You warned me Sup Forums. I should have listened?

Sup Forums you continuously warned that bringing red pilled to the outside will fuck your life.

I'm sorry but you're right. I cant stop being paranoid that I feel like everyone are mindless puppets.

Every movie I watch I see the propaganda and the control.

I'll will never regret taking the red pill but deep down, every lonely cold night.

I wish I did.

Thanks Sup Forums thanks to whoever posted that Sandy Hook post.

You messed me up.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's the first stage of red-pilling. You're upset because it changes your view of the world. The next stage is acceptance, and the third stage is using it to your advantage.

We know.

It's incredibly difficult to live with sometimes.

Anger, anxiety, depression; these are the symptoms of the red pill.

To counter this, you must improve yourself; intellectually and physically.

You must also find things in life that bring you pleasure. If you don't already have some, I recommend hobbies.

TL;DR - we know your feels.

ThisLife isn't over user, its just begun.

Well if it makes you feel better, youre not alone

It actually is comforting knowing youre kind of alone in this shitty world

Just find things outside of pol to enjoy. Dont get drunk around normalfags, and make the most out of life

Its a shitty lot weve been handed but it could be worse

I would leave the uk though, go to straya

You'll get used to it. And this isn't a bad thing, you're now free from the kikes' control.

You will get used to it, or you will go nuts. I didn't sleep for 3 days when I had the moment you are having. It's ok Brit.

start redpilling your family and friends in small increments. it helps and also helps the world.

Over time you get used to it and the paranoia stops

You will laugh at the propaganda instead of getting angry about it

Back when I was at your mindset I'd lose countless hours of my life thinking about my knew knowledge. I go to an amazing school, some teachers are lifelong philosophers that had ancient greek style educations in philosophy and read the Great Books, I talked to them a bunch, so the self doubting stage didn't last too long. In some time you'll learn to use this to your advantage. Just think of this; almost everyone else follows a code, you don't, but you know that code they follow.

Tbh you're acting as if South Africa is a developed first world nation when in reality everyone just kills everyone

No pats in the back. Suck it up, its the only way. Dont try to push your current ideals onto someone other than yourself, maintain a stable life or even improve it if you have enough resolve. Remember to stay well informed from both sides of story.

bide your time

What is the red pill?

Oh sweet child. I was once as you are now. Soon you will learn to master this knowledge, and you will be at peace. The redpill is always distressing at first, but what has ever been gained without some measure of suffering? Go now, and may your spirit be still.

The redpill is the apple from the tree of knowledge in the garden of eden, now that you have taken it god has cast you out of his paradise of bliss and you now know the shame of your nakedness.

It seems the Grinch finally took off the mask

Welcome to hell. You're here forever.

whats the sandy hook post?


It used to be a good country up until 1994 when apartheid was ended.

Then it turned into a 3rd world shithole

This, OP. First, it's quite upsetting, offputting, and soul crushing. Over time it's just a part of life and before you know it, you're walking above these people, not among them.

Learn an instrument.

Write songs that subtly touch on the subjects that mean the most to you. Subtly is key, however.

Better yourself and help us take over the planet.

It was a false paradise. It was just images of beautiful things that weren't real. Now in the real world, there are less beautiful things but I know what is real. I prefer it this way.

To OP, it is true that you'll accept reality at some point and become better for it. I recently reached this point. Don't take it so hard about being different from the people around you. No matter what you believe, there will be people in the world who would want to kill you for believing that thing. The world is not safe and never will be.

>Now in the real world, there are less beautiful things but I know what is real. I prefer it this way.

Holy shit this, I've never heard it worded so well.






>everyone else follows a code, you don't, but you know that code they follow.

You become a wolf among sheeps

ThisAaaaand finally this

>asked my doctor if the red pill was right for me
>that dirty Jew didn't tell me about the side affects
Someone kill me

You're easily manipulated and retarded,

Stick around for a bit, you'll know it when it hits you.

Don't be a faggot. What you're feeling is the conditioning being broken.

You will understand when ahmed from syria sticks his dirty cock up your moms ass against her will.









