I recently met Pupinia Stewart by complete fucking chance. We live close by and are close in age. We talked for like three hours on yik yak today. She seems down to hangout. Should I go for it? And no I'm not doing any weird shit for pol (getting nudes ect. go fuck yourselfs)
I recently met Pupinia Stewart by complete fucking chance. We live close by and are close in age...
nobody cares fuck off
give her the goofballs
for trump
would you suddenly care if i proved it
Put your dick in her vagina
i want to play it pretty slow.
>And no I'm not doing any weird shit for pol (getting nudes ect. go fuck yourselfs)
Then go stick your dick in a food processor, I don't give a fuck.
Saged and reported.
Post a pic with her and a timestamp or fuck off
she said not to. she browses pol
>And no I'm not doing any weird shit for pol (getting nudes ect. go fuck yourselfs)
Then fuck off and die faggot.
No one gives a fuck about your social life.
i do... a little :/
>It's a Pupinia shills herself on Sup Forums episode
Do more fake asmr, it's 10/10 keks.
Yeah and my dad works for nintendo
its making me excited you guys dont believe me. i didnt know who the fuck this was until today.
>its making me excited you guys dont believe me.
I don't not believe you or believe you I just don't give a fuck about your life or whoever that cunt is suppose to be.
OMG she would be an amazing girlfriend.
If you can like, work it so you hold hands with her and everything and maybe kiss her w/o tongue until you're both 18 and then marry her you'll be a god king.
she is a youtuber that makes videos pretending to be fucking retarded. She has this whole online persona. Nobody actually knows who she is. she is also well known around poll.
From talking to her she is very anti gay and seems very conservative
Sup Forums has been fucking garbage for the past 2-3 days
You're contributing to that
>she is also well known around poll.
And no.
>u're contributing to that
maybe u should lurk some more
Kill yourself
>maybe u should lurk some more
maybe you should kys
>youtuber who pretends to be retarded
No need to be retarded you faggot
the fuck kind of retarded name is pupinia?
Eat a bag of cock autocorrect
>Pupinia Stewart
im already dead on the inside... so close enough??
>so close enough??
No really kys and stream it you'll get the attention you're whoring for right now.
Put it in slow
>/pol - girls i've met and talked to
I'm sure she's gonna wanna hang now
I will find you and fuck your life up. I'm going to fax child porn alerts to all your neighbors. Have fun moving.
better get moving nigger
Doing God's work,user.
Do it
Just do it
Don't listen to anyone else just do it
gj OP
I think the best thing about this is the faxing part. Like who faxes anymore.
mfw i just tweeted your screenshot, not even the cap
Literally who, and why the fuck should I care? If you want to go for it go for it, it's not my dick. I'm not making your fucking decisions for you.
>Like who faxes anymore.
I do motherfucker.
How else am I to send child porn alerts to neighbors.
I think /r9k/ would be more interested in helping you.
op you fucking faggot
>Yik yak
Nice product placement.
Baroo baroo
Hi guys. Pupinia here. I am NOT meating with this man okay? Okay?
I remember downloading yik yak when it had about 5k downloads as a joke. It's only second to periscope for local trolling
Who the living blue FUCK even ARE YOU that anyone would fucking care?
I'm not getting this joke.
Well this thread was successful
Idk. Maybe a phone call or an email or something.
I actually believe this is real considering only you could be retarded enough to say "meeting"
OP why would you lie on the internet like this.
Yeah yeah, that. My autocorrect won't let me be that retarded.
y did u lie 2 us? y cant u put dick in vagina? WHY?!
>she browses Sup Forums
I hope thats true, her videos are great and her humor is great too, something different and unusual but still hilarious, even better when the normies and utter retards in the comments dont understand it.
She does parody and mock libtards and SJW fags alot and isnt afraid to offend anyone, we need more people and comedians like her
NOBODY is allowed to browse Sup Forums
Fuck off, Sup Forums's full.