 me
Whats up goys?
Kill yourself manlet you're shit genes are ruining the pool
When you're about to break the conditioning.
Hi im America
Asian guys talk shit about it all the time. Got it cut today actually. Most people I know think that I am Asian, but I am actually Swedish/Mexican mix.
I know most of you fags are too scared to post your face, but here's mine. Just gettin off work for the night.
a lot of east germans have slavic roots, especially pomeranians
Tits or gtfo
supreme gentleman is that (you)??
and, hey gents.
allahu ackbar
Im a male you faggot
rate me Sup Forums
Could we have another cocks of pol thread?
Are you from/cp/?
I don't know how you can judge my gender just from my eyes, but I am male.