>taking Sup Forums seriously

Sup Forums is satire m8

>watch my own private idaho
>supposed to be a 90's classic
>turns out its promoting gay's and degeneracy
>almost turned gay for keanu reeves

what have you done Sup Forums

Some nigger broke into my aunt's house in South Africa and beat her over the head with a pipe (or something).

She has pretty bad head trauma now after the last couple months and has gone basically insane and alienated her entire family out of paranoia.

Kaffer didn't even steal anything. He broke in to a house to beat a 65 year old woman over the head.

Fuck South Africa.

>red pill
choose one

user, don't worry. It's better you have been awakened to the flow of the world so you may learn to move against the current.

The old generation works against you with 70 years of experience in this world. Their methods and education are often unknown to the younger generation for a reason, they want to continue their authority and influence.

I'll leave you with this for now... Actions speak louder than words. A majority of the baby boomers have locked their own parents into nursing homes, robbing them of their wealth and using that wealth to further buy properties which they rent out to the younger generation at a high cost while pretty much ignoring or cutting down any sort of good progress in this world in trade for their own benefit of gaining for themselves.

Just let that sink into your head and understand what kind of people the majority of the boomers actually are and understand who the majority of the authority in this world is with today.

>Not taking her out of fucking South Africa

I can believe the high prices thing, when my brother moved out he had to sleep in a sleeping bag cuz he couldn't afford a bed until he got some paper

It's going to get worse as the boomers and many upper class want more for themselves, this is why they prefer socialism.

They are living off of the current working class, which is the later gen x and millennials.

The lower upper class is mostly a parasitic class, which when they breed and have more children, instead of sending their children off to work they instead simply take more from the current workers and give a free ride for their children.

> free house
> free luxury vehicles
> free schooling
> free just about anything

We are talking about people who generate a good 1 million dollars every 4 to 6 years.

The system is way backwards right now... it was never meant to be a massive class of uppers who live off a slave class. That's what socialism is, it's a system where upper class live off the working class people until the economy and society implodes.

>Thanks Sup Forums thanks to whoever posted that Sandy Hook post.
What post? Fill me in.

This is actually true as fuck though. I used to be a normal happy dude who thought Hitler was evil, though Zionism was alright, and trusted the american government.

Now everywhere I go I can't fucking help but think of everyone as mindless idiots who don't think for themselves, but I can never express this to other people because their arrogance is too much even when you shove proof in their fucking faces. They just call you a "nazi" and a "racist" as if that's some how an argument. Im pretty much completely incapable of socializing with people that aren't my group of friends because I just cannot stand talking to people who are clearly ignorant to everything around them.

I want to die. The only thing that keeps me going is the thought of joining the military in a few years so I can go kill brown people in some shit hole country half a world away. Then maybe after that Ill kill myself. But not before.

This. Now grab some rocks and start banging them together until we create the fire that burns Eden to the ground.

>want to die. The only thing that keeps me going is the thought of joining the military in a few years so I can go kill brown people in some shit hole country half a world away
Why the fuck would you fight for a military that kowtows the Israel? Just get the training, drop out, and start circlejerking over the happening while jerking off your guns.

Because I don't like Muslims. Almost as much as I hate jews. Actually now that I think about it, Ill live a bit longer after a few tours just to see how the whole world war 3 thing pans out, and if by 2025 there isn't a fourth reich, new crusade, or some shit like that and we keep sucking up to Jews and Muslims Ill just shoot up a mosque or synagogue and then off myself. Thanks user.

Lmao. 80% of the posters here are trolls trolling trolls.

It's really pathetic if you think memes on the Internet can grant you access to some Gnostic secret truths, or "redpill" you, as you phrase it.

You know the term redpill comes from The Matrix? A film directed by two transgender sisters?

Ooooo - what if the redpill is really just a way to anesthetize you to the collapse of gender roles in the West - you freely make use of the invention of trans people - oo0oo0o sp00ky.

And the producer of the movie? My God, he was a Jew!!!!!

Do you see the pattern OP? How could you have missed it?!?!?!?

