>teacher student relationship
>14+ rating
how did Riverdale get away with this?
>teacher student relationship
>14+ rating
how did Riverdale get away with this?
No one watches the show.
Is Luke Perry locked into a contract with CBS or something?
I like all of those things.
13 is the new 18 and 16 is the new 30
or something
And still no panties.
It's hilarious in retrospect
We joked about incest all season long, but we got the girl wrong
Too much ass.
Lili is pure love she doesn't understand cuntish behavior.
>Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio
>53.3% black population.
>claims to be a troll&memer
>gets this butthurt
is Lili a stacey?
redpill me on the incest plot senpai
Nah she's a Betty.
Incest, Murder, and an inappropriate relationship?
It's time for me to watch Riverdale.
>>teacher student relationship
You people keep making threads on this show stating this, but you never provide the required webms for my personal "proof",
> incest
I must have missed that episode.
>Lili is pure love
Ronnie is bae
just who is this cunt
Most likely from the suburbs. I grew up outside Cleveland and it's pretty much 95%+ white outside of the city limits of Cleveland.
How did she get the part?
She's genuinely prettier than most women in Hollywood
which episode is this
This is true. She's from Bay Village, which is literally 97% white.
I live in downtown Cleveland now (Warehouse district) and I barely see any black people besides the ones who work at the grocery store and Jimmy John's. Cleveland is surprisingly comfy if you are wealthy.
Guys, is this show actually good or is it just a meme?
>time to grandstand on the internet about bullying
>i'm a celebrity! and i'm a woman! people will listen to me!
>Bay Village
Oh shit I used to live in the town next to there.
My girlfriend made me watch it but I ended up enjoying it.
niqqa, just how salty are you
So far I have watched 5 episodes and I am suprised that I like it.
The murder mystery does it for me and the overall look of the show.
Do you think he abuses her?
it's okay, but it's memed alot more because it's basically a normal teen show which has the Archie licence attached yet has next to nothing to do with it.
>Cleveland is surprisingly comfy if you are wealthy.
the world is your oyster richfag
If he does I hope he tapes it.
I found it really enjoyable, it has a good plot and plenty of waifus.
still one of my favs.
giv betty gf
It's like Veronica Mars except that a really dumb subplot of the week is archie's entire story for the season and he's supposedly the lead
I mean yeah, but the general negative perception of Cleveland means that you don't have to be rich-rich to live pretty well here.
Celebrities are retarded. Celebrity "culture" is retarded. If you give even an iota of a fuck about what some loaded idiot on the TV thinks, you, my friend, are RETARDED. If you don't understand that actors are actors, they are paid to lie on and off camera for money, you are
Sup Forums thinks my post is spam but if you're not retarded you might see what I'm getting at.
Actors are to be laughed at, mocked, or praised for their ability to tell convincing lies in an entertaining ways. You are not supposed to actually believe what they say.
k dude
go back to watching Sargon of Akkad
Sick fucks getting off a girl getting hurt.
>hfw she sees my dick
Never watched. Once you reach a certain level of fame and fortune you're no longer a person. You're both a spokesman and a product.
>Sup Forums thinks my post is spam
Even the website thinks you should stop posting
Its unironically the most ever viewed CW teen drama. It eclipsed everything else theyve shit out.
How long until they make Betty get BLACKED? It is a CW show after all
What else?
It's the funniest show on TV.
Am I wrong?
what kind of idiot says something like this?
An Irish...
How long until Dylan cucks him?
Smart enough to get a dagger past your guards, old man.
so she's not /ourgirl/ then?
what were they telling people to kill themselves over?
do those greentexts make this show worth it or is it bad
>swn smear that lipstick in your cock
I-I mean she would never do that because she is a pure women who wouldn't even think of anything like that.
She got bullied by the twig's fangirls because he's fucking her.
yeah you probably better with veronica for that.
Whos the twig? The Sprouse twins are pretty cool if you're talking shit
How is Jughead on the show? I used to read the comics (I'm old) and I identified a lot with Jughead (I'm... well you know. A Sup Forums user).
He's like a loner, artsy type
>tfw you will never have a Betty gf
>that mouth
theyre just good friends
>lili rhine hart
can she be any more germanic? where is wotan?
There's some slav mixed in there.
>that mouth
I detect lewd thoughts.
>mfw I spend literally all day using dozens of social media accounts to spam every one of Lili's social media outlets with hateful comments towards her about how she should have killed herself when she was depressed and she's ugly and no one will love her because I want everyone to be as miserable as me especially the girls I want but can't have
>mfw she's already revealed multiple times that comments like this affect her and get to her
>mfw she kills herself/develops an eating disorder/develops an anxiety disorder and can't go outside because she's so self-conscious and also afraid of death threats
id like to mix in some of ... oh nvm
I want to put her in a snuff film.
greentext the scenario pls
which episode is this?
404 and 409
any scene with veronica domming over betty?
Way better than the generic blonde.
Ronnie looks like shit irl
>pay her
>sell film
i think that's how it goes
Their makeup staff must be geniuses
I think they did it by implying situations, instead of showing it graphically (or at least for some short frames).
Kinda straight to the point heh, not the artsy type?
One would think if you had a shot at this you'd at least try to do one or two creative scenes. Your mark, if one might say. Like branding, or giving her a bunch of piercings before the end just for fun, or having a horse go on her, something like that.
But I digress. How would you end it exactly?
I don't even know who she is and I don't watch the show, but she looks fucking great in random pics/webms posted here.
>captcha Campus Jugs
Yes, I would like to hold her 'campus jugs', never seen them called that tho.
>ywn be in a food orgy with Ronnie
Why is she so perfect lads?
with big letters saying THE END