Link sandy hook post

user this is not the place for dumb asses such as yourself. I suggest you relocate to Sup Forums.

ur barely redpilled

propaganda is shit it barely fucking works

u need to look past it all the good moves have a lot of occult knowledge for those aware/initiated

watch american ultra after learning a bit about mk ultra the bitch straight up says she is his handler


>imblyign I have enough money to relocate someone and get them a visa

just let me enjoy this one burger

I'm way smarter than you, senpai.

I bet you don't even know nationalism is an outdated tool of the bourgeois in the era of finance capital and that resuscitating its corpse is a reactionary strategy doomed to failure, akin to the futile efforts of the Revivalist Monarchists in post-Revolutionary France.


Nationalism isn't outdated. There has never been a time where loving your nation and race has been a bad thing. At least not yet.

Apparently you dont understand why they are becoming transgender now....I refer you to the examples of the british agent who became a woman mysteriously along with chelsea the whistleblower.....


>im a nigger

Why weep for the sheep, when you are now the wolf?

yeah, shit's more fucked up than most people realize

Being redpilled means being a wolf?

You can be. When someone tricks you, do you simply walk away or do you trick them?

If you dont know you are being tricked you will fall for it every time.

Source on the 'family slaughtered while watching tv' pic?

Being redpilled means being a frog among a herd of sheep.
No way to fit in, just to meme our existences away.

Capital needed the nation state at first in order for it to take root, but now borders are an impediment to globalized trade.

Recent upticks in nationalist fervor are a temporary reaction to the phenomenon that some term neoliberalism, others simply late capitalism. The ideological force driving Trump is actually the same driving ISIS. It's identitarian in nature. Capital works at nullifying identity, transforming 'culture' into niche markets, and generally slicing meaning from its roots.

But the nationalist reaction won't last, how could it? Ask anyone on this board, they'll tell you that they're a capitalist. What they don't realize is that everything they perceive as a problem, "race-mixing," the collapse of traditional gender, vanishing borders, and so on, are the result of natural developments in capitalism itself.

This is why what passes for a red pill here is so funny. It's simply the means by which the ruling class elide blame. The hive mind that is Sup Forums is a useful idiot enabling everything it denounces.

But perhaps this is psychological. Perhaps you secretly know this, and you desire it. You want the refugee to penetrate you - the moniker "rapefugee" a barely subtle fantasy projection.

Isn't it a little miserable?
But yes, accept being miserable feels sorta cool I guess.

I saw the propaganda and mind control before Sup Forums though, you probably did too.

That's why I don't watch TV/movies/news at all because it's now transparently propaganda. My advice is find art house films that even Cannes won't touch and there you will find orig art and filmmaking because it isn't pushing some political message and just exists for it's own sake. These kind of films get buried

this fucking shit!
stop wallowing in self-pity

so what. your fucking safe space popped !

use it t o your advantage you piece of shit.
you have no idea what privilege it is to be aware of shit that other are not aware of.

use it to your advantage.

there is no sandy hook post

you all just got red pilled

You're a weak minded idiot who fell for what he read on Sup Forums

Dear god what a pathetic lot you all are.

The fact that you can say that Im the one that wants to be raped by a muslim is hilarious considering Im the one who despises their very existence while you invite them in to rape and murder innocent europeans. Nationalism is the duty of every decent white person.

That was hours ago bud. It 404'd.

there is no way sandy hook was faked. someone would have came forward. there are way too many variables and people involved.

i love conspiracy THEORIES but this one is too much.

Bump because ive been going through this too

stay strong user


>image of wojack holding string puppets with that schizy copypasta


>Sandy Hook

dude don't worry so much. our numbers are growing and our influence is being felt. sure they'll always be little bitches at heart, but at least they'll be saying the things we tell them to instead of listening to their TV boxes

after my redpilling in 2006, i was ranting on forums about zionism and israel's role in 9/11. it was very lonely back them. there were very few of us.

one such comment (pic related) drew their attention and (((Something Awful))) did a big hit piece on the forum

> bourgeois


Looks like I found the fucking college retard who thinks his gender studies degree makes him the designated messiah of the region.